View Full Version : What will happen if I inform my sixth form ( College UK ) teachers about my Anxiety?

05-19-2013, 02:11 PM
I'm 17 and have had anxiety for about 2 years now but just recently it's got really bad, I've found myself having to excuse myself from class to go to the bathroom because I've got myself into such a state it's been making me physically sick. The teachers haven't noticed before and it's not something easy to tell them either.

I worry what they'll think of me and all of my class mates finding out, because there's nothing worse than 'playground gossip' and I'd hate everyone knowing what I was going through and thinking differently of me. But it's getting that bad around sixth form and I'm so on edge in all 3 of my subjects it's getting ridiculous, I find myself having to take a few moments outside just to compose myself, I kind of want to tell them so they can help me but I'm embarrassed and ashamed of myself for having it.

Has anyone else let their school/sixth form/college know or let them know for your son/daughter? What have they done to hep them cope? What do you think they'd do differently for me, or wouldn't they do anything much because of my age?

Any advice or experience would be gratefully appreciated :)

05-19-2013, 02:24 PM
Hi .. Are u goin to get yr mom to maybe speak to yr college ?

05-19-2013, 02:42 PM
Hi .. Are u goin to get yr mom to maybe speak to yr college ?

I was thinking if anyone was to do it that I'd tell them myself but I'm not leaning towards the idea at all, I just wanted other people's experiences and wondered if anyone knew what measures would be taken if told them

05-19-2013, 02:57 PM
I'm sure if u just speak to sumone there that u think u kan trust and wud understand ( as best as poss, as no-one truly understands ) then they will try or shud try and make things easier 4 u ... And maybe just knowing that college know then that may put u at more ease. Make sure u get an earlier nite !!

05-19-2013, 03:05 PM
I'm sure if u just speak to sumone there that u think u kan trust and wud understand ( as best as poss, as no-one truly understands ) then they will try or shud try and make things easier 4 u ... And maybe just knowing that college know then that may put u at more ease. Make sure u get an earlier nite !!

Every time I've tried to tell them I end up bailing because I get that worried about telling them, I know once I've told them I've told them and things should get easier but I've always been very quiet and kept myself to myself so I'm not the sort of person to approach them and tell them something as important as this. I will try but I don't think I can, got a fair bit of coursework to finish which I've been worrying over all day!!

05-19-2013, 03:21 PM
So cudnt yr mom cum with u to support u ?

Or a friend etc ?

I think once u tell them u will feel less trapped etc

Speak 2mrw ... Off to sleep now .. Gdnight.. :-)

05-19-2013, 03:30 PM
So cudnt yr mom cum with u to support u ?

Or a friend etc ?

I think once u tell them u will feel less trapped etc

Speak 2mrw ... Off to sleep now .. Gdnight.. :-)

She's not like that, she thinks it's all silly, like its my fault. I haven't told any of my friends so that's out of the question :/

Okay, sleep well :) na'night!

05-20-2013, 05:31 AM

Before I type a thousand characters here in an effort to help you understand what it is that will happen if you were to disclose this condition/disorder, I would just like to assure you that there is every positive reason with a positive effect in full disclosure. To make it simple, your teachers, educators, professors, or whatever they're called in your Country have strong ethical standards and procedures to follow in order to be successful. If you fail, they fail. That means, they won't look down upon you or think any less of you. They will see your effort as being noble, strong, and very wise..completely opposite of what you think they will do.

If you haven't figured out the plan for how to do this, how to say this, who to say this too by today..then we can work on that later. It's really very simple.

E-Man. :)

05-20-2013, 09:21 AM
What e-Man says!

05-20-2013, 09:57 AM
If you're finding it hard to tell them in person writing a letter/note about it is just as valid. I think a great many people with anxiety suffer in silence and it really isn't required. Understanding and knowledge about anxiety is the key to overcoming it.

It's worth speaking to a GP and asking them about Cognitivie Behavioural Therapy. It's a step in the right direction to overcoming anxiety. Alternatively find out some more information about your college councillor. Again, if you don't want ot speak to them directly at first get their email or drop a letter off at their office.

It's good to get other people's perspective on anxiety and how to overcome it. People with anxiety get so wound up in their own little world, constantly over thinking "What if's" and constant anxious rumination and fixation. Sometimes you just need someone to speak to to help you realize you're not alone and can overcome the anxiety.

What are the worries you get with your anxiety? It's good to understand where the stress and worry comes from and go about rationalizing the situations that get you anxious. Remind yourself that you aren't in any danger.

It might feel like anxiety is in control of you at the moment, but it's only as powerful as you allow it to be. it feeds off fear and worry. So read more about anxiety, try and understand it and how it's affecting you day to day so that you can start taking positive steps to overcome it.


05-20-2013, 03:43 PM

Before I type a thousand characters here in an effort to help you understand what it is that will happen if you were to disclose this condition/disorder, I would just like to assure you that there is every positive reason with a positive effect in full disclosure. To make it simple, your teachers, educators, professors, or whatever they're called in your Country have strong ethical standards and procedures to follow in order to be successful. If you fail, they fail. That means, they won't look down upon you or think any less of you. They will see your effort as being noble, strong, and very wise..completely opposite of what you think they will do.

If you haven't figured out the plan for how to do this, how to say this, who to say this too by today..then we can work on that later. It's really very simple.

E-Man. :)

I know they do and they'd be glad I spoke out but I'm really struggling at the minute :( I was about to tell one of my teachers today as he kept me behind after lesson and asked me if I was alright, he'd said this because I was thinking about telling him all morning and I was so on edge it was unreal. As we'd sat down and I was about to tell hi. Another teacher walked in and I freaked out, I just stood up said thanks and made an exit for the room at a near enough run. I know it's stupid but it's so hard to tell them :( I just can't do it and its ruining me