View Full Version : back again

08-16-2007, 06:10 PM
its been a couple years since ive felt like this,
im 19 and i started feeling like this in highschool,
im always tired, depressed, anxious about everything, stressed out and the overwhelming fear that im worthless and my life means nothing
I used to be on lexapro for about a year but then eventually stopped taking it , it helped at first then it seemed to not be as affective,
my mind is always cluttered and its hard to get my thoughts, feelings and words out,
i wanna feel normal again, what can i do?

08-16-2007, 08:54 PM
Try therapy if you haven't already! Sometimes just a few sessions can help a lot if you have a decent therapist.

Also read a few self help books on anxiety/depression, make sure you are eating right, exercising, and sleeping enough, and don't drink too much alcohol. All of those help a decent amount.

08-17-2007, 01:45 PM
yeah im actually starting to eat right, drink water(wich i rarely did)
and im doin some excersizes, well see if it helps