View Full Version : Everything is coming crashing down

05-22-2013, 02:49 PM
So much stuff has happened in the last month. My anxiety is out of control. My agoraphobia is back and I am scared to death to do anything. I don't know how this as happened to me again. I can't see my med doctor due to insurance issues yet again. No meds and I find my self crawling into this deep dark hole that I can't climb out of. I'm lost and I don't know what to do. At this point I feel like a lost cause.

05-22-2013, 03:01 PM
So much stuff has happened in the last month. My anxiety is out of control. My agoraphobia is back and I am scared to death to do anything. I don't know how this as happened to me again. I can't see my med doctor due to insurance issues yet again. No meds and I find my self crawling into this deep dark hole that I can't climb out of. I'm lost and I don't know what to do. At this point I feel like a lost cause.

That sucks when insurance prevents you from getting some help. When obamacare kicks in fully here things are going to be a bigger mess.

What's good about your situation, although its easy not to see it from your vantage point, is that you have been through this before.

I'm guessing that since you say that it's back again.

You know it will go away, much the same as it did last time.

My guess is much quicker since you are hopefully a little hardened from last time..

Lots of people get over their anxiety and when it strikes again, they get discouraged. Understandably so.

But you have the tendency to be anxious so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise when it comes along.

Understand d again, like last time, that its anxiety and nothing more.

It might be a little scary but not dangerous in any way

I hope you find your way quickly

05-22-2013, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the reply guys.

The last time I was an absolute mess, a lost cause. It was the worst I have ever felt in my life. I didn't sleep, eat, leave my house etc.. Its not that bad at this moment but I am terrified that I may get back to that point. I was also suicidal at the time, again not that bad right now. I owe my doctors office almost a grand because I was getting treatment when my insurance lapsed and I didn't know for about three months that I had no insurance.

I Recently left my second job because my manager was making inappropriate gestures towards me. It made me so angry that an authority figure could be so disgusting and a pig. I wanted to beat the shit out of him but I didn't want to go to jail, because I would have. So I quit. Now I am scared I won't make rent and be able to pay my bills... Even though with my regular job I make enough to support myself. It's just making me angry and anxious. I seriously want to kick this dude in the throat. lol Sorry getting mad from thinking and talking about it. I just need my doc and meds and someone to talk to about this stuff.... I just keep it inside until explode.

05-22-2013, 03:33 PM
Stress is such a B****.

The only thing I can do to take release any stress is boxing and going to the gym. It gets my aggression out and it is a hell of a lot better than hitting someone. I just have to keep my mind right. But its so hard..... Ugh I don't want to go back to my dark place.

05-22-2013, 03:50 PM
Have you tried giving your doctors office a call and just asking for the meds? If they put you on them before, and explain to them your situation, they should be able to give you a script over the phone. I have done this before. Explain your insurance issue and let them know you desperately need help, they should do it for you.

05-27-2013, 12:10 PM
Have you tried giving your doctors office a call and just asking for the meds? If they put you on them before, and explain to them your situation, they should be able to give you a script over the phone. I have done this before. Explain your insurance issue and let them know you desperately need help, they should do it for you.

So I was able to figure out a way to get my medication. It cost me an arm and a leg but I got my seroquel. It's the only thing I can take for anxiety, moods, and sleep. I am recovery from benzos and this shit is affecting my sobriety. I can't do it alone. I can't wait to see my doc. But until then I will keep coming on here and talking to people. People on here have helped me so much, especially in the past. FORWELLS you helped me SOOOOO much. Thank you for your advice and kind words.

I did beat the shit of a punching bag and my instructor lol My hands are swollen and my arms and back are soooo sore! I know it all takes time, but I am so very impatient. :)

Thanks guys