View Full Version : Hello everyone

05-19-2013, 02:33 PM
Hi all anxiety sufferer for about 3 years. Was really bad at first like couldn't go out and stuff but its a bit better now, been reading some posts and I must admit its nice to know I'm not alone but obviously not nice for the people suffering :( anyway recently I've been worried about losing my memory, so I always repeat some words to make sure I don't forget haha just wondering if anyone else has this, had many annoying anxiety things that have come and gone and I'm sure this will pass just curious about other people who have had the same thing. :)

05-19-2013, 03:27 PM
You're definitely not alone! I can totally relate. My anxiety affects my memory as well. It gets me very nervous when I forget something simple that I would remember prior to having anxiety, but it does get better! :) If it helps, it helps me, jot down little notes if you need to. I do that at school, home, everywhere! If someone asks me do something, if I have a test or homework, or a little chore that I need to do comes across my head, I set a reminder with a timer in my phone, just in case. :) A key thing to remember: Everyone forgets things sometimes, anxious or not! Don't get upset with yourself if you forget things sometime, you're only human, just like the rest of us :D I've been struggling with anxiety for about 7 years now and I've just recently sought out help with therapy and I must say, even the littlest steps forward help a lot regarding these little symptoms like stunted memory.

Take it easy! :)

05-19-2013, 07:06 PM
My memory has been getting g worse by age, but depression really makes it stand out how you repeat yourself - my husband calls it my monologue - my mouth won't stop and I repeat time and again without realising.
Think some memory loss worse because of medication I take now too.
But a lot of memory loss is my depression - even keep a list if episodes watched of series because I was watching them up ton three times and not realising but husband noticed.
Think it is one reason why reading stories goes in depression because you can't retain the story in your head so no fun in reading.