View Full Version : is it common to think everyone is talking about you ?

08-13-2007, 01:31 PM

i know most of time theyre probably not but you know what they say, if you think negatively youll attract negative things.

everytime someone smiles ill think it has something to do with me and i get uncomfortable

09-23-2007, 05:11 PM
hey partner ive certainly been in your shoes....i guess when you're anxious it is normal for one to believe this.....only becasue we become obesssed with our own minds that when we try to think normal such as reflect outward our own obbsessions get distoted an we have a tuff time understand which thoughts are our or th eones given to other things such as people places and things....hang inthere

09-24-2007, 10:54 PM
I get like that at work and with friends too, I bet a lot of people worry about that!

The fact is.....so many people care about just themselves..that when your thinking hey is he/she talking about me? They are REALLY thinking about themselves! Don't worry (easier said that done I know!!) :unsure: