View Full Version : Begging for help

05-16-2013, 06:39 AM
Please someone help me . Bad anxiety attack trying to keep it from sheer panic. My head is killing me my heart is jumping out of chest I'm getting tingly all over and my heart feels hot and cold at same time. Help Convince me this is just anxiety!!!!!!! I'm in the bathroom at work this is pathetic!!!!!!!!

05-16-2013, 08:00 AM
This post was over an hour ago.

How are you feeling now Blessed? Has the panic attack calmed down a little?

05-16-2013, 08:06 AM
Hi. Sorry no one messaged you back straight away. Time differences are probably a big part in this, as well as people working.
Are you still alive? Has your anxiety killed you?
Well, it was definitely just an anxiety then.
Believe me when I say I know how you feel.
I have good days and bad days. On my good days I can do everything I need to do with just a hint of anxiety, like butterflies in my stomach or feeling a little shaky. On my bad days I'm too nervous to walk to the local shop!
Today I was actually at the shop and I got that 'I'm not quite there' feeling, swiftly followed by a head rush and a shock of adrenaline. Now, I really wanted to bolt from that shop, but I didn't. I stayed put and reasoned with myself that I've felt these symptoms a thousand times before and I've never fainted, never had a heart attack and never died from it!
And as soon as I walked out of the shop the light headedness and weird feeling disappeared straight away. That's how I am certain it's anxiety trying to trick us.
Our trick that we need to become experts at is saying, 'Come on then, make me shake, make my stomach turn, make my heart race, make me dizzy, make me feel as though I'm going crazy - because I don't give a shit anymore. You don't frighten me. I'm going to carry on anyway, so do you worst!'
I truly believe this is THE only way to beat this. We stare the fear straight in the eye and tell it to bring it. It soon gets bored of being unimportant and it will leave. Xxx hope you're feeling better now. X

05-16-2013, 08:08 AM
Hi. Sorry no one messaged you back straight away. Time differences are probably a big part in this, as well as people working.
Are you still alive? Has your anxiety killed you?
Well, it was definitely just an anxiety then.
Believe me when I say I know how you feel.
I have good days and bad days. On my good days I can do everything I need to do with just a hint of anxiety, like butterflies in my stomach or feeling a little shaky. On my bad days I'm too nervous to walk to the local shop!
Today I was actually at the shop and I got that 'I'm not quite there' feeling, swiftly followed by a head rush and a shock of adrenaline. Now, I really wanted to bolt from that shop, but I didn't. I stayed put and reasoned with myself that I've felt these symptoms a thousand times before and I've never fainted, never had a heart attack and never died from it!
And as soon as I walked out of the shop the light headedness and weird feeling disappeared straight away. That's how I am certain it's anxiety trying to trick us.
Our trick that we need to become experts at is saying, 'Come on then, make me shake, make my stomach turn, make my heart race, make me dizzy, make me feel as though I'm going crazy - because I don't give a shit anymore. You don't frighten me. I'm going to carry on anyway, so do you worst!'
I truly believe this is THE only way to beat this. We stare the fear straight in the eye and tell it to bring it. It soon gets bored of being unimportant and it will leave. Xxx hope you're feeling better now. X

I like this post! Especially the part in bold.

Edit: What a paradox it is, to have to invite the conflict, in order to find peace :)

05-16-2013, 08:43 AM
Yes I'm still alive. Extremely ticked off and suffering from what I'm sure is an anxiety induced migrane but I'm fine. My coworkers were really being loud slamming things and doors and talking like theyre in a barn... So I had to walk out for a minute. Between that and the bright lights I'm ready to vomit. Just got worked up again for no reason. Had bad anxiety day yesterday and I think it just spilled over to today. But thank God I'm feeling some better! Thanks for all your replys