View Full Version : Herbal Meds

05-21-2013, 04:20 AM
Hi, I'm new to this site and would love some feedback on experiences with herbal meds. Been reading about:
St John's Wort

I'd like to know if if worked and if so when did you take it and how much. I worry (surprise surprise :) ) they will make me sleepy but if taken at night will they calm me during day?

I have mild anxiety - always feel like something really bad is about to happen and after years of ignoring it I want to do something about it.

Really appreciate any feedback! :)

05-21-2013, 09:26 PM
I take Valarian, 500mg which is strong to me. I take it at night cuz it will make you sleepy. However you can go lower to 2mg which I didn't feel effects in.

It's natural. Try it and you'll see how it feels for you.

05-28-2013, 09:38 AM
I did a cycle of Valerian Root and Passion Flower for 8 weeks and noticed a HUGE difference (along with CBT).

I would use:

Valerian Root (450mg) 2x per day, one morning & one at night
Passion Flower (250mg) 2x per day, one morning & one at night

During the day i drank chamomile tea

I did this for 8-10 weeks straight, then i switched to Bach remedies. I use their "Rescue Remedy" and "Aspen", 2 drops 4x per day.

I would try to find a good Homeopathic Dr or Naturepath Dr. Herbal remdies and the way to go if you ask me!

I will also say, there's nothing wrong with taking prescribed meds. ANYTHING you take is only a bandaid, they most effective and long term cure will be therapy and lifestyle changes.

Good luck!

05-29-2013, 09:59 PM
I made a tea of chamomile and passionflower ... It does help to calm. But had to order passionflower online.