View Full Version : Death. Eternal Oblivion. Really scared.

05-17-2013, 10:42 PM
It's been a while since I posted. I'm happy to say my fears of terminal illnesses have passed and my crazy anxiety has gone away. But after going through all that I've recently had the realization I will be dead one day. I'm 23 right now so I don't plan on going just now but it all hit me, one day I will be gone, cease to exist. I'm not a religious person but I never really thought about what could be after death. Realistically I have a feeling it's eternal oblivion and that scares the shit out of me. Everything you love, know, remember, just gone. Eternally gone. Now while I wouldn't be aware of it since I'm dead it just scares me. I read reports of near death experiences (NDE) and I do find them interesting and comforting to say the least, then I read scientific studies just disproving everything. Basically I'm scared. It's not like I've never thought about death before it's just now it really hit me and it's been on my mind for weeks. It's really got me down. I feel like I want an answer, I really want to know what happens. I know I never will so I'm having a hard time accepting it. Every time I do something I enjoy I just think "one day I'll forget this forever" or "one day I'll never be able to do this again". I think if I can accept my greatest fear about death I think I'll be okay. Then if there really is some form of afterlife I will be so happy.

I also thought of reincarnation. But that leads my thoughts even further. What if I reincarnate as an animal? Unless I'm at the top of the food chain I'll always be hunted. What if I reincarnate as a murderer, or someone with a mental disease, or any horrible disease for that matter? Reincarnation can't go on for eternity. Earth won't always be around and if humans don't find another way to live on, then what? Another species on another planet, if there is one?

Basically all I want after I die is to see my family again and preserve my memories but realistically I don't think it's going to happen and that just scares me. Anyone else go through something like this? If so, how did you learn to accept it?

05-17-2013, 11:35 PM
I used to be very scared of death, I had severe depression and anxiety after a very bad reaction to a medication and I wound up in a self-help psycho ward. The first night there was hell, my heart rate was going 160 constantly for 5 hours on end, I had no tranquilizers to even remotely calm me down. I knew that it wouldn't kill me, but I was in such physical pain I was ready to commit suicide. I still sometimes worry about what you too worry about, except somewhat different: what if my anxiety goes out of control giving me depression again? What if the cons of living are outweighing the pros, I don't want to die!

I still get it from time to time at completely random times, but there are some ways I learn to cope with it and really reduce the fear: First off is to remember that you've been here (scared of death) before, and I didn't die, I didn't commit suicide. Each time you are able to shake off the thoughts again you make your brain's coping technique to that fear much more effective. The second thing I do when I have thoughts of my inevitable death is think about whether worrying about is worth my time and energy? Which of course it's not, worrying is going to get you nowhere. I don't NEED to worry about death because I will find out the answer eventually, (or maybe I won't). Third coping technique I use is just to accept that everything dies and nothing is forever, it's a morbid thought, but I've grown to accept it.

Sorry if some of this doesn't make any sense ive been awake for a day straight :P

05-17-2013, 11:59 PM
I'm sorry i can't relate to what your feeling as I am a Christian, but maybe I can give you a perspective to look at. I don't want to come across as forcing my beliefs on you, but I feel it is my responsibility to try to help in any way i can. I know some people have a hard time with "religion" and accepting it. I know alot of people are put off by religion, but I choose not to look at it as religion. I look at it as truth. No "denomination" or categorizing, just truth. It is a complete reality to me. Not only reality but also hope. Without it I would be lost with absolutely no sense of direction in my life. I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for my belief in God. I know I have problems in life, but I believe life isn't supposed to be easy. I believe God put us here to help one another and through one another we can overcome our trials. I put my faith in God and try to do good through him, and that is the only thing that can bring happiness to my life. I'm in a bit of a deep spot in my life, but I come here to these forums because I know that people with the same problems or people who have overcome these obstacles can help each other. Humanity depends on it and i believe it wouldn't be possible without God. The very sense of moral responsibility is enough for me to believe that God is in control. Without our moral responsibility I believe we would live like animals with nothing more than living on instinct.

Through writing this I have realized that I have been slipping in faith, which directly results in why I am where I am in my life. In a way you have helped me believe it or not, because I realize I am only at my happiest when I am close to God. I have drifted and It has made me fear life more than anything. I believe that hope in eternal life is the only answer to living a fully happy life. Great thing about life is we all have free will, so i can choose to believe in what I believe. You have a choice to believe in eternal oblivion or eternal life. I know we all have influences that sway us one way or another, but ultimately it is you who chooses what you believe and what makes you happy. I hope this has helped in one way or another, and I thank you for helping me.

05-18-2013, 01:12 AM
It's been a while since I posted. I'm happy to say my fears of terminal illnesses have passed and my crazy anxiety has gone away. But after going through all that I've recently had the realization I will be dead one day. I'm 23 right now so I don't plan on going just now but it all hit me, one day I will be gone, cease to exist. I'm not a religious person but I never really thought about what could be after death. Realistically I have a feeling it's eternal oblivion and that scares the shit out of me. Everything you love, know, remember, just gone. Eternally gone. Now while I wouldn't be aware of it since I'm dead it just scares me. I read reports of near death experiences (NDE) and I do find them interesting and comforting to say the least, then I read scientific studies just disproving everything. Basically I'm scared. It's not like I've never thought about death before it's just now it really hit me and it's been on my mind for weeks. It's really got me down. I feel like I want an answer, I really want to know what happens. I know I never will so I'm having a hard time accepting it. Every time I do something I enjoy I just think "one day I'll forget this forever" or "one day I'll never be able to do this again". I think if I can accept my greatest fear about death I think I'll be okay. Then if there really is some form of afterlife I will be so happy.

I also thought of reincarnation. But that leads my thoughts even further. What if I reincarnate as an animal? Unless I'm at the top of the food chain I'll always be hunted. What if I reincarnate as a murderer, or someone with a mental disease, or any horrible disease for that matter? Reincarnation can't go on for eternity. Earth won't always be around and if humans don't find another way to live on, then what? Another species on another planet, if there is one?

Basically all I want after I die is to see my family again and preserve my memories but realistically I don't think it's going to happen and that just scares me. Anyone else go through something like this? If so, how did you learn to accept it?

Hey now come on your 23yrs old and have your WHOLE life ahead of you! Why do you fear death so much? Were all going to die oneday we just don't know when thats all. I remember when i was your age and also feared death for many yrs then I started nursing and had to deal with DEATH and ppl dying on a daily basis as I worked in pallative care.... It opened my eyes seeing ppl that had passed then I was able to accept death and will never fear it again. Dont think I'm having a go at you its just the opposite. If you ever need to talk PM me anytime ok..... Take Care. :-)

05-18-2013, 07:58 AM
I feel the same I m scared of death to death

I think about it constantly I try to picture how it takes place what happens next and where do we end up
I m a religious person and I don't believe in reincarnation ( my therapist thinks so)
I believe when you re gone you re gone
I believe that death is a necessary procedure to cross to the other world which is eternal and better
I think the scariest part is the uncertainty of where we re going to end up hell or paradise
My therapist explained it this way you re scared of death and the future because I don't know what it s going to bring
Because my anxiety levels are above the normal so I m seeking reassurance all the time
I want to know that I m healthy I m not gonna get ill I m fine etc
But when it comes to death no one knows no one can reassure you about what's gonna happen because no one came back from there
This is what I believe this life is like a test
So imagine you re going for your exams
Before that you re going to spend some time in revising and doing your work
And then you go for the exam you do you best and wait for the results which will define where you re going to end up
It s either you succeed or fail
So as long as you re in this life you can repent and rectify your mistakes so you stand a chance to pass and make it to paradise
But once you are dead then it s too late for you

05-18-2013, 09:56 AM
Hey now come on your 23yrs old and have your WHOLE life ahead of you! Why do you fear death so much? Were all going to die oneday we just don't know when thats all. I remember when i was your age and also feared death for many yrs then I started nursing and had to deal with DEATH and ppl dying on a daily basis as I worked in pallative care.... It opened my eyes seeing ppl that had passed then I was able to accept death and will never fear it again. Dont think I'm having a go at you its just the opposite. If you ever need to talk PM me anytime ok..... Take Care. :-)
I never feared it before. All of a sudden it just bothers me. I don't know. Hopefully it will go away.

