View Full Version : I.Did.It!!

05-20-2013, 02:42 PM
Well, the title may be a tad bit confusing but the "it" means challenging my anxiety and going out. A couple of you who I've had the pleasure of meeting over the past couple of days being on the site were very encouraging and eager to hear how this day (that I've been dreading all week) went down. To sum it up for those of you who are currently reading who do not know me or my background, I went out with my dad today for our weekly visit and each week I find myself extremely anxious about doing the littlest things that I really use to enjoy (eating, shopping, TALKING, etc.). I also want to create this thread to send out the key message that I live by: No matter how scared you are about something, regardless of how anxious you may be...do it. Follow through whatever you need to do, because no matter how challenging that outing or fear may be to endure, the end product is SO rewarding...that product being a step forward in kicking the rear-end of your anxiety!

Right, back on topic. I actually think I did very well during today's visit, I did not have a panic attack though as I usually do, but I was still nervous. We went to a movie, a movie that I've been oh so eager to see...The Great Gatsby! (It was absolutely marvelous if anyone's wondering ;) ) Prior to leaving my house and being picked up, I was VERY nauseous, dizzy, and my ear was congested (which I've recently noticed has become a new symptom of my anxiety...anyone else dealing with "fish bowl" ear??). All through the purchasing of tickets and concessions, I was telling myself "You're going to be sick in front of everyone and your dizzy so you're going to fall. You're going to ruin everyone's time!", but once I sat in the theater, I put my foot DOWN. I took the advice that my therapist and some of you amazing people have stressed....become one with your symptoms! Tell 'em off! I ACCEPTED THEM!!!

I told myself "Okay, I'm a little lightheaded. Alright, I'm nauseous as well. My heart rate is up. I'm okay, I know how I feel and it shall pass". And it did. As my heart rate calmed, so I did I, and I took some deep breaths and calmed down just in time for the movie to start. I guess I'm a little proud ;) It's gonna take some more practice though, as I'm currently anxious for the upcoming week of school, but I'm also excited as well to share this experience with my therapist during my CBT session this Friday afternoon.

I guess I just want to give a huge thanks to everyone who does share their stories and give advice. The people on this site are some of the strongest and smartest people I've ever encountered. Keep on keepin' on everybody! Things DO get better! In the words of Jay Gatsby, "take care, ol' sports!" ;)

05-20-2013, 03:40 PM
Hooray!!!! Yipppeeeeeee! FANTASTIC!!! I am so proud of you and so glad you kicked its butt! You are an inspiration -- keep up the great work!

05-20-2013, 03:50 PM
Hooray!!!! Yipppeeeeeee! FANTASTIC!!! I am so proud of you and so glad you kicked its butt! You are an inspiration -- keep up the great work!

Thanks Sue! :D The encouragement really makes me thrive with pride for overcoming obstacles, even something as small as this. The thing is, I've NEVER done this before. Sure, people recommended it but I was so skeptical and even with this being the first time I tried this technique, I was shocked with how it immediately toned down the intensity of my physical symptoms.

Hooray indeed! :D I guess it's time that I control my body rather than it controlling me.

05-20-2013, 05:23 PM
Very happy for you, well done :-)

05-20-2013, 05:30 PM
Well, the title may be a tad bit confusing but the "it" means challenging my anxiety and going out. A couple of you who I've had the pleasure of meeting over the past couple of days being on the site were very encouraging and eager to hear how this day (that I've been dreading all week) went down. To sum it up for those of you who are currently reading who do not know me or my background, I went out with my dad today for our weekly visit and each week I find myself extremely anxious about doing the littlest things that I really use to enjoy (eating, shopping, TALKING, etc.). I also want to create this thread to send out the key message that I live by: No matter how scared you are about something, regardless of how anxious you may be...do it. Follow through whatever you need to do, because no matter how challenging that outing or fear may be to endure, the end product is SO rewarding...that product being a step forward in kicking the rear-end of your anxiety!

Right, back on topic. I actually think I did very well during today's visit, I did not have a panic attack though as I usually do, but I was still nervous. We went to a movie, a movie that I've been oh so eager to see...The Great Gatsby! (It was absolutely marvelous if anyone's wondering ;) ) Prior to leaving my house and being picked up, I was VERY nauseous, dizzy, and my ear was congested (which I've recently noticed has become a new symptom of my anxiety...anyone else dealing with "fish bowl" ear??). All through the purchasing of tickets and concessions, I was telling myself "You're going to be sick in front of everyone and your dizzy so you're going to fall. You're going to ruin everyone's time!", but once I sat in the theater, I put my foot DOWN. I took the advice that my therapist and some of you amazing people have stressed....become one with your symptoms! Tell 'em off! I ACCEPTED THEM!!!

