View Full Version : Anxiety Symptoms or something more serious?

05-16-2013, 07:22 PM
Been anxious in the past 2 months or so due to job loss, life in general, etc. I started to get ball of foot nerve pain on both feet when I would step off so I got new shoes and inserts. Helped a lot but still have the pain and cannot walk on hard surfaces without slippers. So I chucked it up to having flat feet and getting older (40+).

I am not overweight and have no medical problems. Then about 2 weeks ago I started to get these weird random nerve zaps (feels like something stung me) and they last for like 1-2 seconds. They would come and go at times and I also felt itchy at times all over my body but no rash or redness. If I would scratch the itch, it would go away. I then started to get muscle twitching in my feet and legs. It would also come and go and I wouldn't feel them when I was moving but sitting down I would notice them.

The itching and nerve zaps would increase if I got stressed or if I got really hot (exercise).

Went to doc and got blood work and so far everything shows OK. Checked for B12, magnesium, etc, or anything that could be causing this neurological issues.

With that being said. Can my problems be caused by anxiety? The above symptoms are increasing my anxiety, so it's a viscous cycle.

05-16-2013, 08:44 PM
Been anxious in the past 2 months or so due to job loss, life in general, etc. I started to get ball of foot nerve pain on both feet when I would step off so I got new shoes and inserts. Helped a lot but still have the pain and cannot walk on hard surfaces without slippers. So I chucked it up to having flat feet and getting older (40+).

I am not overweight and have no medical problems. Then about 2 weeks ago I started to get these weird random nerve zaps (feels like something stung me) and they last for like 1-2 seconds. They would come and go at times and I also felt itchy at times all over my body but no rash or redness. If I would scratch the itch, it would go away. I then started to get muscle twitching in my feet and legs. It would also come and go and I wouldn't feel them when I was moving but sitting down I would notice them.

The itching and nerve zaps would increase if I got stressed or if I got really hot (exercise).

Went to doc and got blood work and so far everything shows OK. Checked for B12, magnesium, etc, or anything that could be causing this neurological issues.

With that being said. Can my problems be caused by anxiety? The above symptoms are increasing my anxiety, so it's a viscous cycle.

I would say but I am not a dr that those are indeed anxiety symptoms you are experiencing. I have twitching, zips, zaps, trembling, you name it; IT spells ANXIETY. It is the pits. STress causes it even if the stress happened a long time ago. My body doesn't react into months later from stress and then look out. My spells come and go all day long. Very annoying and disabling to say the least.

05-17-2013, 02:41 AM
I would say but I am not a dr that those are indeed anxiety symptoms you are experiencing. I have twitching, zips, zaps, trembling, you name it; IT spells ANXIETY. It is the pits. STress causes it even if the stress happened a long time ago. My body doesn't react into months later from stress and then look out. My spells come and go all day long. Very annoying and disabling to say the least.

My upper back area also gets really tense/tight during the day and I have occasional calf and Achilles tightness but then it comes and goes very quickly. It's amazing that anxiety can cause this. Is there something physical or chemical being released into the body during anxiety that is causing this? It's a physical reaction to a psychological state of anxiety.

05-17-2013, 05:51 AM
Adrenaline i would say and stress hormones?

05-17-2013, 05:54 AM
My upper back area also gets really tense/tight during the day and I have occasional calf and Achilles tightness but then it comes and goes very quickly. It's amazing that anxiety can cause this. Is there something physical or chemical being released into the body during anxiety that is causing this? It's a physical reaction to a psychological state of anxiety.

Omg my Achilles has been sore for weeks - can anxiety really do this?

05-17-2013, 08:34 AM
the upper back thing is related to anxiety because I have had that. It is from GERD. acid reflux; when your anxiety is out of control, it messes with the other areas of the body. I even so much went to the dr a few years back with the middle of the back pain between shoulders and they did an endoscopy. Clean bill of health. I promise you are fine. I even had pain in my calf several years ago and assumed the very worset; blood cot. Drove myself to ER, no blood clot. was fine. We all must get a handle on this cycle we are doing to our bodies and live life to the fullest. This is no fun.

05-19-2013, 10:48 PM
the upper back thing is related to anxiety because I have had that. It is from GERD. acid reflux; when your anxiety is out of control, it messes with the other areas of the body. I even so much went to the dr a few years back with the middle of the back pain between shoulders and they did an endoscopy. Clean bill of health. I promise you are fine. I even had pain in my calf several years ago and assumed the very worset; blood cot. Drove myself to ER, no blood clot. was fine. We all must get a handle on this cycle we are doing to our bodies and live life to the fullest. This is no fun.

Thanks for the info!

My tightness/soreness is in the upper left back area and I also get some twitching there. My bloodwork came back good. I think I got myself into the mindset I had MS because of a Google search but my doc says I don't have MS but they will do a MRI just to ease my mind.

I do notice that stress and anxiety gets my back soreness higher and my twitching, nerve zapping and itching increase with my stress and anxiety levels. I also have a hard time sleeping (wake every 2-3 hours). Trying to keep calm and remind myself that I don't have MS or any other neurological disease.