I feel the same I m scared of death to death

I think about it constantly I try to picture how it takes place what happens next and where do we end up
I m a religious person and I don't believe in reincarnation ( my therapist thinks so)
I believe when you re gone you re gone
I believe that death is a necessary procedure to cross to the other world which is eternal and better
I think the scariest part is the uncertainty of where we re going to end up hell or paradise
My therapist explained it this way you re scared of death and the future because I don't know what it s going to bring
Because my anxiety levels are above the normal so I m seeking reassurance all the time
I want to know that I m healthy I m not gonna get ill I m fine etc
But when it comes to death no one knows no one can reassure you about what's gonna happen because no one came back from there
This is what I believe this life is like a test
So imagine you re going for your exams
Before that you re going to spend some time in revising and doing your work
And then you go for the exam you do you best and wait for the results which will define where you re going to end up
It s either you succeed or fail
So as long as you re in this life you can repent and rectify your mistakes so you stand a chance to pass and make it to paradise
But once you are dead then it s too late for you
I really hope so.

I'm sorry i can't relate to what your feeling as I am a Christian, but maybe I can give you a perspective to look at. I don't want to come across as forcing my beliefs on you, but I feel it is my responsibility to try to help in any way i can. I know some people have a hard time with "religion" and accepting it. I know alot of people are put off by religion, but I choose not to look at it as religion. I look at it as truth. No "denomination" or categorizing, just truth. It is a complete reality to me. Not only reality but also hope. Without it I would be lost with absolutely no sense of direction in my life. I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for my belief in God. I know I have problems in life, but I believe life isn't supposed to be easy. I believe God put us here to help one another and through one another we can overcome our trials. I put my faith in God and try to do good through him, and that is the only thing that can bring happiness to my life. I'm in a bit of a deep spot in my life, but I come here to these forums because I know that people with the same problems or people who have overcome these obstacles can help each other. Humanity depends on it and i believe it wouldn't be possible without God. The very sense of moral responsibility is enough for me to believe that God is in control. Without our moral responsibility I believe we would live like animals with nothing more than living on instinct.

Through writing this I have realized that I have been slipping in faith, which directly results in why I am where I am in my life. In a way you have helped me believe it or not, because I realize I am only at my happiest when I am close to God. I have drifted and It has made me fear life more than anything. I believe that hope in eternal life is the only answer to living a fully happy life. Great thing about life is we all have free will, so i can choose to believe in what I believe. You have a choice to believe in eternal oblivion or eternal life. I know we all have influences that sway us one way or another, but ultimately it is you who chooses what you believe and what makes you happy. I hope this has helped in one way or another, and I thank you for helping me.
I have nothing against religion. In fact I hope I'm wrong.

05-18-2013, 11:04 AM
LOL You are obviously been brainwashed by religion nonsense like many others. When you die, the matter which your body is composed of will be reclaimed by nature and mother nature will use it to build other objects. Some part of you will go to soil, some part of you will become plant matter. some animals( including humans) etc etc. The matter which you are composed of is absolutely INDESTRUCTIBLE. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Your body can be scattered into tiny pieces but cannot be DESTROYED.The heaven,hell,oblivions are all nonsense propounded by wishful religious people.

05-18-2013, 03:24 PM
LOL You are obviously been brainwashed by religion nonsense like many others. When you die, the matter which your body is composed of will be reclaimed by nature and mother nature will use it to build other objects. Some part of you will go to soil, some part of you will become plant matter. some animals( including humans) etc etc. The matter which you are composed of is absolutely INDESTRUCTIBLE. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Your body can be scattered into tiny pieces but cannot be DESTROYED.The heaven,hell,oblivions are all nonsense propounded by wishful religious people.
That's what I realistically believe. I'm just saying I want to preserve my memories. Or I hope it's wrong. But I doubt it.

05-18-2013, 03:29 PM
Memories are also finished when we die. Maintaining memories is a function of brain. Brain finished memories finished.

05-18-2013, 04:50 PM
Heres a question for you then . Every cell in the body is replaced within 7 years i think . So where are the early memories come from?

I am not religious in the least. In fact i think religion has a lot to answer for. But i do have a strong faith .

The two are not the same.
Easy. The arrangement of matter remains more or less the same. The building blocks change. The arrangement (of neurons or whatever) causes the memory. Your faith is in what?

05-18-2013, 05:07 PM
Acetone why do you think you re in this life?

What s the purpose behind it? Where did you come from? Why do you have to die ?
What you said about how the body decompose after death and become part of earth and plants etc i m not very convinced
What about your soul where does it go? What happens to it?

05-18-2013, 05:21 PM
Acetone why do you think you re in this life?

What s the purpose behind it? Where did you come from? Why do you have to die ?
What you said about how the body decompose after death and become part of earth and plants etc i m not very convinced
What about your soul where does it go? What happens to it?

U go to either ov two places ... Yr body goes bak to dust frm where it came but not yr soul....

05-18-2013, 05:31 PM
Acetone why do you think you re in this life?

What s the purpose behind it? Where did you come from? Why do you have to die ?
What you said about how the body decompose after death and become part of earth and plants etc i m not very convinced
What about your soul where does it go? What happens to it?
You are not convinced about what? Haven't you heard of the food cycle? Deer eat plant, lion eat deer, lion dies and goes back to dust to be recycled by nature.
There is no purpose. I'm here because nature wishes it to be so. Souls and spirits are wishful fantasies of religious people.

05-18-2013, 07:05 PM
There is no purpose. I'm here because nature wishes it to be so. Souls and spirits are wishful fantasies of religious people.

I'm not religious but I am spiritual. And apparently you have never been to a medium to hear her tell people things that ONLY their deceased loved ones could know about. I used to be a skeptic and kept going to group readings to prove my disbelief. It backfired. I have gotten messages that absolutely had to come from people who were deceased. No one else knew these things.

05-18-2013, 07:24 PM
Hi Sue,
I am new in this forum. I know where you are coming from. I have this gift also.
spirituality is great.
I cannot yet post links here because I need 20 posts. I want to invite you to check out www dot connectwithyourheart dot com I am Yvonne and you will find me there where I talk about this.

05-18-2013, 07:40 PM
I'm not religious but I am spiritual. And apparently you have never been to a medium to hear her tell people things that ONLY their deceased loved ones could know about. I used to be a skeptic and kept going to group readings to prove my disbelief. It backfired. I have gotten messages that absolutely had to come from people who were deceased. No one else knew these things.
LOL Why aren't they well known then? It was most likely a set up for conning gullible. Take your medium to James Randi foundation which offers a prize of One million dollars for display of paranormal powers under controlled conditions. Spirituality and Religion are one and the same thing.

05-18-2013, 09:55 PM
LOL Why aren't they well known then? It was most likely a set up for conning gullible. Take your medium to James Randi foundation which offers a prize of One million dollars for display of paranormal powers under controlled conditions. Spirituality and Religion are one and the same thing.

Certainly not here to debate this. For those who understand, no explanation is necessary. For those who don't, no explanation will do.

05-18-2013, 11:11 PM
Needless to say, this is a forum to help with anxiety. Many of the posts have brought me comfort. I am not a religious man, not even really spiritual. Realistically I believe we are recycled back into the earth, however, I do hope in some sense then I can preserve my memories somehow. Earth can have my body, but if there is a soul, I hope I can leave my body when I die and be with my loved ones. That's all I want. Hope being the key word. I hope there is more, I hope it's not just eternal oblivion and if I can accept that I think I can get over this fear. Also, once accepting the worst, you can be ready for anything. At least that's my feelings. I'm 23 and in good health, it's just anxiety. And I need to get over the fear.

05-19-2013, 12:52 AM
I know about the food cycle dear!

I respect what you said but I don't agree with it actually it doesn't make sense to me
Still you didn't give a reasonable answer to my questions
I m not hear to debate religion but out of curiosity wanted to know how do you explain your existence life and death when you don't believe in GOD
I think if we re meant to go back to earth and our soul is just a religious fantasy then me being here is a waste if time
I look at my self and everything around me from the smallest cell to the universe and I think there must be a genius behind it
Someone beyond Mother Nature beyond Buda beyond the sun beyond the fire beyond shiva...
Who created this world not for a laugh or by coincidence but a genuine purpose
You re against religion as you call it 'none sense religion' but what do you know about all the religions of the world? Have you explored them at least?

05-19-2013, 06:40 AM
I know about the food cycle dear!

