View Full Version : Inderal for driving anxiety???

05-19-2013, 07:47 PM
Hello...looking for guidance. I have had panic since I was 12...I am now 37. My anxiety is pretty controlled with the help of klonopin and CBT. However, my driving anxiety has progressed to an almost dysfunctional level. I was curious if anyone has used Inderal for driving anxiety? I avoid highways and notice for some reason driving uphill is a trigger. My heart rate increases dramatically..even on my klonoipin. I do not want another benzo, but I want to make sure I do not regress further. Any advice would be helpful!

05-19-2013, 07:59 PM
I used Inderal/Propranol once and I did not find it as effective as benzos. Although I am somewhat anxious, I love to drive. Panic never grips me when I'm driving. Driving calms my nerves.

05-19-2013, 08:42 PM
My recent recurrence of panic attacks started while I was on the highway so now I'm back to having a phobia about it. A few times I have tried to force myself to get back on the horse and just do it but each time I have had a horrible time. For now, I'm just avoiding highways until I get my anxiety under control.

I saw a shrink recently and asked him if I should keep forcing myself to get back on the highway and he told me not to. He said I'm just reinforcing the panic by white knuckling it through and each time is getting worse because I'm expecting it to be. He also told me not to take a tranquilizer to get back on the highway because then I'll always need one.

He suggested that I find an area of highway that is very familiar to me and at a time of day when there's light traffic, get on and just get of the first exit. Do that several times (in one day or over the course of a week) until you are totally and completely comfortable. After that, go two exits, etc. etc. But he told me to not even bother trying until my thyroid is under control so I haven't tried it yet.

I have beta blockers but I don't think it would help me on the highway. Beta blockers only block the physical symptoms, not the mind-freezing terror that comes over me now when I hit the highway.

Good luck - hope you conquer yours quickly.

05-19-2013, 09:02 PM
Thank you for your responses. Oh Sue, how I can empathize! Your doc's advice makes so much sense..and that is a similar approach I took years ago that worked. That is what really frustrates me when I think about how much I used to drive and the massive highways I once conquered. Just want to get a handle on it before it paralyzes me. The roads I will take just to avoid what my dysfunctional brain labels as a bad area! As long as I know I could pull off somewhere I do feel better.