View Full Version : spouse support

08-16-2007, 06:42 PM
my wife has had anxiety attacks since 2001. She has been on paxil and just recently switched to celexa. She also has adavant to really cope. The issue is none of these seem to work. She also sees a psychiatrist. I have gone with her even. I read up and have always been supportive and tried to be positive and inspire her.We are planning on going on vacation soon and evey night I come home from work and she is a mess. I suggest things from what I read, We have the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety as well as Panic Away by Joe Barry. Tonight I got really angry because she called me and was upset and crying I told her to go exercise until I get home but when I got home she was still in her work close on the couch in a depressed state, Is there any support for spouses of people with anxiety?

V for Victor
08-18-2007, 10:06 AM
Welcome to the forums! Sorry it took so long for somebody to respond. :)

It's very good that your so supportive of your wife. Too many times, spouses don't understand anxiety/depression, and therefore dismiss it.

I'm not sure exactly how many groups and communities there are for spouses of people who have anxiety, but there may be some out there. You're certainly welcome to post any questions or stories you have here, because we all understand what it's like to have anxiety and can help you help your wife.

It sounds like you've done your homework on the topic, though. Exercise is a very beneficial way of helping to relieve anxiety.

All medications are not created equal, and I know people personally who had to try several different kinds before they found the one that worked for them. If your wife is still interested, she could go see the doctor about switching to some different kinds of medication, to see if she can find one that works. It's a common problem for people with anxiety/depression, this search for the right med. But once you find it, it can be very helpful in controlling and overcoming anxiety.