I respect what you said but I don't agree with it actually it doesn't make sense to me
Still you didn't give a reasonable answer to my questions
I m not hear to debate religion but out of curiosity wanted to know how do you explain your existence life and death when you don't believe in GOD
I think if we re meant to go back to earth and our soul is just a religious fantasy then me being here is a waste if time
I look at my self and everything around me from the smallest cell to the universe and I think there must be a genius behind it
Someone beyond Mother Nature beyond Buda beyond the sun beyond the fire beyond shiva...
Who created this world not for a laugh or by coincidence but a genuine purpose
You re against religion as you call it 'none sense religion' but what do you know about all the religions of the world? Have you explored them at least?
LOL Who created this world?? And then who created the creator of this world? And then who created his creator? Did you not notice that you were running around in circles with this creation bullshit? The only way out of this contradiction is the default position of ETERNAL EXISTENCE. NOBODY CREATED THIS WORLD. It was and will be always there. End of your creation story.

05-19-2013, 06:47 AM
Such an interesting post to follow. Obviously many misunderstandings abound considering this planet that we all call home is 8 BILLION years old, there's been alot that went on between then and now I'm sure...


05-19-2013, 06:52 AM
Such an interesting post to follow. Obviously many misunderstandings abound considering this planet that we all call home is 8 BILLION years old, there's been alot that went on between then and now I'm sure...


Earth may or may not be 8 billion years old. But the thing which is certain is that the matter which comprises it had no beginning and it does not have an end either. The universe will be there after humanity becomes extinct. Only arrogant and ignorant human apes believe that the world revolves around them.

05-19-2013, 07:11 AM
To summarize this entire post..."theory".


05-19-2013, 10:28 AM
To summarize this entire post..."theory".


What theory? Whose theory? Be more clear.

05-19-2013, 10:47 AM
You sound like someone who's extremely extremist in his beliefs
I ha

05-19-2013, 10:58 AM
I have no intention to convert you

It s very clear you re very hostile towards religion
You call it ' bullshit' and yet you can not prove it
The creator wasn't created other wise he won't be different to us
You re telling me that this whole universe was created by coincidence and you too
I call that absolute bullshit!!!!
You were created by a creator who happens to be superior to you wether you admit it or not

05-19-2013, 10:59 AM
You sound like someone who's extremely extremist in his beliefs
I ha

I deal with reality. Beliefs(especially religious ones) are your forte, as is evident from your earlier posts.

05-19-2013, 11:02 AM
And plz don't boss me around

You might not like what I m saying
But I m free to say what I want
If you can't handle the conversation don't take part in it first place

05-19-2013, 11:03 AM
End of your reality story!

05-19-2013, 11:09 AM
LOL It is you who can't handle the heat my dear.

05-19-2013, 12:01 PM
See people, this is what happens when you try to question the beliefs of a religious nutter. He first starts with - I believe in my almighty God. He created the world. He is superior to you and us all. Then the skeptic questions- Well then, who created God? The result is above.

05-19-2013, 12:16 PM
I have no intention to convert you

It s very clear you re very hostile towards religion
You call it ' bullshit' and yet you can not prove it
The creator wasn't created other wise he won't be different to us
You re telling me that this whole universe was created by coincidence and you too
I call that absolute bullshit!!!!
You were created by a creator who happens to be superior to you wether you admit it or not

What type ov Christian are u ?

05-19-2013, 12:41 PM
Acetone you honestly ain't got the slightest clue!!! You no what you remind of a lost sheep!! Someone who don't no weather there coming or going!! Calling me a nutter??? At least I no my purpose in this life, at least I have my believe in my religion and my LORD!!! What have you got??? jack m8!!! with your stupid ass theory men come from apes palaver!!! I knew a person just like you a no brainier who said the same horse crap like you and when I asked him what would be the first thing you would do if you were in a plane that was crash Landing??? You no what he said??? I would pray to GOD!!!!! I survive!!! Hang on thought you don't believe in GOD!!! Just showed stubbornness in belief!! So even though people like you go on stupid with your bull shit theory's one day, someday you will realise!!! C ya wouldn't wanna b ya!!!!

05-19-2013, 01:01 PM
I am a catholic, and I believe that Jesus died for all of our sins. I believe that God will return, as it is stated in the book of Revelations. I know that prayer has definitely been extremely helpful in dealing with the ups and downs of my anxiety disorder and dealing with other tribulations. One thing I try to remember as a Christian is to try not to judge and to remember that one's belief or lack thereof is a demonstration of the free will, which I personally believe was instilled in each one of us by our Creator. He gives us the choice to believe or not....although i believe that the choice we make come with consequences...With that being said, I try not to judge others based on their belief or lack thereof. If they ask me, or a religious based convo pops up, I am very straightforward about where I stand. I try to live a decent life, and that is all I can do.
Death.....it was/is a tough topic for me also. I was there when my aunt died and in her last moments, she was looking at someone and speaking to someone the rest of us could not see. She was reaching her hands up above her head as if saying a prayer. To me, seeing that strengthened my faith in God. It is not easy for any of us here, as it is an unknown journey.

05-19-2013, 01:03 PM
Acetone you honestly ain't got the slightest clue!!! You no what you remind of a lost sheep!! Someone who don't no weather there coming or going!! Calling me a nutter??? At least I no my purpose in this life, at least I have my believe in my religion and my LORD!!! What have you got??? jack m8!!! with your stupid ass theory men come from apes palaver!!! I knew a person just like you a no brainier who said the same horse crap like you and when I asked him what would be the first thing you would do if you were in a plane that was crash Landing??? You no what he said??? I would pray to GOD!!!!! I survive!!! Hang on thought you don't believe in GOD!!! Just showed stubbornness in belief!! So even though people like you go on stupid with your bull shit theory's one day, someday you will realise!!! C ya wouldn't wanna b ya!!!!
Well then Christian. What happened during the famous incident of september 9/11. When the planes were about to smash into twin towers what were the airplane passengers doing? Perhaps they were all masturbating. If they had all prayed to God they would all be alive today. I think the problem with all these incidents like September 9/11, Nazi Holocaust, Titanic etc etc is that all those who died were non religious. Yeah now I see they were all atheists like me. You good sir are correct.

05-19-2013, 01:10 PM
LOL Who created this world?? And then who created the creator of this world? And then who created his creator? Did you not notice that you were running around in circles with this creation bullshit? The only way out of this contradiction is the default position of ETERNAL EXISTENCE. NOBODY CREATED THIS WORLD. It was and will be always there. End of your creation story.

Lol acetone let me ask you as scientific question since you seem to be all about the science. You are saying the world has always been here and always will be. So you are saying that the matter that this world is comprised of is infinite? A high school physics class will tell you that is impossible.

05-19-2013, 01:18 PM
Well then Christian. What happened during the famous incident of september 9/11. When the planes were about to smash into twin towers what were the airplane passengers doing? Perhaps they were all masturbating. If they had all prayed to God they would all be alive today. I think the problem with all these incidents like September 9/11, Nazi Holocaust, Titanic etc etc is that all those who died were non religious. Yeah now I see they were all atheists like me. You good sir are correct.

You cannot blame the actions of people on God. We as humans are given free will. That same free will is what allows you to trash God right now. If God wanted robots that would worship him unconditionally he would have made them instead of humans. You have a finite amount of time on this earth and in the time you can decide to except Jesus Christ or not. That is your choice. For that same reason people can take their free will and abuse it. They can do evil things like 9/11. If God were to stop them from doing these evil things he would be taking away human free will. Now you probably think, "well evil people like that should have their free will taken away". But what about you? Do you want yours taken away? You may say, "well my actions aren't evil so why should my free will be taken away?" But your actions aren't evil compared to what? Compare to a perfect and all mighty God? No matter how good you think you are you would always fall short. There is a world where there is no evil, no sickness, no death; its called Heaven. So yes it is sad that we live in a broken and fallen world but that is because of sinful humans, not God turning his back on us.

05-19-2013, 01:22 PM
Lol acetone let me ask you as scientific question since you seem to be all about the science. You are saying the world has always been here and always will be. So you are saying that the matter that this world is comprised of is infinite? A high school physics class will tell you that is impossible.
Where did I say "matter is infinite"? I said matter is eternal. Has always been there and will always be. It is quite impossible for matter to be "infinite". If it were so there would be no motion since all universe would be one giant block of matter. Learn to read carefully before posting.

