View Full Version : Writing an eBook on Anxiety

Stephen Joseph
05-15-2013, 08:58 AM

I'm looking for some feedback and advice.

I've decided to put together an eBook (free) on the subject of general anxiety, which I have been all too familiar with since I was a young child.

Apart from my own experiences and road to recovery, what things would you, as anxiety sufferers, like to read in such a book?
What would make you open it up (in an online sense) and read it?
Perhaps you could suggest some titles even?

Any inspiration and suggestions would be most helpful.


05-15-2013, 11:02 AM
I think this is a great idea! I don't know about you or anyone else, but one thing that really helped me was my spiritual breakdown!! I was a terrible teenager and pretty awful 20 something girl! A few years ago I had to give it to God! I had to really breakdown and have faith that I was NOT crazy, just a little more imaginative than the normal person! I am by no means a huge Bible Thumper..... Or a preacher! I just realized I have faith! I believe, and I found a confidant in God! Praying really helped me (and Lexapro)..... But I truly believe God is saving me! I am a moral person, honest, and I have 2 wonderful boys and a great husband now at 30! I look at life threw my kids eyes and want more than anything for them NEVER to experience the anxiety I did... And sometimes still have! But I let it pass now... I haven't been to the dr in 2 years(well besides strep)... Not for crazy things! So I want to be happy!!! I made a choice to be happy! I realized God gave me this life I would consider perfect and He is just not gonna take it away from me right now! We, anxiety suffers, and some of the strongest people around.... Unless you suffer, you have no idea what we have been threw.. In our minds.... That makes us strong, resilient, and fighters! I will get threw anything, because in my head, I have been threw everything! Getting faith, i mean real faith, is my advise! I pray your book is a success and that you can really help people who need it! Life is amazing.... Just live it!!!!

05-15-2013, 12:31 PM
I think this is a great idea! I don't know about you or anyone else, but one thing that really helped me was my spiritual breakdown!! I was a terrible teenager and pretty awful 20 something girl! A few years ago I had to give it to God! I had to really breakdown and have faith that I was NOT crazy, just a little more imaginative than the normal person! I am by no means a huge Bible Thumper..... Or a preacher! I just realized I have faith! I believe, and I found a confidant in God! Praying really helped me (and Lexapro)..... But I truly believe God is saving me! I am a moral person, honest, and I have 2 wonderful boys and a great husband now at 30! I look at life threw my kids eyes and want more than anything for them NEVER to experience the anxiety I did... And sometimes still have! But I let it pass now... I haven't been to the dr in 2 years(well besides strep)... Not for crazy things! So I want to be happy!!! I made a choice to be happy! I realized God gave me this life I would consider perfect and He is just not gonna take it away from me right now! We, anxiety suffers, and some of the strongest people around.... Unless you suffer, you have no idea what we have been threw.. In our minds.... That makes us strong, resilient, and fighters! I will get threw anything, because in my head, I have been threw everything! Getting faith, i mean real faith, is my advise! I pray your book is a success and that you can really help people who need it! Life is amazing.... Just live it!!!!

I like this post

You can feel your emotions in it.

God is kinda cool.

05-15-2013, 02:15 PM
I like this post

You can feel your emotions in it.

God is kinda cool.

Thanks! God is cool! He is always there when you wanna talk. And He is free!!!! Ha!

Stephen Joseph
05-16-2013, 05:09 AM
Thank you Forwells for your helpful and detailed advice.

All these suggestions are things I'll take into consideration. Great help!

05-16-2013, 07:12 AM
I am going to do this one day .

First thing i think is to be honest . Most programs are "we can fix you in 21 days " Rubbish . Anxiety takes time to recovery from and people need to understand that .

Second explain things in laymans term but understanding that you trying to do it to a brain that is not working as it should . Explain it like you would to a ten year old .

For sure add a faith section , i believe faith plays a huge part in recovery . faith and religion are not necessarily the same thing

Proof of recovery , some famous people that have over come things .

Diet and eating , forcing yourself to supply your body with what it needs . Simply crap in crap out .

Supps - good ones that can help .

Teaching people to be pro active with their self care and also standing up for themselves with a health system that often dismisses then.

Drugs - the good and bad with no personal opinions . Very important .

Stages of recovery and what happens along the way .

That anxiety / depression is not just a mental , all in your head , your mad disorder but is real and everything you are feeling is normal and can be fixed .

Sounds like you have the chapters down.

You should fill the rest in.

I would read that for sure

05-16-2013, 03:54 PM
I also documented my struggles with anxiety. I can tell you that one thing people who read the book is looking for, are practical examples or things they can do to offset anxiety. Stating your steps to recovery is more than enough.