View Full Version : Please respond: can anxiety come and go all day long with the trembles and such???

05-16-2013, 05:09 PM
Hi everyone,
Off and on all day I have had trembling, some nausea ; it comes and goes. Is it our brain worried it will happen again? I am so exhausted. I work thru it and it goes away only to come back. Appreciate any answers

05-16-2013, 05:33 PM
Worrying about when you will feel it again is very common

It's what kept my anxiety alive for years.

The more I worried about it the more nauseous and sick I felt

It is your brain but it is being tricked by the anxiety by convincing you there is something more to it.

If you understand and accept that it is anxiety that us causing you to feel the way you do, watch how fast it stops. .

05-16-2013, 05:37 PM
It sure does a good job of convincing me it is something else; I want to run to the ER. What the heck!? I can't figure why I am allowing a fear to consume me. I appreciate you responding to me. Did you feel like this? What did you experience?

05-16-2013, 05:38 PM
oh okay; i just saw you don't have anxiety.

05-17-2013, 04:49 AM
I had really bad symptoms with nausea to the point where I couldn't eat and lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks (i am average size).. it took me a long time to snap out of it. The things that helped me were getting out of the house and keeping myself busy (chores around the house, work, etc.) I thought I was completely over it, but every once in a while nausea will hit me out of nowhere, and I'm like what the hell!! I worked so hard to get better, and it was coming back (once while I was at work, sometimes when I'm just relaxing at home) so I make myself eat something to show myself "see you can eat, your not really nauseous, its your stupid brain again!)

Meds helped me a lot too. I really don't think I could have done it without them, I was in really bad shape and they helped pull me out of that hole I was stuck in. I took klonopin .5mg 2x a day, once in a.m. and once before bed. I had to slowly ween myself off of them and I'm doing okay now.

Best of luck to you

05-17-2013, 04:52 AM
Yep I have symptoms all day even when I don't think I'm anxious!!

Bit because I'm always thinking about how and what I'm feeling I guess I make them worse because I focus on them

05-17-2013, 04:57 AM
Sounds like anxiety to me but yeah trembling, worrying about it returning, stomach trouble, rapid heart beat, etc, likely anxiety especially if you have a fearful/distressed feeling. Alankay

05-17-2013, 06:46 AM
Yes I have that too for 7 mos now. Very nauseus and lightheaded . The problem is we focus too much on our symptoms. I couldn't go to work for a week last month bec of the severe nausea. Last October almost 2 months I was off for the anxiety and nausea and the dizzy feeling. Always worried that I will faint so I always called in sick. Sucks

05-17-2013, 06:56 AM
Yes I have that too for 7 mos now. Very nauseus and lightheaded . The problem is we focus too much on our symptoms. I couldn't go to work for a week last month bec of the severe nausea. Last October almost 2 months I was off for the anxiety and nausea and the dizzy feeling. Always worried that I will faint so I always called in sick. Sucks

Yes malyn.. i also go thru this fainting process, but i some how make up my mind and go out for work, i keep saying to my brain what else can u do lets c.. but never fainted so its like evryday with me..

05-17-2013, 08:27 AM
thank you missmello for your support. I will keep trying to stay busy and not fret.. I so appreciate your help. I must break the cycle

05-17-2013, 08:28 AM
Yes, been off work for a week now with this crap. I am trying to break the cycle with meds and therapy

05-17-2013, 09:53 AM
Yes malyn.. i also go thru this fainting process, but i some how make up my mind and go out for work, i keep saying to my brain what else can u do lets c.. but never fainted so its like evryday with me..

Me, too, fear of fainting, although I've never fainted in my life.... no idea why I'm so terrified of it. There are SO MANY mornings that I desperately want to stay home from work but if I start giving into those it's going to become very obvious that I have some kind of nervous condition and I don't want that to be obvious at work. They all know about and are sympathetic with my hyperthyroid and colitis but I don't want to add "whack job" on top of that. (since people who have never experienced panic attacks have no idea what we're feeling and it sounds crazy if you try to explain it).

Malyn, what do you tell the people at work you are home for? Do they know it's anxiety-related or have you come up with something good that we can all use? :)

05-17-2013, 11:40 AM
fortunately i teach school and my colleagues completely understand .