View Full Version : Heart fear...obsessive thoughts

05-21-2013, 05:30 PM

So here I am crazy heart fear. Thinking I'm going to die or any pain is heart related. I get pains in my arms,chest,tummy,jaw and that's me I think this is it even tho I've had it a million times. I do think it's turning into health anxiety tho because I'm freaking about pains in my head or ears or using the bathroom to often. Thinking these are sure signs I'm on the way out. Anyone else feel like this?

05-21-2013, 05:37 PM
I was just about to post about heart/chest pains. I definitely have health anxiety. Has it since spring 2011. I always think I have a heart problem because my chest hurts. Today I keep getting real quick stabbing pains in my heart that literally last a second or 2 then go away and come back. What does your heart/chest pain feel like?

05-21-2013, 08:12 PM
What's Ur blood pressure and heart rates when that happens

05-21-2013, 09:23 PM
You should go to your doctor and rule out any health problems, because then you can concentrate on getting over anxiety and depression which cause all symptoms you describe.
Try meditation and calming techniques to breath deep and slow and this will help with your heart racing etc.
Lots of ways to get help so talk to your doctor about access to mental health courses and groups which can really help with advice and support.

05-22-2013, 03:23 AM
I was just about to post about heart/chest pains. I definitely have health anxiety. Has it since spring 2011. I always think I have a heart problem because my chest hurts. Today I keep getting real quick stabbing pains in my heart that literally last a second or 2 then go away and come back. What does your heart/chest pain feel like?

my chest pains feel the exact same way and it scares me half to death. i have a doctors appointment tommorow for a checkup and to see if what i have is anxiety. my chest pain is almost always on my left side but rarely it switches to the right for a second. and thats what my pain is, stabbing pains for a second and then it goes away.

05-22-2013, 12:53 PM
My chest pain is tight I do get the sharp pain or sometimes like a squeezing pain. I've had loads of ecgs,chest X-rays and bloods in the past. All normal I'm just so afraid. I've got a pain in my back in between my shoulder blades like a stabbing pain :(

05-22-2013, 01:38 PM
My chest pain is tight I do get the sharp pain or sometimes like a squeezing pain. I've had loads of ecgs,chest X-rays and bloods in the past. All normal I'm just so afraid. I've got a pain in my back in between my shoulder blades like a stabbing pain :(

I have the pain in my back also

05-22-2013, 03:09 PM
I have the pain in my back also

Same here..

Sarah Griffin
05-22-2013, 03:49 PM
I feel the exact same way. All my anxiety is around my heart. It started just over a year ago and i had to go to A&E because i thought i was having a heart attack. Even though i know now that its just panic i still feel that each time it happens this is the time its going to kill me. Every time i feel an unusual sensation in my body something stupid like a tingling in my foot i think its a symptom of a heart attack or a stroke. Then the panic kicks in. I am constantly on edge and waiting to feel something that doesn't feel quite right. Im always at the doctors asking for tests for different things and they just tell me to stop worrying. If only it was that simple then none of us would be here! Nice to know Im not the only one worrying about the heart though..

05-22-2013, 10:30 PM
I don't get stabbing pains, but whenever my chest or arms are site I freak out. I've dealt with it for over two years, and I've had at least 15 doc appointments all which say I'm healthy. Anxiety is so frustrating sometimes. Your not alone !

05-23-2013, 09:59 PM
Kimby88 - hope you are managing to get some relief from your anxiety and been able to rule out any definite health problem so that you can now work on relaxation and trying to control your anxiety.
Hope you are able to relax better at the moment.

05-24-2013, 01:24 AM
Im exactly the same I always panic even though ive had the same feeling loads of times. Our minds just wont rest. Its scary when it happens. The problem is our symptoms are so much like the symptoms to heart attacks ect. Our mind has nothing else but to overthink. What I do is observe my symptoms over 1 hour and if they dont go away I would go to A&E or ER to get it checked out, that way even if its not serious your mind will be put at ease.


05-24-2013, 08:04 PM
I have the pain in my back also
The pain in your back between your shoulder blades is most probably epigastric pain ( given that anxiety causes irritable bowel as well as an increase in stomach acid e- both of which are harmless ) my suggestion to all of you is to try Gas X ( Simethicone)or the equivalent in your country. This is an over the counter med, not in any way dangerous. ( Simethicone is the active ingredient. It will get rid of this pain in 30 to 45 minutes, Good Luck ! Be Well.

05-25-2013, 12:09 AM

So here I am crazy heart fear. Thinking I'm going to die or any pain is heart related. I get pains in my arms,chest,tummy,jaw and that's me I think this is it even tho I've had it a million times. I do think it's turning into health anxiety tho because I'm freaking about pains in my head or ears or using the bathroom to often. Thinking these are sure signs I'm on the way out. Anyone else feel like this?

Hi, Your not crazy it's just your anxiety playing games with you! Relax, breathe and you will be fine.:) Try and focus your mind onto something nice and peaceful! xx