View Full Version : Just so done!

05-14-2013, 07:17 PM
I have anxiety basically all day every day! I'm sick of it!! I'm only 24! I want to enjoy life! Never had this until 2011. My panic attacks have pretty much gone away but not the daily anxiety. I'm happily married, and a mom to a 5 month old that I'm so in love with! Why the anxiety?! Ugh!

05-14-2013, 07:34 PM
Just hang in there.. I know it's tough! :/

05-14-2013, 07:38 PM
Just hang in there.. I know it's tough! :/

That it is. I'm getting so down about it.

05-14-2013, 07:49 PM
The good news is you are looking for ways to beat it and you are young.

You will get past this quickly

05-14-2013, 07:50 PM
That it is. I'm getting so down about it.

Do you get much exercise? I've had it for years and I know when I exercise the most is when my anxiety levels are lower

05-14-2013, 07:52 PM
The good news is you are looking for ways to beat it and you are young.

You will get past this quickly

Thanks Nixon. I am on no meds at all, because my doctor said no since I'm breast feeding. But I can't help but feel maybe I need to try some type of medication to just calm me down a bit. Wish he would let me.

05-14-2013, 07:56 PM
Thanks Nixon. I am on no meds at all, because my doctor said no since I'm breast feeding. But I can't help but feel maybe I need to try some type of medication to just calm me down a bit. Wish he would let me.

I admire your determination to continue to breast feed and I understand you can't take anything

But if you get to a point that you are in a really bad way, at least there are good alternatives with formula these days

You need to be a healthy mom to your baby

Do the best thing for the both of you

05-14-2013, 07:58 PM
Do you get much exercise? I've had it for years and I know when I exercise the most is when my anxiety levels are lower

No... I don't exercise. I want to and know I need to. I can't afford to lose any weight as I'm tiny but I know the endorphins will help. I just have this obsession with my heart and the last time I had a gym membership, I was walking on the treadmill at a slow pace not going crazy and my heart started beating fast and I full blown panicked and my husband and I had to leave the gym. Most of my anxiety stems from thinking I have a heart condition. I always get chest pain, shortness of breath from just walking, weird sensations in my chest like my heart beats odd and flops around or something. I mean my heart races like I've been running just while I change my sons diaper. It's stupid.. Like walking him to his room and changing him is too much exertion or something cause I have to sit and rest afterwards. Very frustrating and scary to say the least!

05-14-2013, 08:04 PM
I admire your determination to continue to breast feed and I understand you can't take anything

But if you get to a point that you are in a really bad way, at least there are good alternatives with formula these days

You need to be a healthy mom to your baby

Do the best thing for the both of you

True Nixon. I've been breast feeding exclusively for almost 6 months. I refuse to do formula, I just do not like it for him. I started making his baby food recently, and am not going to do any store bought food. I purée all his fruits and veggies myself. It's so much healthier for him. I tried Zoloft back in 2011 when I was having panic attacks daily but the Zoloft made me worse so I never took it or anything else ever again. I know woman that have been on anxiety meds such ad Zoloft WHILE PREGNANT so I'm wondering why my doctor won't let me be on something... But if nothing else, I'll just take meds in 6 months to a year when I'm done breast feeding. My child comes first.

05-14-2013, 08:06 PM
No... I don't exercise. I want to and know I need to. I can't afford to lose any weight as I'm tiny but I know the endorphins will help. I just have this obsession with my heart and the last time I had a gym membership, I was walking on the treadmill at a slow pace not going crazy and my heart started beating fast and I full blown panicked and my husband and I had to leave the gym. Most of my anxiety stems from thinking I have a heart condition. I always get chest pain, shortness of breath from just walking, weird sensations in my chest like my heart beats odd and flops around or something. I mean my heart races like I've been running just while I change my sons diaper. It's stupid.. Like walking him to his room and changing him is too much exertion or something cause I have to sit and rest afterwards. Very frustrating and scary to say the least!

I can empathize with that totally, like I know I need to exercise more, but any exercise raises heart beat, racing heart beat reminds me of panicking/anxiety and it just escalates. Like so many times I have been told that you can't die from panick attacks etc, but there's just something that doesn't believe it totally in my mind aha, it is soo frustrating and irritating. Like if I get any pain, like you know when you get a back pain but it feels like your chest aha I will feel the left side of my chest and if I don't like feel a beat straight away it makes me panic straight away! I'm such a weird one!

05-14-2013, 08:06 PM
True Nixon. I've been breast feeding exclusively for almost 6 months. I refuse to do formula, I just do not like it for him. I started making his baby food recently, and am not going to do any store bought food. I purée all his fruits and veggies myself. It's so much healthier for him. I tried Zoloft back in 2011 when I was having panic attacks daily but the Zoloft made me worse so I never took it or anything else ever again. I know woman that have been on anxiety meds such ad Zoloft WHILE PREGNANT so I'm wondering why my doctor won't let me be on something... But if nothing else, I'll just take meds in 6 months to a year when I'm done breast feeding. My child comes first.

You are pretty impressive

I like your style, Missy. : )

05-14-2013, 08:09 PM
You are pretty impressive

I like your style, Missy. : )

Thanks Nixon! :)

05-14-2013, 08:15 PM
I can empathize with that totally, like I know I need to exercise more, but any exercise raises heart beat, racing heart beat reminds me of panicking/anxiety and it just escalates. Like so many times I have been told that you can't die from panick attacks etc, but there's just something that doesn't believe it totally in my mind aha, it is soo frustrating and irritating. Like if I get any pain, like you know when you get a back pain but it feels like your chest aha I will feel the left side of my chest and if I don't like feel a beat straight away it makes me panic straight away! I'm such a weird one!

