View Full Version : Newbie!

05-18-2013, 04:28 PM
Hi there. :D I'm new to Anxiety Forum (and the forum "layout" (?) in general :P). I'm really excited to meet some new people who experience the same things that I do. For a little blurb about myself, my name is Kat and I'm 16 years old. I have depersonalization disorder and an anxiety disorder as well. I'm currently attending CBT and have only done 3 sessions (I'm a newbie to that too...jeez...lol!). No medications, though I was referred by my therapist for an anti-depressant for ruminating thoughts. Nothing too extreme about me, I do experience panic attacks weekly and have been battling anxiety for about 7 years. Anxiety and depression have occurred in my family tree and there is a chance that my anxiety is due to a "chemical imbalance". I have always struggled with some separation anxiety as well.
Anyways, since it has been just recently that I've become more open in discussing my anxiety with my immediate family and close friends, I've decided that it's time to break out of the "I'm so alone, woe is me" mindset and actually talk to others who can relate to me and lend constructive stories/advice...or who just wanna chat! :)

Feel free to say hi or make small talk, I'm really anxious (hardy-har) to meet some new friends. :)

05-18-2013, 04:46 PM
You are wise beyond your years, Kat

It is great that you have stopped be a victim so young and ready to whip up on anxiety

Your stay here will be short I assure you.

05-18-2013, 04:56 PM
Thank you! Your comment made me smile :) I've heard that a lot, that I have an "old soul".
It really does get frustrating being the victim. It has been 7 years and frankly...I'm just TIRED. I'm tired of crying all the time, tired of the negativity, tired of being on edge 24/7...blah. I'm only 16 and I'm determined not to let my anxiety define me. I have dreams! :) There was a time in my life where I looked forward to everyday rather than being afraid of going to bed at night. I'm desperate for that feeling again, y'know? :) It has been hard, telling my parents and new doctors and everything. I've kept it all locked up for so long because I solely believed that I was alone. Even now it's a daily struggling, challenging my negative thought patterns and anxious habits with therapeutic techniques and so on. No one said it was gonna be easy! ;) Lol!

05-18-2013, 05:06 PM
Ooooooooo Gatsby. <33 Tell Jay-Z to get the heck off your soundtrack!!
But, like, you're so hawt. Can I have some money???

05-18-2013, 05:12 PM
LMAO!!! Sure, "ol' sport".

05-18-2013, 07:30 PM
So I'm gonna come live in your mansion. I'd like some fine Egyptian cotton shirts, too. kthxbye

05-19-2013, 09:55 PM
Sounds brilliant that you are trying to beat this and not let it ruin your life - you should be out having fun at your age.
Perhaps hormones are causing some of your chemical imbalance - they can really mess up your head and cause lots of problems.
Might be worth talking to your doctor about your hormones, and see if they are causing you some of your problems.
Medication can really work if they find the right one and you persevere with it and not get side effects, but if they don't get first medication right, they can find others for you to try.
Meditation is natural and a good way of learning to calm down - only a few minutes a day necessary - just sat quiet concentrating on breath. Or find a group where nice to meditate with other people and often people at the groups who have similar problems so can make friends and talk about problems so good for you.