View Full Version : constant health symptoms

05-21-2013, 08:26 PM
So over the past few days I haven't been to bad mentally however physically is another story. I am on antibiotics for strep throat atm and I have now got my appetite back which was exciting as I had lost a few kilos from stress, I was hoping to put a kilo or 2 back on but in the last 3 days I have had to run to the toilet each time I eat. Im now scared that I still have something serious as my doc ran more tests and I got results over the wknd and everything was normal but my liver function was slightly elevated but still in the normal range. I dont know if I should go back to docs to get further tests? I dont know if its just stress and anxiety or if its to do with my liver.

05-22-2013, 04:35 PM
Sorry I should of stated that I am on a probiotic aswell as antibiotics. However the blood work was done before I got the strep throat and I got the results the same day as I got diagnosed with strep throat. I am just at a loss as to what my body is doing. I just want to stop losing weight... I have my appetite back which is great but im still losing weight and now the whole having to go to the toilet after I eat is stressing me out.. I keep thinking its something to do with my liver. I just want to feel relatively healthy again :(