View Full Version : Not a good day :/

05-19-2013, 05:41 PM
Iast night I couldn't sleep.. I was having strong surges of Adrenaline. They kept me up all night :/ just slept like two hours. Everytime I was falling asleep, Surge here, surge there. Smh it was bad..
Then as I woke up from a nap during the day , I get this Strong skipped heart beat, fluttering sensation.. that right there just made my mood go straight to the floor.. I'm so frustrated with all this junk!! how can someone live through all this hell and smile at the end of the day.. I feel blue right now.. I fell like I'm dying slowly .. I don't wish this to NOBODY!! :(

05-19-2013, 08:11 PM
Iast night I couldn't sleep.. I was having strong surges of Adrenaline. They kept me up all night :/ just slept like two hours. Everytime I was falling asleep, Surge here, surge there. Smh it was bad..
Then as I woke up from a nap during the day , I get this Strong skipped heart beat, fluttering sensation.. that right there just made my mood go straight to the floor.. I'm so frustrated with all this junk!! how can someone live through all this hell and smile at the end of the day.. I feel blue right now.. I fell like I'm dying slowly .. I don't wish this to NOBODY!! :(

Omg I go through the same exact thing there scary but I guess it's anxiety :/

05-19-2013, 08:13 PM
I get the same way. I wouldn't wish the symptoms I have from my anxiety on my worst enemy.

06-14-2013, 11:02 PM
Hey Leebulldog

Do you have something to knock you out if you wake up in the middle of the night? Valium ? Sleeping pill, sleepy time tea? I downloaded a hypnosis app on my phone it was free called sleep like a baby and it knocks me out in five minutes I let it run all night the music keeps me asleep...it's called Mindifi sleep/relax I highly suggest it what do you have to lose its free!