View Full Version : My brain wont shut the f*** up.

05-15-2013, 11:53 AM
Sorry for the language. But that's about how I feel at this point. I've had anxiety pretty much my whole damn life. And it's managed to make my life a living hell for most of it. Irrelevant, repeating intrusive anxiety and thoughts that come from the part of the brain that makes you aware of stuff. It's extremely frustrating and incredibly time consuming and distracting. Not to mention on top of that I'm dealing with the depression that comes from feeling as though I can't be productive at all. Just depression.

I can't stand this shit and don't know how I'm going to handle it.

05-15-2013, 12:09 PM
I feel the same I can't stand this s**t

And incapable to do anything
I m so depressed and sad and it feels like the whole world collapsed around me
I m sick and tired of it

05-15-2013, 02:25 PM
I can relate. My brain never knows when to quit. All I can see all the time is just visions of myself dying or having some crazy health problem. It's kind of ironic that I want to live so much but I forgot how to. I try to keep believing that this is all happening for a reason. Stay strong :)

05-15-2013, 03:08 PM
I feel you guys :/
I'm on the same page..

05-15-2013, 03:11 PM
It stinks because you are alive but not really alive

You can't be happy you can't enjoy anything because you re too busy thinking about your health and all the possible and worse diseases you might catch
What kind of life is this???????

05-15-2013, 08:18 PM
Well, I can't relate to health anxiety as I've only had this briefly when I was younger. But I know that it sucks. I have problems of the same nature ...I think it's all obsessive thoughts, things that repeat to ruminations, to make your life miserable and your head full up with something nearly all day long. If I'm not ruminating, I'm ruminating about ruminating. Or something. I'm not trying to do this. I just can't . I can't just be. My thoughts are always going. I'm so anxious and preoccupied with things . I don't have health anxiety and I don't check faucets or care about getting anxious in front of others. I do however, wake up with a jacked heart rate nearly every morning, with a tortured sleep and a head full of thoughts in the morning. I have various and miscellaneous ruts I fall into with my thinking that are torturous and they come and then I think on them and then they come again. The whole thing feels out of control and I waste hours literally stopping what I'm doing trying to figure these thoughts out somehow. I write notes to myself, ruminate in my head or just generally ask more questions, which produces more thoughts and makes it worse, or fear them coming again somehow. It's a life of fear and anxiety.

Just reading this it seems like I'm obsessive , and what a stupid self creating problem that is. It almost seems mad because like no one has these problems. Obsessive problems from intrusive thoughts. Only a few ...and it's not the main source of their anxiety, I feel so crazy. This is such an insidious problem it just takes a life of its own its alarming how it does.

05-16-2013, 08:23 AM
When mental unrest strikes - cut or unplug straight away. Avoid engaging in any story or analysis. Instead, immediately cut the juice of attention and unplug from the mind. Let it run on it's own without your involvement. This is the marvelousness of impersonal witnessing; simply by keeping one's attention in the state of neutrality, healthy mind returns. Still water comes from leaving it alone, and not in reaching in to try and freeze the ripples.

Thats a quote I've lived my life by. :)