05-19-2013, 01:27 PM
You cannot blame the actions of people on God. We as humans are given free will. That same free will is what allows you to trash God right now. If God wanted robots that would worship him unconditionally he would have made them instead of humans. You have a finite amount of time on this earth and in the time you can decide to except Jesus Christ or not. That is your choice. For that same reason people can take their free will and abuse it. They can do evil things like 9/11. If God were to stop them from doing these evil things he would be taking away human free will. Now you probably think, "well evil people like that should have their free will taken away". But what about you? Do you want yours taken away? You may say, "well my actions aren't evil so why should my free will be taken away?" But your actions aren't evil compared to what? Compare to a perfect and all mighty God? No matter how good you think you are you would always fall short. There is a world where there is no evil, no sickness, no death; its called Heaven. So yes it is sad that we live in a broken and fallen world but that is because of sinful humans, not God turning his back on us.

Well, what if we were just organic robots? What if free will is a myth? What if, if I have no say in what I do?

05-19-2013, 01:29 PM
Listen you nasty piece of work!!! First of have some shame when addressing those who lost there lives in 911 or in fact any horrific incident how ever far back they may be!!!! To refer them to masturbating your one nasty cum stain!! You no what I ain't even gonna bother with your threads coz u av no self respect or for others!!! A dog has more.compassion then you, you plum!!! How do you no they didn't pray to GOD??? You thick porcupine!! I would really like you to say the same comments to someone who lost a loved one in those tragic times!!!!!!!! You wouldn't have a leg to stand on let alone fingers to type!!!! To disgusting excuses for a thing!!!! Not a human!!! Heartless toe rag!!!! I believe and always will in my LORD just to fend off zombies like you with no brains!!! Your in the wrong forum so Dooooooooooooooooo 1!!!!!! Ponce!!!

05-19-2013, 01:32 PM
Listen you nasty piece of work!!! First of have some shame when addressing those who lost there lives in 911 or in fact any horrific incident how ever far back they may be!!!! To refer them to masturbating your one nasty cum stain!! You no what I ain't even gonna bother with your threads coz u av no self respect or for others!!! A dog has more.compassion then you, you plum!!! How do you no they didn't pray to GOD??? You thick porcupine!! I would really like you to say the same comments to someone who lost a loved one in those tragic times!!!!!!!! You wouldn't have a leg to stand on let alone fingers to type!!!! To disgusting excuses for a thing!!!! Not a human!!! Heartless toe rag!!!! I believe and always will in my LORD just to fend off zombies like you with no brains!!! Your in the wrong forum so Dooooooooooooooooo 1!!!!!! Ponce!!!

Am I really this bad?

05-19-2013, 01:38 PM
Someone should punish these flamers, this is for people with anxiety and not for flamers to debate. If you can not take the things people say in an discussion just turn around and walk away or never begin in the first place.
Be ashamed.

05-19-2013, 01:43 PM
It's been a while since I posted. I'm happy to say my fears of terminal illnesses have passed and my crazy anxiety has gone away. But after going through all that I've recently had the realization I will be dead one day. I'm 23 right now so I don't plan on going just now but it all hit me, one day I will be gone, cease to exist. I'm not a religious person but I never really thought about what could be after death. Realistically I have a feeling it's eternal oblivion and that scares the shit out of me. Everything you love, know, remember, just gone. Eternally gone. Now while I wouldn't be aware of it since I'm dead it just scares me. I read reports of near death experiences (NDE) and I do find them interesting and comforting to say the least, then I read scientific studies just disproving everything. Basically I'm scared. It's not like I've never thought about death before it's just now it really hit me and it's been on my mind for weeks. It's really got me down. I feel like I want an answer, I really want to know what happens. I know I never will so I'm having a hard time accepting it. Every time I do something I enjoy I just think "one day I'll forget this forever" or "one day I'll never be able to do this again". I think if I can accept my greatest fear about death I think I'll be okay. Then if there really is some form of afterlife I will be so happy.

I also thought of reincarnation. But that leads my thoughts even further. What if I reincarnate as an animal? Unless I'm at the top of the food chain I'll always be hunted. What if I reincarnate as a murderer, or someone with a mental disease, or any horrible disease for that matter? Reincarnation can't go on for eternity. Earth won't always be around and if humans don't find another way to live on, then what? Another species on another planet, if there is one?

Basically all I want after I die is to see my family again and preserve my memories but realistically I don't think it's going to happen and that just scares me. Anyone else go through something like this? If so, how did you learn to accept it?

Since this post has turned into a debate board I wanted to personally reply to your questions. You don't have to worry, wonder, or be anxious because the truth is very simple. Now I wasn't a Christian all my life so my beliefs were not something that were forced on me. I hate to even call them beliefs because these are just undeniable facts I know. I am a very educated individual and have a degree that is based entirely on physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. So I know far more about science then most atheist who argue that point.

The bible says there is one way to heaven. By nature all humans have sin in their life. It may be little it may be big but it is sin regardless. The bible says the wages of sin is death. Eternal separation from God aka hell. God sent his son Jesus Christ to earth. He was crucified for our sins so that everyone who accepts this will be saved. Going to heaven is not about being to bad or being good enough. Jesus did something for all people but it has to be accepted. It is like being invited to a party and you need to RSVP. Unless you accept the invitation and RSVP you aren't going to be on the list when you get to the party aka heaven.

We can argue back and forth and wonder about this and that but in the end thats what it comes down to. You can even believe that there is a God but the only way to heaven is through accepting what Jesus Christ did so many years ago. Jesus was a real person that walked the earth for some period of time. He was crucified and buried. He was seen by hundreds of people, alive, days later. These are historical facts. They are recorded outside of the bible by historians who were not Christians themselves. So the only possible thing one could argue would be whether or not he was the Son of God. I personally don't think I would let someone nail me to a cross and hang there to die just to "lie" about being the Son of God.

So its not about the rules or conforming to religion. Its the fact that God loves you. You are his child and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He sent his only Son down from heaven to die instead of you. That is what love is. He wants you to come spend eternity with him in a place where there is no pain, no sickness, no death, no ANXIETY. He gave you this short life to decide for yourself. He will not force your hand so you can either accept him or deny him.

You will always have questions and some will be answered and some will not. It makes more and more sense as you peruse him. As you dig into the bible and attend a good church. It is a journey but it begins with Jesus.

Not to be grim but I will be real with you. Hell awaits anyone who has not accepted Jesus Christ when they either die or this world ends. It is not a scare tactic, its the truth. If you were driving and came to a fork in the road and I knew that down one road was a cliff that would kill you and down the other would be paradise, wouldn't it be evil of me not to warm you about the road with the cliff?

So the decision is your own. You can make it on your own time. I would be happy to explain more or answer any questions you may have. But now you know the simple truth. You don't have to be anxious or wonder any more. I no longer fear death. I could die tomorrow and not care in the least. It's like im sitting at the airport and waiting for my flight to paradise. It may be a really nice airport but its not my final destination.

05-19-2013, 01:45 PM
Where did I say "matter is infinite"? I said matter is eternal. Has always been there and will always be. It is quite impossible for matter to be "infinite". If it were so there would be no motion since all universe would be one giant block of matter. Learn to read carefully before posting.

LOL okay before we try to talk science what certifications do you have in the matter. What degrees? Research? Wikipedia doesn't count.

05-19-2013, 01:48 PM
Well, what if we were just organic robots? What if free will is a myth? What if, if I have no say in what I do?

Now your reaching. How does that even make sense? If you had no say in what you did obviously you wouldn't be arguing against God while I argued for him.

05-19-2013, 01:50 PM
LOL okay before we try to talk science what certifications do you have in the matter. What degrees? Research? Wikipedia doesn't count.

LOL I have no degrees or certifications. I work as a shoe shine boy near a subway.

05-19-2013, 01:52 PM
Now your reaching. How does that even make sense? If you had no say in what you did obviously you wouldn't be arguing against God while I argued for him.

Again I can simply say that it is like putting my hand in fire. I do not choose to feel pain but I have no control over the stimulus.

05-19-2013, 01:58 PM
LOL I have no degrees or certifications. I work as a shoe shine boy near a subway.

Okay well have you at least read the bible in it's entirety?

05-19-2013, 01:59 PM
I think you hit some sensitive spots here, let the blind lead the blind.

I do see the power of religion though, it takes alot of fear away. For example the fear of dieing, the fear of being alone since God is always there and it brings people together. I let you believe what you believe let me believe what I believe. Respect is the nr. 1 rule in life, religious or not.

And discussing about religion will never come to an agreement, no one will submit that their life is based on a lie.

Just my opinion, I respect everyone who respects me.

05-19-2013, 02:00 PM
Submit=admit* sorry tired.

05-19-2013, 02:04 PM
I think you hit some sensitive spots here, let the blind lead the blind.

