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05-22-2013, 02:04 AM
Well I haven't posted much here but I do need some advice. Ok I am constantly lightheaded. Sometimes it will last for a week then go away. Or sometimes it's constant. Its so bad sometimes that I Don't even want to go outside. Its running my life and it does happen also when I'm not panicky or stressed. I notice it more when I'm with people or stressed. But not all the time. My question is can u have anxiety symptoms and not actually feel anxious or on ur ties. Because I'm so tired of this.. I freak myself out thinking its more serious.. sometimes I go weeks feeling Great then BAM HITS ME..I don't know much about anxiety because just about a year and half ago it hit me like wbiplash.. didn't know what the hell was going on.. plz hell.. Thank u

05-22-2013, 04:53 AM
Hey Lauren.
I've seen something like this first hand in both of my daughters, same symptoms. Of course they both have anxiety, and of course the first thing that they both thought is that it is related to anxiety. To some degree, anxiety may play into this but isn't the sole reason for it. They were both constantly dehydrated and even though I told them both to just drink some water everyday, didn't quickly alleviate their symptoms. I had to literally make sure that they drank fluids that actually hydrate them (of course they both thought I was being an "insert word here") but it was a price that I had to pay. They would only drink coffee, sodas, energy drinks, and all that was making them a complete unhealthy mess, repeating the same thing all the time, and from my point of view, banging their heads against a brick wall without my assistance. The Dr. found 0 wrong with them, in this regard, other then DEHYDRATION DAILY.

So, drink more hydrating fluids daily and also be sure your diet consist of more then just junk foods too. (high sodium foods will make this WAY worse). If that does not quickly help, then make an app for the DR to discuss the issue with them.

Hope that helps!

E-Man. :)

05-22-2013, 11:04 AM
Well I haven't posted much here but I do need some advice. Ok I am constantly lightheaded. Sometimes it will last for a week then go away. Or sometimes it's constant. Its so bad sometimes that I Don't even want to go outside. Its running my life and it does happen also when I'm not panicky or stressed. I notice it more when I'm with people or stressed. But not all the time. My question is can u have anxiety symptoms and not actually feel anxious or on ur ties. Because I'm so tired of this.. I freak myself out thinking its more serious.. sometimes I go weeks feeling Great then BAM HITS ME..I don't know much about anxiety because just about a year and half ago it hit me like wbiplash.. didn't know what the hell was going on.. plz hell.. Thank u

Hi , yeah , I've been having the same problem and the more I worry bowt it the more I notice & get it ... Havnt had it 4 a few wks now

05-22-2013, 01:26 PM
Have to agree with E-Man here (gee, what a surprise!) ..... it can be caused by anxiety but there are SO MANY other reasons for it. I have spent most of my life feeling that type of lightheadedness and am slowly but surely eliminating a lot of things that cause it. Yes, dehydration is a big one. I now know that when I get lightheaded along with nausea and fatigue, I haven't had enough water.

Another cause for me was reactive hypoglycemia. I can't eat something sweet all by itself. I have to have it with some protein and fat to slow down the metabolism, otherwise it spikes my glucose level up too quickly and then the insulin surge brings it down too quicklly, leaving me weak and lightheaded and shaky.

Another time it happens to me is if I eat too many carbs. Moderation and balance is key. Combine carbs, protein and fat in each meal and snack.

Do you drink a lot of coffee? I have, all my life, but lately between the anxiety and my hyperthyroid I have made a major effort to wean myself down to a reasonable amount. I've noticed that I'm getting that lightheaded feeling less. (shrug)

Get healthy, emotionally and physically, and watch the head clear!

05-22-2013, 07:54 PM
Thanks. I Don't always eat at the best time. But I hate it. I think it has to do with sleeping too much cause I notice yesterday I slept till 2. I was lightheaded.. all day. Today I woke up early like at 7 am and felt good alllll day. I don't get it. Maybe too much sleep? ?