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05-22-2013, 02:12 AM
Could social anxiety be defined as lightheaded as soon aa u walk in a resturaunt or public place

05-23-2013, 11:54 AM
In my opinion, social anxiety would better be defined if there was an apprehension, tension, or fears of some sort prior to even going to a restaurant. Social avoidance all together seems more likely to depict social anxiety. The lightheadedness would be one of many possible symptoms related to a general anxiety disorder with panic. Especially if this panic just erupts after you walk in the door. I would think that this touches more in the performance anxiety area. Kind of like if you're OK in a classroom and then suddenly attention is drawn to you for some reason, or a class presentation and its suddenly your turn, then the panic sets in. Performance anxiety first then of course the later when it becomes social anxiety avoidance issues, then it grows to more other things from there..
