View Full Version : After 16,800 Views I had to Make a Comment

05-22-2013, 08:55 PM
UPDATE- May 22, 2013:
Over 16,000 views of my Techniques I Used to Overcome My Panic/Anxiety Disorder thread above in the stickies I feel obligated to comment. It seems that some people misinterpreted this entire thread and what I was trying to accomplish here. This is what I did to go from severe panic, anxiety and agoraphobia to panic and anxiety free. I live a life where no anxiety holds me back at all anymore. I tell you what worked and what didn't work. My goal here is not to brag to you, but to inspire you to create your own journey from where you are now to where you want to be. Your journey will look very similar to mine, but you will need to individualize it. Of course you can't do everything I did because your situation is different and you are not me. But the healing path is generally very similar. Some people could not understand this simple concept. The ones who did get what I was trying to do and put what I wrote here to task have improved greatly. Many people do not even know there is a way past anxiety and spend their time learning to cope with it, rather than overcoming it. Stop organizing your life around anxiety and start pushing through it to restructure your life to be anxiety free. This thread above is how I overcame this horrible anxiety disorder, and use it as an inspiration and even as a template for you to do the same. It can be like a flashlight in the dark. You can even follow it exactly if you want to as well. Just get on some type of healing path and be strong willed to get better. It's Your own healing path and it will have it's own aspects and will not be exactly like mine, but you can use it as a general guide.

I also expect you to do your own research on the many different techniques and products I mentioned in this thread. But people that are not doing the work to overcome anxiety and simply want only to find ways to cope, are not the ones who will take you to where you want to be. They simply prolong the problem. Everyone needs love, sympathy and comfort, but that should be the minor goal, not the major purpose. Your major purpose should be to make anxiety a thing of the past. For example, the worst thing one can do to combat the fear of flying is to postpone a flight. The best thing one can do is keep flying. You should learn to empower each other to become anxiety free, not just create a place where all miserable people can feel better. The goal is to make anxiety a thing of the past.
Understand this with all your heart:
1) You can overcome an anxiety disorder no matter what anybody tells you.
2) You must get on the healing path not the coping path and keep moving forward on it.
3) It is not exactly linear and there will be bumps in the road.
4) You must use your WILL to overcome FEAR
5) No human is perfect, so it is normal to have some fear, anxiety or worry once in a while. The problem is when it is at a disorder level were it debilitates your life or you have to plan your life around it.

Good luck and enjoy!

05-22-2013, 09:10 PM
Thanks for the reminder. Nice to see you. :)

05-22-2013, 09:45 PM
Thanks PanicCured :) I followed a lot of your recommendations (tweaked some of the dosages as I have a high sensitivity to just about everything )and have to say I am doing much better than I was a few months ago! I have had a few setbacks now and then but I guess that is part of the process towards healing and I don't let the setbacks get me down, just keep moving forward...I wish everyone here the best of luck on their path to healing and curing anxiety. It takes time and strong will power so please don't give up when you don't see immediate results...let time pass and be patience with yourself, your nervous system will heal.

05-22-2013, 10:25 PM
Mind over matter!