View Full Version : Shaking sweaty and sore

05-20-2013, 02:53 PM
Please someone help me out... I've felt on edge all day all of a sudden I've developed this pain on my right side of my chest inwards towards my back it hurts so badly and it's making me panic!! When I sit still it doesn't hurt but when I move it does its worked me up so much I'm shaking for some reason and all sweaty please is this normal!!!

05-20-2013, 03:43 PM
You've been on edge all day and whether you were aware of it or not, I'm sure your body (including all your muscles) were tensed up. If you turned or jerked while that muscle was already tense you probably hurt it temporarily. I'm betting it's just a result of being tense..... try to relax. Deep, SLOW breaths.