View Full Version : New to the group

05-16-2013, 10:20 AM

I have spoken to my doctors on many occasions about how nervous and anxious and panicky I get in most general day to day things, each time they never really say much as I go for a few different things at a time.

Tuesday I went and saw someone different and she asked if I had every spoken to anyone about it? I hadn't really thought about it as spoken to my family and partner but they don't really get it

Started looking online as didn't want to go on any tablets or speak to people face to face as it scares me too much.

So relieved to read some of the posts on here to realise its not just me. It's taken me so long to be able to go into any shop or even walk to the shop on my own which is at the end of the road, I nearly had an accident aswell because I almost ran there and back. The first few times I walked in a circle and couldn't even go into the shop.

Thinking of starting to try for a family soon so don't want to try tablets and really need to get my head straight so I can do simple things without bursting into years and shouting and running away from alot of tasks people take for granted.

Thanks for any advise I have been trying to think of how to put any of this in writing since finding the site but so hard, as its almost admitting to myself I need to be self sufficient and not rely on other people to do things with.

05-16-2013, 12:32 PM
Just writing your story can be therapeutic in some ways.

You came to the right shop to get some advice, direction and more importantly at first, a sense that this disorder is not unique to you.

Many in the same boat as you, as well as people that have been there and have overcome anxiety

Come on in. Check things out.

Then get to healing your mind.

The stickies on the top of the forum page is a great place to begin the journey back to happiness.

05-16-2013, 12:53 PM
Hi welcome to the forum!

Congrats firstly for being so honest about your situation- it isnt easy.

Ive found this forum to be a good help, in a selfish sounding way, its comforting to know your not alone. I dont wish anxiety on anyone ofcourse but you know what i mean.

I was prescribed diazepam for when the panic is unbearable but i dont use them much. Its comforting to know i have them in case of emergencies though.

I find day by day it can start to improve slightly but just remember your not goin to wake up tommorrow and it will be gone. However it doesnt mean it wont go.

Be positive, take each day as it comes and post your thoughts here as much as you need to! Venting is good.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey through this and give you my support whenever its needed.
