View Full Version : Some success :-)

05-20-2013, 04:30 AM
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say after some truly horrible months I think I may finlally be getting there.

This week Ive shopped, been in queues and gone out to both lunch and dinner with family, I had a few wobbles and a couple of times wanted to flee, but stuck with it and felt so much better after for doing it.

Hopefully as I keep doing these things it will get easier until Im back to myself as much as possible.

Thanks to everyone one the forum for their help through this awful time, youve been amazing :-)

Thanks to anyone for reading, keeping positive! :-) x

05-20-2013, 05:10 AM
That's awesome to hear! You see, once you get over that hurdle , the world is a fun place again! I might be doing the same. I'm not wanting to go to heaven just yet any more and feel the anxiety is finally decreasing with meds.......feels good! Again, so happy for you! Take Care

05-20-2013, 05:19 PM
Thanks Kev,

Great to hear youre improving too, so good to kick anxietys butt! :-D

Onwards and upwards!

05-20-2013, 07:14 PM
No trouble... It's nice when we can conquer this evil beast! To Kick anxiety's butt would be nice , But i'd rather shove a knife through it's heart ! In a nice way of course! lol

Take care!