View Full Version : I have anxiety AND actual real heart problems!

05-22-2013, 09:30 AM
About 2 years ago I had really bad chest pains and so I went to the ER. I had an x-ray and ultrasound which showed the walls of my heart had thickened. My EKGs were abnormal as well. I was admitted to the hospital for observation. Saw the cardiologist at the hospital, did a stress test on the treadmill, I was able to reach my max heart rate, and then was sent home. My family doctor prescribed me metoprolol for my high blood pressure and also cholesterol lowering medication. I was really overweight, heavy drinker, chain smoker, tons of energy drinks, pretty much overall a very unhealthy person. I even developed gout and I was only 24 at the time (oh yeah, I know what you're thinking, I'm too young to have all these old people diseases and medication :P). Slowly though I have been getting better at taking care of myself, I stopped all the bad stuff, exercise daily, eating healthier, lost 35lbs, and all my blood work/vitals come back very good at each checkup.

Fast forward to the beginning of this year and things started falling apart and I got back into old habits because I was stressing over a lot of things. I started feeling really weird and just very restless. I figured its because I had been drinking and smoking a lot again, but my regular checkups at the doctor seemed ok so I really didnt think much of it (or so I thought..). I started having mild anxiety attacks everyday, which at the time I had no idea what was happening. Eventually I had a full blown panic attack, hyperventilating, entire numbness of my body, and that incredible fear I know you are all very familiar with. So again I went back to the ER and was told I had a panic attack, but as a precaution they did all the test again. Heart was still enlarged and EKGs come back abnormal so they admitted me to the hospital once again. Took another stress test, it was good, and I was sent home. After experiencing this huge anxiety attack things that were happening became clear to me. That I had been having these attacks everyday, how I've been stressing so much, and that the first time 2 years ago I went to the ER about chest pains that an anxiety attack most likely triggered that as well.

That was back in March, later that same week I went to the ER I turned 26 and I was no long covered by my moms insurance (its one of the reasons that I was stressing so much). I had seen my doctor the day after I left the hospital and he just told me to continue my medication. I had asked him about my anxiety and he really didnt address. Just kinda brushed it off sort of as something I just have to deal with. An all too common response I know, but granted its the first case of me having an anxiety attack its somewhat understandable. However, since then till this very day I've been having anxiety attacks nearly everyday. Sometimes I am able to keep them in control, make them go away, but there have been a couple of times I've gotten near the edge of just everything falling apart just like when I did 2 months ago. I ended up quitting my job because of my anxiety a month ago. Now I have no money or insurance to see my doctor now. Admittedly, my anxiety has gotten better, but its still there affecting me everyday (its the reason why I am still up at 7:30am right now typing this). I am just trying to get some answers to deal with this till I can get things back on track.

I've read a lot of about anxiety and learned so much which has helped me managed it decently. The thing that bothers me is, how do I know if its my anxiety thats bothering me or my actual heart problems? Everything I read about anxiety says go to the ER, get your heart checked, once you find out that you are ok you have to worry about your palpitations, its just the anxiety, etc. Well what happens in the event that you do have heart disease along side with your anxiety like me? There doesnt seem to be an answer, its either you address one or the other, not both. Well at least thats what all these damn articles on the internet seem to say, that both dont ever occur simultaneously. You can see why I have a even hard time coping with my anxiety knowing that I actually do have heart problems. Even if I were able to see my doctor and get a short term solution with medication to quickly address my anxiety how safe is it for my heart? I've read that a lot of these anxiety medications tend to increase your heart rate and that surely cant be good for me. I dont know what to do, I cant do this on my own anymore. What can I do without insurance and without money? I'm terribly afraid to try to get a new job, but at the same time I dont want to get one. I worked 7 years full-time at a place I hated to be everyday. I feel like I just need a break, but I cant get any real rest and relaxation with this anxiety crawling up my neck everyday. Granted I probably know the answers to this, but I would much rather hear it from you guys. I have felt a disconnect from the world since I've been having this anxiety and I feel like some kind of connection would help me.


