View Full Version : Anxiety & high bp

05-16-2013, 10:25 AM
Hello all! I've been dealing with done craziness here. My Bp has been up and down since my pregnancy and right now it's up. For the last few months I've been dealing with some major anxiety issues. I don't want to do anything or go anywhere. Just going to the store is difficult. My doctor has me on metoprolol extended release 50 mg once daily. They now want me to start taking Zoloft 25 mg. I'm extremely nervous about this because I hate taking medications even though it could help me and everything could be better the side affects could make it worse. Any one else out there on these combo meds??? Any advice / experiences would be greatly appreciated !!

05-16-2013, 01:59 PM
Order nordic naturals ultimate omega off amazon and take 2 of those a day