View Full Version : Night Sweats

05-21-2013, 04:33 PM

Yeah, yeah, before I start complaining and searching for answers - I know, anxiety is making us act and think foolish, my complaint might be just one of those retarded thoughts. Anyway, a couple of days ago I started getting night sweats - they are not intense and not all over the body, but my whole pillow is wet when I accidentally wake up during the night. Has it occurred to you to? Has my health anxiety just flared up or have I reasons to be concerned about? I think it may be whatever - cancer, hypoglycemia, infection, lung issues. Soon I will visit my GP to check my blood - just in case.

This Monday I had my last exam(so happy that school is over!) and as I am now winding down everything just keeps irritating me. I can relate those night sweats to this fact, but not sure.

05-21-2013, 04:43 PM
I've never had night sweats, so I can't relate to that.. but! You say you're just finishing up school? I bet it definitely has something to do with that! The 2 years I was in school finishing up my degree, I had ZERO panic attacks. I was stressed out of my mind, yes.. but anxiety / panic attacks, no! After I graduated my anxiety started to come back, and it was most definitely because my mind was no longer occupied and I wasn't keeping myself busy anymore.

I may have been stressed out while in school, but I was getting all that energy out by studying, doing school work, working on projects, etc.. I had real reasons to feel stressed, I was able to recognize them, and do something about it. Now that i'm out of school, I'm stressed for no real reason, can't figure it out, so what do i do?? start freaking out and getting anxiety. Your body is probably still stuck in high gear and now that school is winding down, your body isn't ready to wind down just yet. I wouldn't worry about it, i've never heard of night sweats hurting anybody. Just keep busy with other things and your body will start to adjust. Take care!

05-21-2013, 04:51 PM

It seems like a very logical explanation and I have been thinking of that too! Well, I will just focus on my works and if blood tests come back negative then I can be totally sure that everything is superb.

Take care you too!