View Full Version : Help!

05-21-2013, 08:12 PM
I feel so panicky and anxious right now! It feels like I'm short of breath, chest hurting, etc. I'm about to panic!

05-21-2013, 08:27 PM
I know how u feel I was doing ok till yesterday when it felt like my heart was going explode out of my chest and was so panicked was yelling help I couldn't even sit down wich don't think would happen if I was having true heart attack but still freaked out cause I've had low heart rate and blood pressure at times, stay strong I knw it's hard it's like a viscous cycle every day it seems

05-21-2013, 08:41 PM
I know how u feel I was doing ok till yesterday when it felt like my heart was going explode out of my chest and was so panicked was yelling help I couldn't even sit down wich don't think would happen if I was having true heart attack but still freaked out cause I've had low heart rate and blood pressure at times, stay strong I knw it's hard it's like a viscous cycle every day it seems

Yes it truly is a vicious cycle!! My chest just hurts and I keep getting light headed which cues panic for me! :( I don't have anything to monitor my heart rate or blood pressure.

05-21-2013, 10:33 PM
you just need to relax and everything is gonna be ok.. I don't know if your religious or not but I put my faith with god.. that helps me a lot.

05-21-2013, 11:18 PM
you just need to relax and everything is gonna be ok.. I don't know if your religious or not but I put my faith with god.. that helps me a lot.

Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, I'm religious. I am reading Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer, it seems to help. That and praying but in the heat of the moment... I just can't focus. I'm a little on edge after the monster of a tornado ripped through my state Monday leveling so much.