View Full Version : mood changes

05-19-2013, 06:24 PM
hi im worried bout this and have been for some time now i suffer from depression alon with panic attacks i take tablets for them but aswell i also do this like thing and i dont no im doin it sometimes ... i can be really happy and fine then suddenly i change and am really angry or ill be really quite then change again most the time i change from good to bad is this somethinto worry bout like bipolar or something along the lines of that i have got symptoms of bipolar but i have also got symptoms of ADD but never asked my doctor bout it should i be worried ? should i speak with my doctor see wat he says?

05-21-2013, 04:30 AM
Hey Abbie try not to worry too much! however if you are worried then go speak to your doc, they are there to help. Take care.