View Full Version : Lonely

05-14-2013, 06:30 PM
Sometime I feel really stupid that I joined this forum just because I read through all the struggles people are going through with different types of anxiety and here I am struggling with my anxiety over my ex. That's the whole reason why I'm on 25 mg of Zoloft. I feel stupid. It's about to be 7 months till the break up and here I am in bed all sad about it. I should be studying for my finals for college but I'm just not in the mood. I'm not always like this just particularly today. I mean the guy freaking cheated on me and I found out. I am still do this heart broken. I'm not the type of girl who will plan some sort of revenge or tell the other girl that he was cheating on you as well. It's just so dreaming jumbled up! I have a lot going on for me and for once I'm actually really proud of myself. But I miss having a guy around. I feel alone. I have friends I have my family and my puppy but the feeling from a guy is more to me than any of those. It hurts me to say that but I really feel it :(
I hope I get out of this feeling because he's happy and I should be as well. I'm finally weaning off Zoloft tomorrow. I've been on it for 5 months and I think it's time for me to enjoy my summer and hopefully not go back to the meds!

05-14-2013, 10:50 PM
Sometime I feel really stupid that I joined this forum just because I read through all the struggles people are going through with different types of anxiety and here I am struggling with my anxiety over my ex. That's the whole reason why I'm on 25 mg of Zoloft. I feel stupid. It's about to be 7 months till the break up and here I am in bed all sad about it. I should be studying for my finals for college but I'm just not in the mood. I'm not always like this just particularly today. I mean the guy freaking cheated on me and I found out. I am still do this heart broken. I'm not the type of girl who will plan some sort of revenge or tell the other girl that he was cheating on you as well. It's just so dreaming jumbled up! I have a lot going on for me and for once I'm actually really proud of myself. But I miss having a guy around. I feel alone. I have friends I have my family and my puppy but the feeling from a guy is more to me than any of those. It hurts me to say that but I really feel it :(
I hope I get out of this feeling because he's happy and I should be as well. I'm finally weaning off Zoloft tomorrow. I've been on it for 5 months and I think it's time for me to enjoy my summer and hopefully not go back to the meds!

Ya meet more people out there, have fun enjoy your youth. Once you find another guy you will quickly forget this other cheating loser.