View Full Version : Computer Anxiety

08-15-2007, 09:02 AM
I totally rely on my computer. I work at home and support me and my husband. If it weren't for my computer, we would be dead in the water.

So, for me, I go into total panic attacks when something happens to my computer. Every time it crashes, I start shaking. I even went out and bought a second computer so if something happened to the first one, I would have a second. This, naturally cost a bundle since I use Macs.

I just freak when something freezes up or is acting weird. Even though I have two computers, it still freaks me out.

Does anyone else rely this heavily on this stupid technology?

08-15-2007, 07:18 PM
My business is on my computer. No pc, no income. I just back up my complete os and data. I have a backup pc if one goes down. I don't worry with all this. I have had it crash, replace the machine, put data in, 1 hour later it's like nothing happened. Before having this backup method, scary. But then again, no pc, no job.