05-22-2013, 11:03 AM

I have anxiety AND actual real heart problems too! Are you my long lost twin? Wow, there is so much there to process. What's interesting here to note is that you recognize things that are wrong about yourself, look at what you're putting into yourself, connect the two, and realize that those things added together = Trainwreck. Cause and Effect. Drinking, gambling, swearing, smoking, Monsters, junk food, sodium, drugs, robbing, terrorizing, destroying, stealing, harming,..wait, the later half of that was me! Sorry...I'm back. You find out that all of those things, created another thing and you stopped them all. APPLAUSE! That's hard to do. I can do that too.

You then decide that just maybe you can fly under the bad substances radars and that they won't notice what you're doing, all over again. Some more of the same issues arrise and seem to reappear. You didn't didn't go unnoticed by the wide array of poisonous products that some of our peoples create for us to enjoy. Oh, but our Governments make them state somewhere on the can, pack, or bottle that this substance MAY CAUSE EVERYTHING TO GO WRONG but if it does, we told you so we are not liable for your decisions and applicable risks. Yer on yer own! We are all given the freedom of choice, whether right or wrong, it is our decisions. We all do this same thing from time to time. The whole idea here is to learn from the mistakes, the first time and never to repeat the same mistake again. At least that's the theory anyway.

I have a disease that will never go away and leave me alone, again. This disease has damaged my heart valves. There is nothing that anyone can do about this damage. If this disease ever attacks me again, it will potentially do more damage to the heart valves. I think we all need fully functional and performing heart valves to survive. I do not worry about the heart nor the valves. Why? Because I refuse to worry about something that I nor anyone else on this planet can fix, change, alter, or adjust. I am forced to accept what I have been given. I also know that if I did allow or permit myself to worry about my heart/valves then the mere thoughts and continued mind focused energy all pointing to my heart/valves will cause and provoke something to actually happen to the heart that I wish to keep functional. Mind-Body connection. The brain in The Mother Board control unit. If I allow it to spiral out of control, then everything else goes out of control.

I also have no insurance. I also now have no income. I also now can not perform at a job that I had done for 30 straight years and I actually enjoyed my job and the income too. It all went POOF!...disappeared. Do I worry about that? Not exactly. I know I was instantly and suddenly forced to START OVER. It isn't upsetting, its frustrating to figure out what this new life direction is supposed to actually be. A MAJOR challenge to say the least.

Some anxiety medications can cause increased heart rate but not all of them. It is completely different for each individual patient taking them. Some like them, some don't. I wish there was just one that worked for everyone, but we are all different in thousands of ways. You'll have to find one that suits you.

Basically, you appear to be back on the exact track that you know you're supposed to be on already. Now you just need some patience, and ability to relax your mind.

You have to force yourself to accept your heart for the way that it presently is. Forget the past, live in the present, and hope for the future.

Hope is really all anyone has anyway.

E-Man :)

05-24-2013, 05:56 AM
Wow, this reply just made my day. I havent been able to sleep well since I first made this thread and all day my heads been throbbing and causing my anxiety to wreak havoc. After reading this it gave me a huge boost in my mood and my symptoms cleared out. I'm glad to see someone in the same situation, but with a much better positive attitude and outlook on it. It really does give me hope. I need to change my attitude as well and to stop letting my thoughts about my heart take control and prevent me from living my life. Like you said, I am back on track and as long as I keep the good going it'll keep things from getting worse, and hopefully eventually get better.

Thank you for the post, Enduronman . It made a world of a difference for me. You made my first experience on the boards a really great one and I will definitely be hanging around here more often.

05-24-2013, 06:04 AM
You're more welcome then you even know friend! Yes, it's all in your attitudes and thoughts. You're way more in control then what you gave yourself credit for and you can gain total control in a split second too! I can see that!

Have a great day and make this a great day! Accept nothing less...

E-Man. :)