I do see the power of religion though, it takes alot of fear away. For example the fear of dieing, the fear of being alone since God is always there and it brings people together. I let you believe what you believe let me believe what I believe. Respect is the nr. 1 rule in life, religious or not.

And discussing about religion will never come to an agreement, no one will submit that their life is based on a lie.

Just my opinion, I respect everyone who respects me.

I agree this is a sensitive subject. I am just having a friendly discussion because I can't help not putting in my 2 cents when I know the truth. If someone doesn't agree with me then thats fine. Folks shouldn't bash God without having anything to support it with. Actually support or not you shouldn't bash God because it is something people feel very deeply about. Just like if someone comes on here talking trash about my mom and using examples that are fully false, im going to defend her. No hard feelings on my end I just like a good ole discussion :)

05-19-2013, 02:04 PM
Okay well have you at least read the bible in it's entirety?

No good sir. I have only read that there was some guy named Christ who was crucified for our sins and went to heaven. And I think it also mentions earth being 5000 years old. I think its called creationism. I am not from a Christian background so excuse me for my misunderstandings my lord.

05-19-2013, 02:15 PM
No good sir. I have only read that there was some guy named Christ who was crucified for our sins and went to heaven. And I think it also mentions earth being 5000 years old. I think its called creationism. I am not from a Christian background so excuse me for my misunderstandings my lord.

No worries. I just don't think you should bash on something with no knowledge on the subject or evidence for your own argument. I couldn't write a negative book review for a book that I had never read. If you read my earlier post you can see the gospel summed up in a nutshell. That yes, God did send his son Jesus Christ down to earth. While he was here he spent his time loving, healing, and sharing the truth with people. He was then crucified for it. He was buried and the resurrected. This was a historical event witness and recored by all kinds of people from all different religions. He did this because we as humans are sinners by nature. This sin is a debt to God that can never be paid. Jesus died in place of our sin. So instead of us serving the punishment for our sins, Jesus did. He paid the debt that we could not pay. Anyone that chooses to admit that they are in fact a sinner, believe that Jesus did in fact come to this earth and die for our sins, and accept him into their heart; will be saved. When God looks at that person he will say not guilty. That person will one day join God and perfection in heaven. The science is there. This history is there. People just choose not to dig deep enough to discover the truth.

05-19-2013, 02:17 PM
I agree this is a sensitive subject. I am just having a friendly discussion because I can't help not putting in my 2 cents when I know the truth. If someone doesn't agree with me then thats fine. Folks shouldn't bash God without having anything to support it with. Actually support or not you shouldn't bash God because it is something people feel very deeply about. Just like if someone comes on here talking trash about my mom and using examples that are fully false, im going to defend her. No hard feelings on my end I just like a good ole discussion :)

Thanks for this, you are right it is disrespectful. But it is a useless discussion in my opinion since there is no end to it and after reading all those bad words people write, I believe it is going too far. There is too much frustration about this subject and i understand both sides.

05-19-2013, 02:24 PM
No worries. I just don't think you should bash on something with no knowledge on the subject or evidence for your own argument. I couldn't write a negative book review for a book that I had never read. If you read my earlier post you can see the gospel summed up in a nutshell. That yes, God did send his son Jesus Christ down to earth. While he was here he spent his time loving, healing, and sharing the truth with people. He was then crucified for it. He was buried and the resurrected. This was a historical event witness and recored by all kinds of people from all different religions. He did this because we as humans are sinners by nature. This sin is a debt to God that can never be paid. Jesus died in place of our sin. So instead of us serving the punishment for our sins, Jesus did. He paid the debt that we could not pay. Anyone that chooses to admit that they are in fact a sinner, believe that Jesus did in fact come to this earth and die for our sins, and accept him into their heart; will be saved. When God looks at that person he will say not guilty. That person will one day join God and perfection in heaven. The science is there. This history is there. People just choose not to dig deep enough to discover the truth.

I see now. My anxiety and panic attacks are due to me being a sinner. God is punishing me. So if I turn to Lord Jesus Christ I should be able to beat it. I will join a local church as soon as possible. Oh!! my heart I feel a panic attack coming. I am going to start praying to Jesus now. Help me Jesus.

05-19-2013, 02:31 PM
I see now. My anxiety and panic attacks are due to me being a sinner. God is punishing me. So if I turn to Lord Jesus Christ I should be able to beat it. I will join a local church as soon as possible. Oh!! my heart I feel a panic attack coming. I am going to start praying to Jesus now. Help me Jesus.

I wasn't goin to get involved in this ... But one thing I will say ( then let u guys carry on ) ....
It's not good to mock God .. " yr response above " :-)

05-19-2013, 02:31 PM
Oh this is going nowhere..

I understand the frustration acetone if only it was this easy Huh?

Im done here.

05-19-2013, 02:43 PM
I'm gunna throw away all my meds this instant. From this day on I am a changed man. The first thing I will do tomorrow is to give my shrink the middle finger and to go into the divine protection of Jesus. Jesus is my Lord and savior from today onwards.

05-19-2013, 02:49 PM
My bed time is near by I ve got to go to work in the morning so this is my last thread
I enjoyed arguing with you at least it gotten me busy and I didn't think about my anxiety
You a very provocative annoying and sarcyyyyy person but it doesn't really matter
You assumed that I was christian and I m not and it just proves your lack of knowledge with regards to religions
I don't think Jesus died for the sake of his people going to heaven
With free will comes responsibility so Christians just like everyone else are responsible for their sins
I think you re half way already to believing in GOD
You rejected the god you inherited from your parents and that s a huge step
I m not going to influence you and invite you to believe in my GOD because you need to find it your self!

05-19-2013, 02:58 PM
Nice meeting you all you nice people. Bye and good night everyone.

05-19-2013, 03:18 PM
I see now. My anxiety and panic attacks are due to me being a sinner. God is punishing me. So if I turn to Lord Jesus Christ I should be able to beat it. I will join a local church as soon as possible. Oh!! my heart I feel a panic attack coming. I am going to start praying to Jesus now. Help me Jesus.

Somehow out of everything I said and in nicest way possible, that is what you got out of it? God doesn't give people anxiety or any other heart-ship to punish them or trick them into turning to him. I never said that and it is biblically inaccurate so once again you are making things up with out of thin air. I've said what I have to say. Maybe you will change your mind one day. The man who wrote a large majority of the bible was previously a Christian killer. If his life can do a 180 so can yours. Keep on believing that you are just randomly here by chance. That this world has just always existed and always will exist just for no reason. Keep believing that all the beautiful and complex things of nature just evolved from pond scum. That we humans just evolved from monkeys but somehow there are not half monkey half humans. Just humans and monkeys. No creatures that are in the evolution process to fill the gap. Keep discounting science and historical facts. It sounds much more crazy to believe everything that you believe vs the fact that there is a God and creator that loves each and every person.

We will all find out the truth one day. If im wrong I guess I won't even know it because my soul will just "cease to exist". But what if your wrong? What then?

05-19-2013, 03:37 PM
Somehow out of everything I said and in nicest way possible, that is what you got out of it? God doesn't give people anxiety or any other heart-ship to punish them or trick them into turning to him. I never said that and it is biblically inaccurate so once again you are making things up with out of thin air. I've said what I have to say. Maybe you will change your mind one day. The man who wrote a large majority of the bible was previously a Christian killer. If his life can do a 180 so can yours. Keep on believing that you are just randomly here by chance. That this world has just always existed and always will exist just for no reason. Keep believing that all the beautiful and complex things of nature just evolved from pond scum. That we humans just evolved from monkeys but somehow there are not half monkey half humans. Just humans and monkeys. No creatures that are in the evolution process to fill the gap. Keep discounting science and historical facts. It sounds much more crazy to believe everything that you believe vs the fact that there is a God and creator that loves each and every person.

We will all find out the truth one day. If im wrong I guess I won't even know it because my soul will just "cease to exist". But what if your wrong? What then?

There are like how many religions out there? What is so special about yours? Can you even demonstrate one miracle of your religion? I mean religion has so many miracles in their sacred texts like God made universe, God can bring dead to life, Jesus walks on water etc etc. But when we look around there is none to be found. When one gets incurable diseases like AIDS and cancers why can't he just pray to God and be well? Why not just reason that since lying is a common human trait, all of the sacred texts(Bible,Gita,Quaran,Avesta) are lies made up by human apes?

