View Full Version : Heart rate

05-19-2013, 05:21 PM
When you guys are in constant state of anxiety or have a bad attack what's your heart rate mines mines avg 74-130 it changes alot is this normal for anxiety I can't seem to get a grip on these thoughts of doom or death :((

05-19-2013, 05:32 PM
Hey man I feel you, sorry to hear what you're going through, yeah it's normal tbh, I just joined a gym, I went on a tred mill and like heart ate was 127 walking at snail pace, I found it reassurring when I actually looked up heart rate during exercise because literally any speed in my heart rate made me anxious. Check out http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/PhysicalActivity/Target-Heart-Rates_UCM_434341_Article.jsp , sorry if links are not allowed I didn't know. I'm 29, so if I hit 160 I'll slow right down, even though I now know after research it can go upto (roughtly) 190. I wouldn't worry too much Anthony I think a lot of us that suffer with anxiety are also paranoid about our heart, we feel everything, hope you're ok.

05-19-2013, 05:38 PM
Hanging in there seems like it goes into 90-100 range from jus walking around I don't know what to think anymore

05-19-2013, 05:39 PM
When sitting its like between 72-85 that's when worring

05-19-2013, 05:46 PM
I get Skipped heart beat, fluttering sensation.. They scare the hell out of me.. :/

05-21-2013, 04:36 PM
I had a real bad one could feel my heart pounding got dizzy and real hysterical n scared kept yelling help help cause I thought I was having a heart attack for sure was no intevxe chest pain jus tightness now I'm lying in bed scared to death it will come back I usually jus feel anxious and get crying fits and an anxiety So I'm confused cause seems like my panic attacks when there bad the symptoms change I've had ekgs,blood tests,ct scan for a kidney stone I had and passed I don't know what to think anymore my health anxiety is out of control or I have anxiety Dissorder and a heart problem I dunno 😢

05-21-2013, 04:54 PM
For years I was convinced there was something wrong with my heart, ever since I was 17, and even sometimes now (I'm 28). That's 11 years worth of testing I've had done and there's nothing wrong. EKGs, blood tests, Ultrasounds, heart monitors.. you name it, they did it to me. Never found a thing. I get skipped beats, sometimes an intense THUD, sometimes heart rate goes through the roof for no reason. The highest it's ever been was around 150 when I was in the ER once. Even a few weeks ago at the doctor's office I was at around 130 but I knew I was nervous. I feel like I can always feel my heart beating and it sometimes drives me crazy.

My resting heart rate is never the same. Sometimes it's in the 60s, sometimes in the 90s.. so like I wonder why do I even bother paying attention to it. It's always all over the place so it's either normal, or because I'm anxious and paying attention to it. I think we all have a little fear of having a heart condition on this forum.. probably because it's the easiest thing to feel (our heart beat, I mean).

05-21-2013, 06:34 PM
For years I was convinced there was something wrong with my heart, ever since I was 17, and even sometimes now (I'm 28). That's 11 years worth of testing I've had done and there's nothing wrong. EKGs, blood tests, Ultrasounds, heart monitors.. you name it, they did it to me. Never found a thing. I get skipped beats, sometimes an intense THUD, sometimes heart rate goes through the roof for no reason. The highest it's ever been was around 150 when I was in the ER once. Even a few weeks ago at the doctor's office I was at around 130 but I knew I was nervous. I feel like I can always feel my heart beating and it sometimes drives me crazy.

My resting heart rate is never the same. Sometimes it's in the 60s, sometimes in the 90s.. so like I wonder why do I even bother paying attention to it. It's always all over the place so it's either normal, or because I'm anxious and paying attention to it. I think we all have a little fear of having a heart condition on this forum.. probably because it's the easiest thing to feel (our heart beat, I mean).

Have you ever been tested for sinus tachycardia? That's what I have. My resting heart rate is much higher than normal people and it jumps around for no reason. For example, I'll be brushing my teeth and hit 125. Then it calms down. It's easily fixed with medicine though. I know it causes my anxiety, and I'm working on that every day.

05-21-2013, 07:57 PM
I'm not sure if I was ever specifically tested for it. Hmm.. but I have had a ton of tests on my heart, ekg, everything. I was even sent home for the weekend once with a heart monitor that I had to turn in to my cardiologist (along with a diary I had to keep of my daily activities) so I'm just assuming if I had it, they would have seen it? I left the ER once with them telling me I had arrhythmia, went to my cardiologist and he said no. Lol so its like oh okay, sure! No one knows exactly whats going on, great! Haha.. so I guess its just my anxiety.

05-21-2013, 08:07 PM
Also my bp sometimes goes to 95/60

And heart rate in the am has been low as 49-55 doctor won't send me to cardiologist I have so many medical bills I don't wanna die cause I thought it was anxiety and it ended up being heart problem or whatever on top of that

05-21-2013, 08:14 PM
I get heart flutters and they can last a whole morning sometimes. They are horrid and although I am now overweight and my dad died of a heart attack, I know mine is anxiety and stress because I had an ECG recently before an operation. Also I usually get them at work and that is when I am stressed and anxious. Really horrid feeling though.

05-21-2013, 08:16 PM
Never knew what a flutter actually is