View Full Version : Tips

05-19-2013, 09:32 AM
I stupidly went out last night drank to much and now feel awful!! I was on a bit of a roll and today I'm poorly (due to drink) racing heart chest pains palpertaions it's awful I need tips on how to feel a bit more calmer ? Or even to get rid of this hangover. I won't be doing it again for ages as it makes me feel so on edge the next day!
I hardly drink or go out but I think I drank to much. I had a really good night but the next day isn't worth it. I don't mind the being hangover part it's the anxiety bit I can cope with.

05-19-2013, 10:57 AM
I stupidly went out last night drank to much and now feel awful!! I was on a bit of a roll and today I'm poorly (due to drink) racing heart chest pains palpertaions it's awful I need tips on how to feel a bit more calmer ? Or even to get rid of this hangover. I won't be doing it again for ages as it makes me feel so on edge the next day!
I hardly drink or go out but I think I drank to much. I had a really good night but the next day isn't worth it. I don't mind the being hangover part it's the anxiety bit I can cope with.

All I can suggest is lots and lots of water, and then after that, drink more water! You need to flush all the bad stuff out of your system and that's the only way to do it. In addition, alcohol dehydrates you so you're probably feeling lousy from that, too. Drink and pee all day.