View Full Version : Anxiety upon wakening?!?

05-16-2013, 05:13 AM
Every morning when I wake up, I am shaky and feel sick. Does anyone else have this? I know I clench my jaw at night because I wake up with it clenched and it takes me reminding myself most of the morning to relax it. During the day is touch and go with anxiety attacks. Some days I am fine all day and other days it is a day of hell with one attack after another. If any of you wake up this way and know how to control it, that would be great!

05-16-2013, 05:19 AM

I get that too though its mainly a tight feeling/major butterflies in my stomach and very dizzy head.

I havent discovered how to stop it yet except that I know it will pass as the morning goes on so I try "belly breathing" and just reminding myself its just anxiety nothing is really wrong.

05-16-2013, 11:47 AM
Every morning when I wake up, I am shaky and feel sick. Does anyone else have this? I know I clench my jaw at night because I wake up with it clenched and it takes me reminding myself most of the morning to relax it. During the day is touch and go with anxiety attacks. Some days I am fine all day and other days it is a day of hell with one attack after another. If any of you wake up this way and know how to control it, that would be great!

I get that every morning lately. I don't k is what to do about it either. It scares me

05-16-2013, 11:51 AM
I am exactly the same it's horrible, and like you it can last all day or be really bad in the morning and slightly better as the day goes on. The psychiatrist said this is most common with anxiety sufferers I just wish I had a better way of coping with it:(

05-16-2013, 01:42 PM
Interesting, I sometimes feel anxious upon waking to, anyone have anything that has worked for them?

05-16-2013, 03:10 PM
I do - and it's really easy once you get the hang of it -
As soon as you wake up and you feel the sensations creeping up on you (which, by the way, always start with you mentally checking yourself for symptoms, whether you think you do or not) you GET up out of bed! Don't like there letting your stomach churn and your little heart thump. GET up! But do it slowly - then, go to the bathroom and do what you need to do. Again SLOWLY! Then, get dressed. Then, make yourself a cup of tea and all the while breathe nice and easy and repeat the word 'slowly' in your head. You will find that the churning stomach will have settled by this time and so will your heart rate. Then you eat something, which will complete the process of settling your stomach. And now, you will be ready for your day.
Believe me - this WORKS. Xxx

05-16-2013, 03:28 PM
Yep mine is always worse in the morning as I am straight away thinking "do I feel dizzy? Do I feel faint? Will I panic today" so you really talk yourself into it all!!

It's taken me a long time but I am slowly changing my thinking because that's what causes it all... Our thoughts!! So frustrating!!!!

I get bad anxiety attacks when I am out at meals for dinner etc. I sit there and I can feel it creeping in, that horrible feeling that something is going to happen. It's awful

05-16-2013, 03:51 PM
Yeah I get the sick feeling when I wake up. Usually dissipates after moving around and getting something to eat.

05-16-2013, 04:03 PM
I am exactly the same it's horrible, and like you it can last all day or be really bad in the morning and slightly better as the day goes on. The psychiatrist said this is most common with anxiety sufferers I just wish I had a better way of coping with it:(

Thx for letting me know this is normal . I don't cope very well either. Frankly it makes me upset. It passes only to return again. Please keep in touch so we can swap stories!

05-16-2013, 04:50 PM
Thx for letting me know this is normal . I don't cope very well either. Frankly it makes me upset. It passes only to return again. Please keep in touch so we can swap stories!

It does at me to burn up the adrenaline when this happens; anyone else out there suffer with this????????????????????

05-16-2013, 04:52 PM
I have this too; It has happened off and on all day. When I go outside and walk or run it seems to help. It is so incredibly terrible feeling what you are describing. I suffer too. Please log back on and let me know how you are doing.