View Full Version : Help!!

05-21-2013, 05:53 PM
I was taking 10ml of Paxil and just got off it tonight will be 4 days ago. Yesterday and today I have been having really bad withdraw symptoms. My head hurts, I can't get up or I feel sick to my stomach and the longer I stay up the worse it gets. I'm tired all day and just want to sleep. After I eat my stomach hurts. I feel like I have the flu. I'm on and off hot and cold. I'm usually cold though. It's very hard on me because I can't do a thing. Any suggestions?? Does anyone know how long this will last?? I can't take this any more.

05-21-2013, 07:18 PM
Hey Samantha...... You should never stop these meds cold turkey. They are playing with the chemicals in your brain and usually give you terrible withdrawal symptoms when you stop abrupty. I would suggest start taking them again and see your doc for something different to try. He will tell you how to ween of them properly. Good luck and Take Care! :)

05-21-2013, 07:44 PM
Hey Samantha...... You should never stop these meds cold turkey. They are playing with the chemicals in your brain and usually give you terrible withdrawal symptoms when you stop abrupty. I would suggest start taking them again and see your doc for something different to try. He will tell you how to ween of them properly. Good luck and Take Care! :)

They make my anxiety worse and make me feel suck and I don't want to have to go through withdraw again.

05-21-2013, 08:23 PM
Horrible when tablets aren't right for you and you are getting side effects, and now withdraw symptoms. You should take it slow coming off tablets and definitely under advice and supervision of your doctor. Hope your withdrawal ends soon.
Understand if now not want take meds, but they can be really good if you get right ones for you.
If you don't want chemicals you could always ask about herbal tablets to help you. It is best to get advice on herbal ones either from your doctor if he agrees in them, luckily mine does, or see a nutritionist. I recently saw one who worked for a health food chain. Luckily it was not a hard sale and I was able to take my time to decide whether I bought what he suggested - I did in the end and they were expensive, but trying them hoping they do help.

05-21-2013, 08:28 PM
They make my anxiety worse and make me feel suck and I don't want to have to go through withdraw again.

If these pills make you worse, hurry to see your doc, another med should stop those symptoms so you don't have to feel so shitty.

Good luck Sam ! We're hoping the best for ya!

05-21-2013, 09:37 PM
Thank you! I did tell my doctor that they made me sick and she told me to keep taking them. I would like to try herbal medication to see if that helps. I'm hoping since I was on such of a small douse that I will feel better here soon. I feel better after I get sleep but then again I can't sleep all day I have a puppy to take care of. Luckily for me I still live with my parents so they help me out. My mom let me sleep a lot today and she watched my puppy cuz she knew I didn't feel well. She even made me soup for dinner. I will talk to my doctor and see what I can do.

05-22-2013, 06:11 PM
Felt better this morning but as the day progressed I felt bad again. Not as bad as the last two days though. Hopefully this means I'm getting better.