I told myself "Okay, I'm a little lightheaded. Alright, I'm nauseous as well. My heart rate is up. I'm okay, I know how I feel and it shall pass". And it did. As my heart rate calmed, so I did I, and I took some deep breaths and calmed down just in time for the movie to start. I guess I'm a little proud ;) It's gonna take some more practice though, as I'm currently anxious for the upcoming week of school, but I'm also excited as well to share this experience with my therapist during my CBT session this Friday afternoon.

I guess I just want to give a huge thanks to everyone who does share their stories and give advice. The people on this site are some of the strongest and smartest people I've ever encountered. Keep on keepin' on everybody! Things DO get better! In the words of Jay Gatsby, "take care, ol' sports!" ;)

Good on you! Be very proud :-)

05-20-2013, 08:34 PM
Good for you! Keep up the good work!

05-20-2013, 09:04 PM
Break out the shot glasses

05-20-2013, 09:29 PM
Well, the title may be a tad bit confusing but the "it" means challenging my anxiety and going out. A couple of you who I've had the pleasure of meeting over the past couple of days being on the site were very encouraging and eager to hear how this day (that I've been dreading all week) went down. To sum it up for those of you who are currently reading who do not know me or my background, I went out with my dad today for our weekly visit and each week I find myself extremely anxious about doing the littlest things that I really use to enjoy (eating, shopping, TALKING, etc.). I also want to create this thread to send out the key message that I live by: No matter how scared you are about something, regardless of how anxious you may be...do it. Follow through whatever you need to do, because no matter how challenging that outing or fear may be to endure, the end product is SO rewarding...that product being a step forward in kicking the rear-end of your anxiety!

Right, back on topic. I actually think I did very well during today's visit, I did not have a panic attack though as I usually do, but I was still nervous. We went to a movie, a movie that I've been oh so eager to see...The Great Gatsby! (It was absolutely marvelous if anyone's wondering ;) ) Prior to leaving my house and being picked up, I was VERY nauseous, dizzy, and my ear was congested (which I've recently noticed has become a new symptom of my anxiety...anyone else dealing with "fish bowl" ear??). All through the purchasing of tickets and concessions, I was telling myself "You're going to be sick in front of everyone and your dizzy so you're going to fall. You're going to ruin everyone's time!", but once I sat in the theater, I put my foot DOWN. I took the advice that my therapist and some of you amazing people have stressed....become one with your symptoms! Tell 'em off! I ACCEPTED THEM!!!

I told myself "Okay, I'm a little lightheaded. Alright, I'm nauseous as well. My heart rate is up. I'm okay, I know how I feel and it shall pass". And it did. As my heart rate calmed, so I did I, and I took some deep breaths and calmed down just in time for the movie to start. I guess I'm a little proud ;) It's gonna take some more practice though, as I'm currently anxious for the upcoming week of school, but I'm also excited as well to share this experience with my therapist during my CBT session this Friday afternoon.

I guess I just want to give a huge thanks to everyone who does share their stories and give advice. The people on this site are some of the strongest and smartest people I've ever encountered. Keep on keepin' on everybody! Things DO get better! In the words of Jay Gatsby, "take care, ol' sports!" ;)

Good on you!! :-) (hugs)

05-20-2013, 09:39 PM
Gatsby, That truly is fantastic. Be very proud. Continue this, always stand up to anxiety. It basically is a "Survival of the Fittest" and you my friend are far stronger then the False Bravado of Panic ! Pat yourself on the back and build that self esteem. Road to Recovery is a wonderful path filled with immeasurable happiness ! Be Well !

05-21-2013, 06:31 AM
YES!! I like seeing success stories, after a few passing days.

E-Man. :)

05-21-2013, 01:15 PM
Thanks for the support and praise guys! :) You guys are such a lovely support group! :D Went to school today and was pretty anxious but hey, I'm alive aren't I? ;) Taking it day by day....

05-21-2013, 03:30 PM
Well dun :-)

05-21-2013, 06:38 PM
Great job! Very reassuring to see that other people are having successes!

05-21-2013, 09:03 PM
Well done and pleased the kind and helpful people on this forum are helping you. It is so much easier when have people you can talk to who understand what you are going through.
Hope you continue to improve and manage school, just take it steady and accept if have any hiccups along the way and try again gently.
Hope you can soon get back to enjoying your life and school.

05-21-2013, 11:40 PM
Sweet that's cool you overcame an obstacle. Small steps lead to big journeys.