View Full Version : My fear

05-20-2013, 09:31 PM
I have figured out my underlying fear that causes me so much distress. Of all the thoughts I have that cause me anxiety, wether it be a violent thought about my daughter, a weird off the wall random thought, or my obsession with schizophrenia it all comes full circle back to one thing...a terrible, uncomfortable fear of losing my daughter. In anyway possible that I could lose her, I fear it. She is my world and I would be completely and tragically lost without her. The code is unlocked. Now what?

05-20-2013, 10:57 PM
The only thing you can do is trust yourself when youre with her and trust her when she is with someone else or away. I'm sure everyone has this on their worry list. Anyone with children.

05-21-2013, 12:33 AM
Yes, I feel you on this one.. I also get worried and think horrible things about my parents. My mom is 62 years old and she had a stroke 2years ago.. when I'm away, horrible thoughts just pop in my head like.. I can't live without her, what if she has a stroke right now an I will never see her again..I just have to enjoy the moments I have with her and have faith that she is gonna be here for many more years to come.. I guess our anxiety triggers those horrible thoughts.. your daughter, my mom, you and I and everyone here in this forums are gonna be just find with many more years of life! :)

05-21-2013, 02:48 AM
I have figured out my underlying fear that causes me so much distress. Of all the thoughts I have that cause me anxiety, wether it be a violent thought about my daughter, a weird off the wall random thought, or my obsession with schizophrenia it all comes full circle back to one thing...a terrible, uncomfortable fear of losing my daughter. In anyway possible that I could lose her, I fear it. She is my world and I would be completely and tragically lost without her. The code is unlocked. Now what?

Hi I'm a mother of a 26yr old daughter who has mental illness she suffers from borderline personality disorder and all I do is worrie about loosing her. She has had many suicide attempts over the last 12yrs and I'm scared every minute of the day that I'm going to get that telephone call telling me she's gone:-(! I truly feel your pain. If you ever need to chat ect please PM me. xx

05-21-2013, 05:32 AM
Melly, have the new meds helped any? Alankay

05-21-2013, 06:44 AM
Codes???..I like codes! Let's try to break it!

It is a key, the key is a blank, the key must now be cut in order to unlock the door that has you trapped...

How do you cut it?

You go back to the thoughts that led you to what appears to be The Final Conclusion.

You go back to the beginning and define the events that you observed but have not yet fully understood or accepted.

Accept them. Discard them. The key then has (1) notch.

Keep cutting it.

You'll know when the key is finally done.

There are some codes...

It isn't as mysterious as it appears.

E-Man. :)

05-21-2013, 01:08 PM
Codes???..I like codes! Let's try to break it!

It is a key, the key is a blank, the key must now be cut in order to unlock the door that has you trapped...

How do you cut it?

You go back to the thoughts that led you to what appears to be The Final Conclusion.

You go back to the beginning and define the events that you observed but have not yet fully understood or accepted.

Accept them. Discard them. The key then has (1) notch.

Keep cutting it.

You'll know when the key is finally done.

There are some codes...

It isn't as mysterious as it appears.

E-Man. :)

What are you talking about cutting and keys?

05-21-2013, 02:04 PM
What are you talking about cutting and keys?

He's being metaphorical :)

05-21-2013, 03:22 PM
Yes! Thank you DMO!

05-22-2013, 07:01 AM
your metaphore doesnt make any sense to me. care to explain?

05-22-2013, 07:41 AM

When Melly states that she has located one of the codes to get herself out of this unruly world of anxiety. Her word (code) is an analogy for the word "reason" or one of many possible "answers" as to why she is trapped in (The Anxiety Matrix) which couldv'e been used as an analogy or metaphor to assert comparison to "anxiety" itself. Metaphors can be used in place of other words to explain certain other things although the two can be completely unrelated. It makes a sort of methodical comparison to things that may be taking place, feelings, event, thoughts. Shakespear wrote in methodical analogy. Words that have other meanings. His methods are taught in colleges to force students to "see" things in different ways, perspectives, views, to excercise their minds in areas of the brain that would otherwise go unused. We all landed in this tense, anxious, worrysome mess by creating and concocting "Methodical Metaphorical Meanings" of events that we have seen or been involved in, whether even recognized by our brain, or not. Essentially meaning, we all put ourselves in this mess by our own self created thoughts, worries, concerns, that we theorised whether hypothetically, theoretically, analytically, methodically. This may look like a jumbled disarray of words but it all plays into why we are all here.

