View Full Version : advice for anxiety sufferers

05-17-2013, 12:27 PM
for all the anxiety suffers out there. I recommend telling a trusted person or therapist about your problems. I do not and I repeat this I do not recommend telling people who do not suffer from any kind of anxiety your problems. People who do not suffer from anxiety do not understand why we feel the way we do and they will only criticize you for feeling that way. So if any of you feel you need to tell someone your problems let it be people who understand what you are going through. That's why this forum is so important. My husband do not suffer from anxiety and when I try to tell him my problems he just brush it off with an "ain't nothing wrong with you." And that is not advice. Some more advice. please stay away from negative people. Whether it's a friend or family member. We need to surround ourselves with positive people who have our best interests at heart. My younger sister who I thought I could talk to and trust, well I found out what she really thinks of me and none of it is positive. God has blessed me with so much in life. My parents, my physical health, my kids, my husband although he can be an ass at times. I graduated from college. when it comes down to positive things that have happened in my life she don't care about that. My 5 year old daughter is showing signs of anxiety and agressiveness and it kinda scare me. I hope she grow out of it. Moral of this story is confide in people who know what you are going through like in this forum and outside this forum as well and stay away from those who are negative towards you. I have been suffering with anxiety since I was 14 years old.

05-17-2013, 01:48 PM
Amen to that...

05-17-2013, 01:58 PM
Yep, good points. Alankay