View Full Version : how bad do you panic??

08-13-2007, 09:46 AM
How bad do you panic when you have an anxiety attack?Do you ever worry that it's never going to go away? do you ever feel like you are spinning out of control and that you have to run some where to get help like maybe the hospital??Do you ever feel like crying??
I feel like all of these things and would like to know if anyone can relate...just so I know I am not the only one.Anyone feel any of these things??Even if it's only one or two....Thanks for any responses....

08-13-2007, 02:16 PM
Hey Boobearlove,

When I first had Anxiety attacks I had exactly the same symptoms, I thought I was going to go insain and like you said wanted to run away from anyone (even the people I love). I've been suffering just over 2 years now and find that I dont panic as much anymore and the symptoms are not as bad when I do, I started on Citalopram (40mg) for about 8 months then I went down to 20mg and eventualy 10mg. I find my Anxiety attacks have decreased over time, I hope this helps and I realy feel for you but you are not alone alot of people feel the same way when they have there attacks and I know its not nice at all :(

Hang in there


08-14-2007, 07:16 PM
so sorry to hear that you are suffering :( Yes, i used to have all of those things. it was especially bad when i didn't know what it was and thought i was sick and dying! as you realize that all of the symptoms are anxiety it becomes less scary. hopefully you are seeing a therapist or doing some self-help. Those things can go a long way in recovering more quickly.

best of luck, you're not alone, and you will get better!

08-15-2007, 07:05 AM
Thank you so much for your responses....it really makes a person feel not so much like a freak knowing that your going through symptoms that others are experiencing as well.My anxiety it not too bad right now.But next time I happen to have it's ole ugly head rear up again at least I can feel comfort in knowing that,hey there are others out there like me....and that will absolutely make things alot easier....thank you again.:)