05-19-2013, 03:45 PM
The man who wrote a large majority of the bible was previously a Christian killer. If his life can do a 180 so can yours.
Well aren't you dangerously assuming about me here? We have never met. How could you possibly know anything substantial about me from just a few posts? There have been saints in history like Gandhis, Terresas but there have also been mass murderers like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot and Saddam Husssein. How could you possibly know which I am or will be?

05-19-2013, 03:49 PM
Christianity is the only "religion" that is based on a historical event. All other religions are about what you need to do to earn your way to "heaven". Christianity is the only one that says it has been earned for you. All other religions are about man seeking God. Christianity is about God seeking man.

The bible is not a story book. It is all different historical writings and documents from all over and written by different authors. These were all verified extensively and gathered together to form one book. The Bible. It is the most reliable and accurate piece of literature ever written. If you can't believe the bible you might as well throw out all other pieces of literature and deem them false. If you looking for miracles the bible has one at every turn. If you looking for modern day miracles look around you. They happen all the time. Turn on a TV, explore the internet, and do some research.

05-19-2013, 03:52 PM
Well aren't you dangerously assuming about me here? We have never met. How could you possibly know anything substantial about me from just a few posts? There have been saints in history like Gandhis, Terresas but there have also been mass murderers like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot and Saddam Husssein. How could you possibly know which I am or will be?

Im not sure what you are talking about? I was basically saying that there have been millions of skeptics, like you, turned Christian over the years. So if their skepticism can change yours could too.

05-19-2013, 03:59 PM
Christianity is the only "religion" that is based on a historical event. All other religions are about what you need to do to earn your way to "heaven". Christianity is the only one that says it has been earned for you. All other religions are about man seeking God. Christianity is about God seeking man.

The bible is not a story book. It is all different historical writings and documents from all over and written by different authors. These were all verified extensively and gathered together to form one book. The Bible. It is the most reliable and accurate piece of literature ever written. If you can't believe the bible you might as well throw out all other pieces of literature and deem them false. If you looking for miracles the bible has one at every turn. If you looking for modern day miracles look around you. They happen all the time. Turn on a TV, explore the internet, and do some research.
I am not asking for technological advances. I'm asking you about real miracles. A good example of a real miracle would be creation ex nihilo ( making something out of nothing). Another would be to cure an incurable disease ( cure a terminal stage AIDS patient using prayers only).Technology is a discipline which deals in making gadgets to make human life easier and comfortable. It is NOT a miracle. Gadgets can be explained using science.

05-19-2013, 04:17 PM
Im not sure what you are talking about? I was basically saying that there have been millions of skeptics, like you, turned Christian over the years. So if their skepticism can change yours could too.

To get me to even touch the Bible you would have to present one of the miracles present in it first hand. Here is a miracle mentioned in the Bible - Jesus walking on water - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus%27_walk_on_water . As we know from experience it is quite impossible to perform such a feat. If one can do this and I am witnessing it I will be willing to read your text.

05-19-2013, 04:21 PM
I am not asking for technological advances. I'm asking you about real miracles. A good example of a real miracle would be creation ex nihilo ( making something out of nothing). Another would be to cure an incurable disease ( cure a terminal stage AIDS patient using prayers only).Technology is a discipline which deals in making gadgets to make human life easier and comfortable. It is NOT a miracle. Gadgets can be explained using science.

I didn't say anything about technology?

05-19-2013, 04:22 PM
I didn't say anything about technology?
What miracles are you mentioning then?

05-19-2013, 04:25 PM
To get me to even touch the Bible you would have to present one of the miracles present in it first hand. Here is a miracle mentioned in the Bible - Jesus walking on water - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus%27_walk_on_water . As we know from experience it is quite impossible to perform such a feat. If one can do this and I am witnessing it I will be willing to read your text.

Well considering that was Jesus doing the miracles and he is longer here I think you will have to wait on the whole reenactment thing. If you modern day miracles then simply use google. There are hundreds of reports.

Why don't you believe the miracles of the bible? Because they happened a long time ago? If that is the case then how can you believe anything that happened a long time ago? Even Jesus is in a modern day high school history textbook.

05-19-2013, 04:31 PM
Why is there ALWAYS Some kind of ARGUMENTS on here!! I'm getting sick of coming on here to read bullshit arguments about GOD? Grrrrrrr give me a break :-\

05-19-2013, 04:32 PM
The bible is a history book not a story book. The miracles of Jesus were recorded in all sorts of non-biblical documents. Many of these people opposed Christianity but the wrote about what they saw first hand. Just like you know about Christopher Columbus and his accomplishments from reading a history book. These were actually events that people experienced first hand and wrote about. When you have the same accounts from hundreds of different sources its hard to refute. It is a very fine tuned system used to validate historical documents and other pieces of literature.

05-19-2013, 04:34 PM
Why is there ALWAYS Some kind of ARGUMENTS on here!! I'm getting sick of coming on here to read bullshit arguments about GOD? Grrrrrrr give me a break :-\

We aren't arguing just having an intelligent conversation. Sometimes its nice to talk about something other than anxiety. This topic is 7 pages long. No one is forcing you to open it and read through it all.

05-19-2013, 04:34 PM
Well considering that was Jesus doing the miracles and he is longer here I think you will have to wait on the whole reenactment thing. If you modern day miracles then simply use google. There are hundreds of reports.

Why don't you believe the miracles of the bible? Because they happened a long time ago? If that is the case then how can you believe anything that happened a long time ago? Even Jesus is in a modern day high school history textbook.

You mention hundreds of miracles but I am having difficulty in finding one. All those who claim to perform miracles ultimately happen to be exposed as frauds and charlatans. Google debunker "James Randi". He has offered a prize of 1 million if one can perform a paranormal feat under controlled conditions. He exposes hacks and charlatans day in and day out. As for believing goes would you believe if I say that there are gnomes roaming in my kitchen messing things up? Or that an alien abducted and performed experiments on me?

05-19-2013, 04:35 PM
Someone should punish these flamers, this is for people with anxiety and not for flamers to debate. If you can not take the things people say in an discussion just turn around and walk away or never begin in the first place.
Be ashamed.

Yes they shoild be very ASHAMED! GROW UP and argue somewhere else!!

05-19-2013, 04:37 PM
What miracles are you mentioning then?

Miracles like people with incurable diseases being cured with no scientific explanation. People physically dying, being pronounced dead, and coming back to life. Addictions healed, marriages restored, lives being changed, and people having first hand experiences with God.

05-19-2013, 04:40 PM
The bible is a history book not a story book. The miracles of Jesus were recorded in all sorts of non-biblical documents. Many of these people opposed Christianity but the wrote about what they saw first hand. Just like you know about Christopher Columbus and his accomplishments from reading a history book. These were actually events that people experienced first hand and wrote about. When you have the same accounts from hundreds of different sources its hard to refute. It is a very fine tuned system used to validate historical documents and other pieces of literature.

The difference obviously is that what Columbus accomplished was not a miracle. You are dodging the real question again.

05-19-2013, 04:44 PM
Miracles like people with incurable diseases being cured with no scientific explanation. People physically dying, being pronounced dead, and coming back to life. Addictions healed, marriages restored, lives being changed, and people having first hand experiences with God.
These aren't miracles. Miracles are what I mentioned above.

05-19-2013, 04:49 PM
Yes they shoild be very ASHAMED! GROW UP and argue somewhere else!!

Ha. I think ashamed would be a bit drastic. I personally have not said one offensive thing here. We are having a discussion. If we were having a politics discussion would that also be shameful?

05-19-2013, 04:51 PM
The difference obviously is that what Columbus accomplished was not a miracle. You are dodging the real question again.

No I am not dodging anything. I am saying that there are miracles recorded in the bible. These miracles are as historically accurate as the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus.

People saw Jesus walk on water. They recorded it.

People saw the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus. They recorded it.

There are more sources and accounts and validity to what Jesus did then Columbus.

So if you say that the account of Jesus walking on water is BS how can you believe what Columbus did?

05-19-2013, 04:53 PM
You mention hundreds of miracles but I am having difficulty in finding one. All those who claim to perform miracles ultimately happen to be exposed as frauds and charlatans. Google debunker "James Randi". He has offered a prize of 1 million if one can perform a paranormal feat under controlled conditions. He exposes hacks and charlatans day in and day out. As for believing goes would you believe if I say that there are gnomes roaming in my kitchen messing things up? Or that an alien abducted and performed experiments on me?

I might believe it if thousands of people also saw these gnomes roaming your kitchen.

05-19-2013, 04:54 PM
No I am not dodging anything. I am saying that there are miracles recorded in the bible. These miracles are as historically accurate as the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus.

