View Full Version : Trying to stay positive

05-19-2013, 08:00 PM
Im trying to be positive. To negate the negatives, and ignore the symptoms. Gosh dang it, it's hard!!!

I'm tired all. The. Time. Being pregnant just wipes me out.

I have a cough that's embedded deep in my chest. It's dry, and annoying. I'm trying not to think catastrophically.

My ears will plug up. Like I can't hear anything out of it for a second or two. It happens in both ears about once an hour or even more often. Again, I'm trying not to think catastrophically.

I'm physically exhausted, and I find it so incredibly hard to find happiness in my life. I think I'm just so angry that anxiety plagues me, that I'm angry at everything else in my life. I want to find joy again. Even when I don't feel well. How can I get that joy in the midst of feeling like crap?

05-20-2013, 06:31 AM
Totally agree with the hard part! I probably can't offer much alone the pregnancy lines..LOL! I will say that I have observed the tired part of that first hand (3 kids)..grrrr. It's odd that you should mention the cough and ear thing today. I woke up yesterday morning with a sore throat. I feared the worst, as my daughter had a severely sore throat all of last week. I did everything I thought I could to avoid getting it from her, but it had me, for a very short time however. I could hardly swallow but I didnt want to run off to the Dr. to deal with it. I went into the kitchen, poured some cider vinegar into a glass, added abit of water, and drank it. It wasn't good but I had heard over the years that it will stop a sore throat in its tracks. Well, it was gone within an hour and is not here today. I had also had the ear plugging thing since March, in both ears. It is now gone too! I'm not kidding..I don't kid!

How do you find joy in the midst of feeling like a slug?

You do the best you can and if the only thing you can do is in the home, on your computer, then you'll find some happiness by trying to help others.

So cheer to the up!