I do the same thing! Pain in back or whatever and I think it's my chest/heart.

05-14-2013, 08:17 PM
I do the same thing! Pain in back or whatever and I think it's my chest/heart.

I think it's all us getting used to thinking in a negative way to be honest, trying to train myself to put a positive spin on everything!

05-14-2013, 08:26 PM
I think it's all us getting used to thinking in a negative way to be honest, trying to train myself to put a positive spin on everything!

Yes! I need to be more positive for sure!! But I always hear of someone dying of a heart attack, cancer, etc like every day, life is cruel, but I didn't used to let any of these worries bother me. I wanna get back to that!

05-14-2013, 08:33 PM
Yes! I need to be more positive for sure!! But I always hear of someone dying of a heart attack, cancer, etc like every day, life is cruel, but I didn't used to let any of these worries bother me. I wanna get back to that!

Yup exactly the same ehe, and I know it's so hard, I wish I could use my own advise tbh, I try to not care about anything, kind of like be care free, if something great happens in life, role with it, embrace and enjoy it, if it doesn't then try to think more positively like, well next time it will be better, look at the anxiety like it's something trying to ruin your dreams and fight it, because you can and you will, promise!

05-14-2013, 08:37 PM
Yup exactly the same ehe, and I know it's so hard, I wish I could use my own advise tbh, I try to not care about anything, kind of like be care free, if something great happens in life, role with it, embrace and enjoy it, if it doesn't then try to think more positively like, well next time it will be better, look at the anxiety like it's something trying to ruin your dreams and fight it, because you can and you will, promise!

That sounds like a very good way to look at it and go about it. I'm reading a book called Battlefield of the Mind and it talks a lot about anxiety and the nonsense of obsessive worrying. It's like I am in fact, in a battle with my mind.

05-14-2013, 08:52 PM
That sounds like a very good way to look at it and go about it. I'm reading a book called Battlefield of the Mind and it talks a lot about anxiety and the nonsense of obsessive worrying. It's like I am in fact, in a battle with my mind.

reading is one thing that I'm jealous of everybody who's into it, I just can't concentrate long enough to read a book ;/

05-14-2013, 08:55 PM
If just had a baby your hormones could be causing you problems. I have had trouble with hormones over 28 years on and off and depression from them gets really bad. A few of us on forum have hormone problems so few of us to talk to who understand if you want to talk about it.

05-14-2013, 09:01 PM
If just had a baby your hormones could be causing you problems. I have had trouble with hormones over 28 years on and off and depression from them gets really bad. A few of us on forum have hormone problems so few of us to talk to who understand if you want to talk about it.

Is a hormone problem something my doctor can check for? Lol is that a dumb question?

05-14-2013, 09:05 PM
reading is one thing that I'm jealous of everybody who's into it, I just can't concentrate long enough to read a book ;/

I get bored with books easily but for some reason this one interests me.

05-14-2013, 09:10 PM
reading is one thing that I'm jealous of everybody who's into it, I just can't concentrate long enough to read a book ;/

Books generally bore me too but for some reason this one interests me.

05-14-2013, 09:13 PM
Books generally bore me too but for some reason this one interests me.

Interesting, might be worth looking up, maybe it's because it's something we can relate to?

05-14-2013, 09:30 PM
I can't read when depressed either - it goes evey time. Although i can do it at work if need to., which I find strange. I have found I read magazines better as just little articles so only read a little bit at time. Can't keep a story line in my head at all to read a novel. Even downloaded a free talking book on to ipod and still can't keep story in my head. I have bought lots of books this time on meditation, mindfulness, anxiety etc all recommended by people and find I can only dip into them too and not read them properly. But obsessed, so keep buying more because think they will help, even if only dip into them.

05-14-2013, 09:52 PM
Interesting, might be worth looking up, maybe it's because it's something we can relate to?

It's a Christian book with Bible verses and such... If you're into that stuff.

05-15-2013, 02:05 AM
Up phụ bạn hiền. rảnh phụ měnh chữ ký nha. thanks

05-15-2013, 07:30 AM
That sounds like a very good way to look at it and go about it. I'm reading a book called Battlefield of the Mind and it talks a lot about anxiety and the nonsense of obsessive worrying. It's like I am in fact, in a battle with my mind.

This is the exact same way I feel!!!! I as well have this book: Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. It's helped me a MANY sleepless nights! also try books on fear - Max Lucado has several. Trust me I used to hate reading- but these but you cannot put down!!!! I promise!!!

05-15-2013, 09:44 AM
This is the exact same way I feel!!!! I as well have this book: Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. It's helped me a MANY sleepless nights! also try books on fear - Max Lucado has several. Trust me I used to hate reading- but these but you cannot put down!!!! I promise!!!

Joyce Meyers is supposed to be gd as she's dealt with a lot ov things ... She's also very straight 2 the point

05-15-2013, 11:05 AM
Haven't heard of Joyce Meyers but think husband already having a heart attack when another book arrives from Amazon! Absolutely obsessed at moment, have to have it, then can't read it only dip into it!!!
But keep thinking just one bit of info is going to just put me right, and I might be missing the chance by not getting that one book I didn't get!!
Anyone else so obsessed?