People saw Jesus walk on water. They recorded it.

People saw the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus. They recorded it.

There are more sources and accounts and validity to what Jesus did then Columbus.

So if you say that the account of Jesus walking on water is BS how can you believe what Columbus did?

Well did Columbus perform a miracle? A miracle is a feat which absolutely cannot be explained by logical reasoning. Did Columbus walk on water?

05-19-2013, 04:57 PM
I might believe it if thousands of people also saw these gnomes roaming your kitchen.

If thousands of people suddenly started shouting that moon is made up of cheese would you also believe them?

05-19-2013, 05:00 PM
Well did Columbus perform a miracle? A miracle is a feat which absolutely cannot be explained by logical reasoning. Did Columbus walk on water?

Okay you are totally not getting what I am saying. This is useless. I am debating with someone who has absolutely no knowledge of the subject. You lack biblical, historical, and scientific knowledge of any form. Therefore I have no idea how we could continue with this conversation. That would be like a physicist arguing about Newtons Laws with someone who had never read a simple physics book. Keep on believe what you want and giving God the middle finger. Its in his hands. I hope you learn the truth one day.

05-19-2013, 05:06 PM
Okay you are totally not getting what I am saying. This is useless. I am debating with someone who has absolutely no knowledge of the subject. You lack biblical, historical, and scientific knowledge of any form. Therefore I have no idea how we could continue with this conversation. That would be like a physicist arguing about Newtons Laws with someone who had never read a simple physics book. Keep on believe what you want and giving God the middle finger. Its in his hands. I hope you learn the truth one day.

You are the one who lack understanding. The creationists of your church are at war with evolutionists or so I've heard. You do not understand that History is written by human hands. And humans are prone to lying. You are creating strawman after strawman in order to protect your beliefs from scrutiny.

05-19-2013, 05:12 PM
You are the one who lack understanding. The creationists of your church are at war with evolutionists or so I've heard. You do not understand that History is written by human hands. And humans are prone to lying. You are creating strawman after strawman in order to protect your beliefs from scrutiny.

Lol okay whatever you say oh wise one.

05-19-2013, 05:16 PM
Come on guys cut it out :/ people come on here to seek help and advice, they don't want to be reading arguments or 'intelligent conversations' so you call them. At least take this to messages

05-19-2013, 05:16 PM
Lol okay whatever you say oh wise one.

Why thank you for the compliment. Good luck with your religion.

05-19-2013, 05:23 PM
Come on guys cut it out :/ people come on here to seek help and advice, they don't want to be reading arguments or 'intelligent conversations' so you call them. At least take this to messages
I doubt it. People tend to enjoy conflict and heated discussions and the view count of this thread will soon demonstrate it.

05-19-2013, 05:24 PM
Why thank you for the compliment. Good luck with your religion.

Thanks :)

05-19-2013, 10:03 PM
Lol all the arguing. I just wanted different views on people's ideas of death. I respect everyone's opinion and feelings. I'm just scared is all and I think it's causing anxiety. I think I'm slowly getting better.

05-20-2013, 12:10 AM
Ha. I think ashamed would be a bit drastic. I personally have not said one offensive thing here. We are having a discussion. If we were having a politics discussion would that also be shameful?

No its not drastic thankyou what I'm saying is grow up and STOP arguing about GOD!! Thank you :-\

05-20-2013, 12:24 PM
Good Debate

Please refrain from any name calling or insults .

My beliefs in a nut shell.

Faith is a very personal thing.

I believe that there is a lot that can be learned from faith . I also believe that it must be approached with a open mind so that one finds their own way and not the belief of someone else .

I do not believe in the church and i never will . I have no feelings on the bible either way because i have not read it nor at this stage do i wish to . From what i understand from it and this might just be peoples different interpretations of it, i think that it is very contradicting. This could also be because it has changed though time as it has been translate by man , which are human and have faults .

Faith is not something that is learned , something that is found , something that you find in a book or a building .

Faith is something that comes from within , something that is like air , something that is felt. Unless you have faith you can not understand it and there is no point debating it .

To dismiss faith because you either don't understand or you dont see it is a very poor way of looking at things.

There is much that we dont see , nor do we understand how or why it works but we have faith that it does .

Take love , you cant see it but you feel it. Air , again you cant see it but you have faith that it is there and that it is there for a reason .


I take it that you are young . You will one day find your own version of faith and i wish you luck with that . But i must say that i think that in order for you to do this you might find it easier with a open mind .

Remember if you any thing other than the lead sheep , the view never changes .

I can safely say that I do not understand you. I ask you again - Your faith is in what? Do you have faith in soul or your abilities or something like that? I for one have no faith nor do I see any chance of cultivating it in near future. You are better off avoiding all religious books not just Bible. They are all a waste of time. They may contain some history but overall are tainted by mythology.

05-20-2013, 02:02 PM
LOL You are obviously been brainwashed by religion nonsense like many others. When you die, the matter which your body is composed of will be reclaimed by nature and mother nature will use it to build other objects. Some part of you will go to soil, some part of you will become plant matter. some animals( including humans) etc etc. The matter which you are composed of is absolutely INDESTRUCTIBLE. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Your body can be scattered into tiny pieces but cannot be DESTROYED.The heaven,hell,oblivions are all nonsense propounded by wishful religious people.

Super awesome what we believe sometimes. In essence, you are saying that this "absolutely indestructible matter" has no real origin. It just appeared, or formed out of nothing. Nice. So I'm thinking, that if indeed we were created in the image of God, then we share some of His attributes like the ability to create. This seems to make sense to me, but that's just my opinion right. Somehow, the fact that we can reproduce and create other human beings each with a distinct DNA and finger print all point to the idea that there could never be a God somewhere. This I find interesting as well.

On a serious note, If we could thoroughly examine the complexity of life, one has to argue there must be a God. And if that is true, then all other arguments related must also be true, which means there is probably really a heaven and a hell. Yet, we are free to believe one way or another, but is it possible for what we believe to change the truth?

I'm sure the happiest people on here who struggle with anxiety put there faith in God, and His ability to deliver us. After all, if in this life alone we had hope, we would be men most miserable. The Bible says that and we have proven it to be sooo, yet deny that what is written is truth.

So a day will come when all on earth will know the truth. Those who believe and those who don't. One of us is wrong. Personally, considering that there are so many who don;t believe, I really hope that I am the one who is wrong and there really is nothing beyond death. So I once asked my brother in law, so what if he found out that he was wrong in not believing in God, and his response was "Well, that would really suck!"

05-20-2013, 02:14 PM
U guys are funny ... If u dnt believe in sumink why u trying soooo hard to prove it doesn't exist ???

05-20-2013, 10:29 PM
Forwells , I am with you 100%. You know what they say all you " Forum Peeps" stay off the subject of Religion and Politics, Why ? Because these are personal individualized choices developed in accordance with our own life experiences and upbringing. Everyone has a right to their own opinion and God given "choices".For all you supporters of God, well then that would be Adam's choice correct ? Here are some facts the Bible was written not by God but by mere mortals and man has a tendency to expand on the truth or write it according to what he believes. Man wrote history and history has been proven countless times to be inaccurate. so the word of God is actually the word of God( according to man) ? That being said I believe in God, a higher power. I believe in miracles, I see them all the time, everyone would if they paid attention. I believe, like forwells that it isn't about church, books and hearsay, it's about humanity and universal love for your fellow man. People who suffer from anxiety disorders have a very strong desire to control and this is really all this argument is about. Health and Death Anxiety ,if truth be known is simply about that inability to control life. Personally I'm not thinking anybody's God is loving this argument. Many people feel,like forwells,that there is no hell , because earth is hell. That's reasonable, given that many people endure far more pain and suffering then any of us on this Forum ever have,so far be it for me to argue with them about any belief those suffering may have. I remember once asking a very religious Christian person I knew if they truly believed that if a Christian and a Jew were standing at the Gates of Heaven they believed the Christian would be admitted and the Jew would not and their answer was Yes ! I turned my back and walked away. Now I can argue either side effectively but I won't because I adhere to a very strong belief that man was created equal ( that would be the Bible folks). That statement, God's words as interpreted and written by man means that God created man "equal" in mind, body and spirit so who am I to dispute anybody's beliefs ? Doesn't that in fact go against God's principle message? Every formal organized religion on this planet share a common universal concept of the message of "Love" and that is where the majority of the world's population is screwing up. This argument is nothing more then a Power Struggle. People who are comfortable with whatever they believe don't have to strong hold another human being into believing them, they simply " accept" differences. The world will be at Peace when the Power of Love exceeds the Love of Power. I thought the Forum had it right, that there was a common bond here based on human compassion for those suffering from anxiety. This is personal, leave it be, respect each other. When a person acts, thinks and speaks from a place of goodness then the world moves forward. Believers and Non-Believers you are all Peeps to Me. Be Well !