Her (code) is actually just a blank single (key).
The (code) that she realized she had is one single probable cause for her anxiety or fear but not the sole reason for why her feelings are so strong about what it is that she fears. There are many, many other (codes) that she will need to find in her mind, that led her to the assumption that "I fear I will lose my daughter" because that isn't the way out by this single acknowledgement.
She has to figure out how she derived this single, sole, statement, that is causing all this fear.
As she begins to look back on things, events, issues, apprehensive moments from time past and re-processes those thoughts, feelings, actions, whether hers or someone elses, she has to (accept) the way that event affected, impacted, infected, her or she has to figure out a way to (change) the outcome of whatever that event or events were. She only has (2) options. When either option is acknowledged by the brain as (acceptable) then she (cuts one notch in this blank key). Keys will not unlock doors, without first being mastered or cut. Metaphor, the (notch) is an acceptance of a troubling past issue. Metaphor, the (door) is a exit point for which anxiety will be tossed out or she we walk out and away from anxiety.
She, or anyone else, has to re-visit things that we don't want to re-visit. We have to either accept things from the past, present, or we have to change things from the past, present because those are the only ways out of this mental mess. If we hang on to harmful events from the past that we think were never resolved in our minds, we remain in the grasp of anxiety and his multiple other forces and this what once started out as possibly one single traumatic event, can grow into horrifying other mental disturbances that said persons honestly think, is real, when it isn't. It will never leave us alone, until we live it to suffer alone. (It) metaphor, anxiety..

Does that help? If not, I will try another approach friend.


05-22-2013, 08:12 AM

When Melly states that she has located one of the codes to get herself out of this unruly world of anxiety. Her word (code) is an analogy for the word "reason" or one of many possible "answers" as to why she is trapped in (The Anxiety Matrix) which couldv'e been used as an analogy or metaphor to assert comparison to "anxiety" itself. Metaphors can be used in place of other words to explain certain other things although the two can be completely unrelated. It makes a sort of methodical comparison to things that may be taking place, feelings, event, thoughts. Shakespear wrote in methodical analogy. Words that have other meanings. His methods are taught in colleges to force students to "see" things in different ways, perspectives, views, to excercise their minds in areas of the brain that would otherwise go unused. We all landed in this tense, anxious, worrysome mess by creating and concocting "Methodical Metaphorical Meanings" of events that we have seen or been involved in, whether even recognized by our brain, or not. Essentially meaning, we all put ourselves in this mess by our own self created thoughts, worries, concerns, that we theorised whether hypothetically, theoretically, analytically, methodically. This may look like a jumbled disarray of words but it all plays into why we are all here.

Her (code) is actually just a blank single (key).
The (code) that she realized she had is one single probable cause for her anxiety or fear but not the sole reason for why her feelings are so strong about what it is that she fears. There are many, many other (codes) that she will need to find in her mind, that led her to the assumption that "I fear I will lose my daughter" because that isn't the way out by this single acknowledgement.
She has to figure out how she derived this single, sole, statement, that is causing all this fear.
As she begins to look back on things, events, issues, apprehensive moments from time past and re-processes those thoughts, feelings, actions, whether hers or someone elses, she has to (accept) the way that event affected, impacted, infected, her or she has to figure out a way to (change) the outcome of whatever that event or events were. She only has (2) options. When either option is acknowledged by the brain as (acceptable) then she (cuts one notch in this blank key). Keys will not unlock doors, without first being mastered or cut. Metaphor, the (notch) is an acceptance of a troubling past issue. Metaphor, the (door) is a exit point for which anxiety will be tossed out or she we walk out and away from anxiety.
She, or anyone else, has to re-visit things that we don't want to re-visit. We have to either accept things from the past, present, or we have to change things from the past, present because those are the only ways out of this mental mess. If we hang on to harmful events from the past that we think were never resolved in our minds, we remain in the grasp of anxiety and his multiple other forces and this what once started out as possibly one single traumatic event, can grow into horrifying other mental disturbances that said persons honestly think, is real, when it isn't. It will never leave us alone, until we live it to suffer alone. (It) metaphor, anxiety..

Does that help? If not, I will try another approach friend.


Actually yeah that made total sense. Thanks. :)

05-22-2013, 08:26 AM
Excellent friend! :)