View Full Version : Can't seem to shake these headaches

05-21-2013, 09:29 AM
Ahhh I know there are numerous posts on headaches. I can't seem to shake mine! I mean it does feel like tension but I have also been suffering from allergies. My head sometimes feels really weird! Like I will take ibuprophen and the headache will be gone but then my head feels weird, kind of dizzy but more like just a buzzing weird sensation! Not sure, hope its just anxiety considering my mom did pass away from a brain tumor! But my mom never had headaches when she found out she had a brain tumor, she had neuro problems like she could not feel one of her feet while she was driving and I believe she had some weird sensations! I can't exactly remember what all she experienced before she found out. But I try not to think its a brain tumor or anything. But it has been bothering me quite a bit. Seems like I have one every single day.

05-21-2013, 10:14 AM
I had headaches for a week straight, maybe a little longer.. just recently.. and it turned out to be tension headaches. It was all in my eyes and neck, and i too think it had to do with allergies because i thought the pain in my eyes was probably due to my sinuses. The pollen around where i live has been crazy recently, and although i've been allergy-tested and I am not allergic to anything, i'm sure this heavy pollen has had some effect. But yeah, i thought it was never going to go away. Took pain meds, it only took the edge off never really made my headaches completely go away.. but they eventually did. Took about a week and a half to 2 weeks.