View Full Version : Heartburn maybe

05-22-2013, 04:25 AM
Since I've developed this bad anxiety I often get this pain just in my chest and it feels like a burning sometimes stabbing pain on the right side of my chest and its under my breast going in to the side... I got a feeling this may be heartburn but can anyone else help me with this? I've never suffered from heartburn or indigestion before so bit worried to why its flared up now? I have just eaten as well... Thanks x

05-22-2013, 05:03 AM
More then likely, yes. Heartburn or gastric reflux. High stress, worry, concern, can all cause stomach issues and amazingly enough when the stress is lowered and some dietary adjustments made, it generally just goes away.

This has nothing to do with death. I'm sure of that.

E-Man. :)