05-21-2013, 10:11 AM
Super awesome what we believe sometimes. In essence, you are saying that this "absolutely indestructible matter" has no real origin. It just appeared, or formed out of nothing. Nice. So I'm thinking, that if indeed we were created in the image of God, then we share some of His attributes like the ability to create. This seems to make sense to me, but that's just my opinion right. Somehow, the fact that we can reproduce and create other human beings each with a distinct DNA and finger print all point to the idea that there could never be a God somewhere. This I find interesting as well.

On a serious note, If we could thoroughly examine the complexity of life, one has to argue there must be a God. And if that is true, then all other arguments related must also be true, which means there is probably really a heaven and a hell. Yet, we are free to believe one way or another, but is it possible for what we believe to change the truth?

I'm sure the happiest people on here who struggle with anxiety put there faith in God, and His ability to deliver us. After all, if in this life alone we had hope, we would be men most miserable. The Bible says that and we have proven it to be sooo, yet deny that what is written is truth.

So a day will come when all on earth will know the truth. Those who believe and those who don't. One of us is wrong. Personally, considering that there are so many who don;t believe, I really hope that I am the one who is wrong and there really is nothing beyond death. So I once asked my brother in law, so what if he found out that he was wrong in not believing in God, and his response was "Well, that would really suck!"

I never said matter formed out of nothing. I said that it has always been there. It has no origin. We cannot explain how matter can form from empty space nor the matter in front of us disappears into nothing. Your mother didn't create you from nothing.She took in the matter which was already present as nutrients and formed the fetus. If we didn't give your mother anything to eat while she was pregnant could she have given birth to you?
Again you are running around in circles like a typical theist. If God created humans. Who then created God? As for your other beliefs they are just that beliefs. There was a time when majority of believed in flat earth. Look where their idea stands now. People who attempt to explain reality by appealing to consensus and authority are not scientists, they are consensus religionists. Reality pisses on beliefs of petty humans. Your "truth" is nothing but your opinion.

05-21-2013, 10:29 AM
I understand that you don't understand and that's fine because its not your faith but mine.

You asked what my faith is . Which in itself is something that is very hard to explain to someone .

Again i will state that this is not something that i have been taught and is not something that has been forced into me.

I guess when it comes down to it my faith is that there is a higher power , something that we cant see that aids us in our life. I believe that there is a purpose for each and every one of us and this could be something that takes time to see but that it is there .

I do believe that we have a soul but i can not explain this but then you can not explain that i do not . What happens to this soul when we die ? Who knows , you don't and i don't but i don't think that there is any reason to know this either . We are here to live life and forefill what we are here for . We are not here to worry about dieing .

You said that we are better off to avoid all religious books not just Bible. This is a very narrow minded view and something that is going to do you no good . Life is about learning and we learn from one another and past events.

I do in part way agree with you . I would prefer to read someones personal story on how they changed their life .

It is fine to dismiss something as garbage but it is best to do it with a open mind after having investigated it first. This works with so many thing and i am not going to write a list but let me ask you Do you think that because 100 people say that you have to just live with your anxiety that this is true?. Would you be better off to investigate all the information first before making up your own mind ? Be your own person . Believe or not but when you do it do it with a open mind looking at both sides . I think it is very important that when investigating something that you should also look at why people may be sharing that information to start with . Do they have something to gain from having you on side .

God . Do i believe in God? Well i cant tell you yes and i cant tell you no. Again i believe in a high power and if this is god then i guess i do. But what i can tell you that the god that most preach about i think is garbage.

Let me explain . We are told that if we don't behave then we will end up in hell . But lets just look at that, God gave us free will . So by using our free will , which god would know how it works, and we do something wrong, do you honestly think that god would punish us? Thats like looking at it by saying that then god was wrong for giving us it in the first place. Sort of like putting sweets in front of a child and then yelling at them for eating them.

A lot of the church cracks me up completely . It is preached that we should have understanding , compassion and love to fellow man/ woman but then we are told that it is wrong in the eyes of god to be gay . Hang on a minute , we have a all mighty creator that is behind everything and we are telling him that he made a mistake. Maybe , just maybe its us dumb ass humans that have got it wrong .

Dont get me started on the wealth of the church , the wealth of companies . I find that the lack of compassion towards our fellow man/ woman , the poor , the hungry , the sick in regards to profits is sickening . There is a preacher in the US which i really like but then i saw her wealth , in the millions and i though you hypocritically cow.

I believe that there is a set of rules that we should live by and at the top of those is to have understanding , compassion and love to fellow man/ woman. I think that this is what is missing in the world and is what causes so many problems.

I see god like a mother . She teachers us and looks after us but she gives us free will . She is not going to punish us for using it . She is always going to love us no matter what we do because she understand just why it is that we do it .

I believe in hell but i think that the hell that is spoken of is not right. I believe that simply by not living by some very simply rules that we placing ourselves in hell . I believe that hell is in fact earth.

I have done some pretty shitty things in my life but do not believe that i will be sent to hell for them . I beleive that everything i have done has had a purpose and the reason that it happened is part of that grand plan .

I believe that the bad things in life teach us more than the good and that there is a reason why they happen even if we don't understand .

There has been smarter mind than you and i that have been trying to work out the meaning of life and not found the answers . I don't think we ever will , well maybe one day but i do believe that there is a reason that we are here and that is to simply live our lifes with caring , understanding , love and compassion while we are here .

I dont know who created the earth , nor do i care . Life is about now , its about living in the moment . I would say that what ever and who ever did , did a pretty good job . Its a petty that the inhabitants are wrecking it and themselves slowly.

The last thing that i believe and that why i dont like organized religion is that much of it is based on fear . There is no fear is caring , understanding , love and compassion.

My preacher , who i saw for a short time when i said that i did not want to go to his church told me that i didnt need to . That god was not in a book , a building but in your heart and you will know when it is there .


As I expected. Your faith is in a higher power. This is no different than having faith in a god. Our purpose in life is nothing but our individual opinions. Some believe their purpose is helping the needy, some wish to be recognized, some long for wealth some wish to destroy others etc etc. You said something about soul. Let me ask you this - What is this so called soul. How is a soul different from body? How is soul created? How many total souls are there in the universe? You are free to spend or waste your time as you want. If you wish to indulge in examining fairy tales all day long then go ahead. I do not care that you call me narrow minded. I will not waste my time with this religious nonsense. I have much better things to do. Not everything in this world deserve to be taken seriously. You seem to view world through rose colored glasses.

05-21-2013, 11:09 AM
As I expected. Your faith is in a higher power. This is no different than having faith in a god. Our purpose in life is nothing but our individual opinions. Some believe their purpose is helping the needy, some wish to be recognized, some long for wealth some wish to destroy others etc etc. You said something about soul. Let me ask you this - What is this so called soul. How is a soul different from body? How is soul created? How many total souls are there in the universe? You are free to spend or waste your time as you want. If you wish to indulge in examining fairy tales all day long then go ahead. I do not care that you call me narrow minded. I will not waste my time with this religious nonsense. I have much better things to do. Not everything in this world deserve to be taken seriously. Acetone, In all due respect everyone has a belief in a Higher Power including yourself, for that Higher Power exists as your beliefs, your individual interpretation. Someone's interpretation of a Higher Power may be one Divine Being, another's may be " Molecular Energy" , regardless everyone is entitled to their own interpretation. Often people argue for the sheer purpose of gaining power through " winning the argument". There are no winners here, unless of course someone is naive enough to believe they are the Higher Power " in this Universe. This is an argument that has been battled by the greatest minds in the world to no avail, no one has gained significant advances in theory. Scientists believe simply in the death of the body, that is until significant advances were made in recognition of the soul and it's existence as a separate entity ( separating from the body at death) documented in " Science of the Soul". You see this argument will go on long after we are gone.But here's a tidbit of information for all at the root of any Anxiety Disorders is a very powerful "Death Anxiety" for we all innately fear the unknown. Therefore personally I am not thinking that reiterating that there is no Life After Death or challenging their beliefs ( support system for anxiety) is necessarily a good thing. But Hey , Great Job in getting people's minds off their anxiety, which has always been my goal on this Forum.