View Full Version : Laugh about your anxiety here.

05-22-2013, 12:34 PM
We've all done and thought some very silly things while anxious/panicking. I though we could use a thread to laugh about ourselves and expose anxiety for what it really is: a big, harmless joke. A lie.

Then when you feel anxious you could just visit this thread and realize how your fears make no sense at all.

I'll start:

Once I was watching a movie that I had downloaded when suddenly anxiety strucked me. Then for no reason I started to believe the authorities would find out I had gotten that movie illegally and would track me down and arrest me. It took me some good 30 minutes to convince myself that I was being really stupid. Today I look back and wonder how could I have possibly thought that.

05-22-2013, 02:07 PM
I recently bought a pair black jeans. I noticed when I got home from wearing these to a dinner that my hands were black I immediately panicked that I had some skin disease, when I removed them shock horror it was all down my legs too..

When I asked my partner what it could be he calmy told me the dye in the jeans...

Overreaction or what!? :-)