View Full Version : what pill works better for anxiety

05-14-2013, 10:57 PM
I take 2mg of ativan but all I makes me feel is groggy and when I do fall asleep I have weird dreams. And wake up very jumpy. Could you guys please tell me what you take and how it works for you. Thanks in advance.

05-14-2013, 11:10 PM
I rarely take it but when I do its Klonapin or generic clonazepam. I take it at night before bed and it works great. Clears my mind and worries and gives me a great night sleep. Wake up feeling refreshed and calm.

05-15-2013, 05:00 AM
That's a good amount of ativan. Have you tried 1 mg? Or even 1 1/2 mgs? A longer acting benzo like clonazepam or valium might be better for you. ALankay

05-15-2013, 06:45 AM
That's a good amount of ativan. Have you tried 1 mg? Or even 1 1/2 mgs? A longer acting benzo like clonazepam or valium might be better for you. ALankay

I'm on Ativan. Only 0.5mg which is very small amount. When my blood pressure went crazy the other day I took a total of 5 pills. Though I try not to take them at all for fear of becoming addicted. Yet I cannot go ANYWHERE unless I have them with me or I will have a panic attack for sure. I have a friend who has been on Valium since he was 14. He's like 35 or so now, but I don't know if it is still helping him. I'm so scared to switch to a new med for fear of having side effects or reactions. And now that my liver enzymes are slightly elevated im Leary for sure.

05-15-2013, 10:47 PM
Man, I took ativan for about 45 days. I was taking about 1mg-1.5mg everyday. I tapered off for about a week and still had really bad withdrawals. Never experienced anything like it before. Really bad dizzy/lightheaded spells that made me feel like I was going to faint, with a rapid heartbeat. I'd advise everyone to stay away from it unless you just take it every once in a while to stop a panic attack.