View Full Version : flaring up again

05-20-2013, 02:22 PM
im been suffering from anxiety for the past 2 years, iv had months were I have been fine.then every so often it comes out of no where and hits me like a ton of bricks! at the mo im getting a dizzy feeling and bein very spaced out, I feel really clumsy and I get wierd shaking vision at times iv been docs they say my eyes r fine.i want to believe them but something in my gut is telling me their is something really wrong or is this just another trick from the anxiety.if anyone else feels like this then please enlighten me

05-20-2013, 02:32 PM
Yes, I feel like this most of the time.. It's really hard to live with that dizzy, spacey sensation. Don't worry, it's just the anxiety! I k ow it's tough but try to ignore the symptoms...

05-21-2013, 12:42 PM
This is what I'm struggling with the most at the moment. Just this morning I was doing the school run and I turned my head to the right at a junction and my world literally span for a second. It scared the hell out of me. I keep telling myself that it's probably down to the fact that I've got a stinking head cold at the moment and my ears are really bunged up.
I also get heavy headedness and weird vision problems - kind of like the world can look bright one minute, then the next everything looks hazy and dull.
Trust me when I say you're not alone with this annoying and scary symptom. X