View Full Version : Panic away

05-14-2013, 03:42 PM
Hi guys, new to this...just wondering if any of you can help?!

I currently suffer with servere anxiety (convinced myself I'm dying and have a brain tumour) it all started a few month ago out of the blue I started having panic attacks (never had the, before and don't understand why I got them...I'm at the happiest time of my life!) well was the happiest time until I got my self into this black hole of anxiety! I have now managed to control my panic attacks and now thankfully haven't had one for over a month now. But now the biggest problem is my head...I'm constantly worrying, obsessing over every little ache and pain, I'm convinced I'm going to die basically.
I've looked up all sorts but they all say the same thing but they don't really do anything for me, but one thing has caught my eye...something called "panic away" I'm just wondering if it is as good as everyone says and can cure you? I'd appreciate if anyone has tried it to let me know please, I also don't have £125 to buy it so has anyone got it and I can buy it off them?
Thank you for looking and helping in advance
Kind regards
Maxie x

05-15-2013, 12:54 AM
Hi guys, new to this...just wondering if any of you can help?!

I currently suffer with servere anxiety (convinced myself I'm dying and have a brain tumour) it all started a few month ago out of the blue I started having panic attacks (never had the, before and don't understand why I got them...I'm at the happiest time of my life!) well was the happiest time until I got my self into this black hole of anxiety! I have now managed to control my panic attacks and now thankfully haven't had one for over a month now. But now the biggest problem is my head...I'm constantly worrying, obsessing over every little ache and pain, I'm convinced I'm going to die basically.
I've looked up all sorts but they all say the same thing but they don't really do anything for me, but one thing has caught my eye...something called "panic away" I'm just wondering if it is as good as everyone says and can cure you? I'd appreciate if anyone has tried it to let me know please, I also don't have £125 to buy it so has anyone got it and I can buy it off them?
Thank you for looking and helping in advance
Kind regards
Maxie x

I tried it , it tells u while ur panicking to ask for more . And 21 second to breathing and 7 minutes to think - I forget I don't use it.

05-15-2013, 06:05 AM
Hi there thanks for your reply, any chance you can give me anymore information?

05-15-2013, 01:09 PM
im uploading it for u

05-15-2013, 01:14 PM
damn i dunno how to

05-15-2013, 02:36 PM
Is that basically the same? Coz I've spent hours on the web searching and I get the same thing...relax, take deep breaths, think positive but nothing works! :-/

05-15-2013, 02:36 PM
damn i dunno how to

Shall I send you my email and see if that works?

05-15-2013, 04:45 PM
Shall I send you my email and see if that works?


05-15-2013, 06:57 PM
Hi guys, new to this...just wondering if any of you can help?!

I currently suffer with servere anxiety (convinced myself I'm dying and have a brain tumour) it all started a few month ago out of the blue I started having panic attacks (never had the, before and don't understand why I got them...I'm at the happiest time of my life!) well was the happiest time until I got my self into this black hole of anxiety! I have now managed to control my panic attacks and now thankfully haven't had one for over a month now. But now the biggest problem is my head...I'm constantly worrying, obsessing over every little ache and pain, I'm convinced I'm going to die basically.
I've looked up all sorts but they all say the same thing but they don't really do anything for me, but one thing has caught my eye...something called "panic away" I'm just wondering if it is as good as everyone says and can cure you? I'd appreciate if anyone has tried it to let me know please, I also don't have £125 to buy it so has anyone got it and I can buy it off them?
Thank you for looking and helping in advance
Kind regards
Maxie x

I actually use this program! I started using it a while back and they have a thing called the 7 minute exercise, and 21 second exercise. The 7 minute one works great for me. I wrote a review on it and ironically just posted in another forum about it a few minutes ago, lol. It's on my blog at jasonkevans.com/blog. You can get an idea of what it has done for me if that helps. Any questions about it, message me.

05-15-2013, 06:59 PM
I tried it , it tells u while ur panicking to ask for more . And 21 second to breathing and 7 minutes to think - I forget I don't use it.

Yea, it mentions in there about people having fear of fear and how common it is, and it actually encourages you to accept the attacks. Crazy, but it works.

05-17-2013, 03:20 PM
Yea, it mentions in there about people having fear of fear and how common it is, and it actually encourages you to accept the attacks. Crazy, but it works.

It seems to be the only one that has caught my eye...I got worse yest n had a massive break down at work...my mum took me straight to docs n I've been put on citaloram (anti depressant) :-/ but I don't want to rely on pills...I want to do it my self, I have reached breaking point now and need something to help me...I don't want this anymore...I keep thinking back at what I was like...a strong woman who didn't have a single worry & got on "normal'...I want that person back!

05-17-2013, 03:29 PM
It seems to be the only one that has caught my eye...I got worse yest n had a massive break down at work...my mum took me straight to docs n I've been put on citaloram (anti depressant) :-/ but I don't want to rely on pills...I want to do it my self, I have reached breaking point now and need something to help me...I don't want this anymore...I keep thinking back at what I was like...a strong woman who didn't have a single worry & got on "normal'...I want that person back!

Yea, me too. That's why I checked it out. I wouldn't have got it if I hadn't tried others things that didn't work first :/ It's tough losing who you were, but I think this also has a lot to do with time than anything. What age were you when you remember last that you were not having break downs or felt like a different person? Was in before your late 20s? If so, that is common for most to experience around that age area. The good thing is, natural treatment regardless of age works great if you accept it as a way of improvement. I hate medicine for anxiety. Most of it makes me feel blah. The one I take now supplements my techniques, but I am finding that I am back to less than one pill a day rather than the recommended two per day everyday because I am following different methods other than tricking my mind.

Asking for help great! And doing it yourself is even better! If you have the courage to accept, than you are taking the only essential step to making it better without anyone else so don't feel that if you get help or do it yourself is one better than the other. Help is help and consistency is key. If you really want to be the person you used to be, you have to adapt any option possible and experiment with what works for you best.....medicine or natural techniques....do it all! I really hope you find what works best soon! If you ever wanna talk about it, message me :)

05-17-2013, 03:34 PM
It seems to be the only one that has caught my eye...I got worse yest n had a massive break down at work...my mum took me straight to docs n I've been put on citaloram (anti depressant) :-/ but I don't want to rely on pills...I want to do it my self, I have reached breaking point now and need something to help me...I don't want this anymore...I keep thinking back at what I was like...a strong woman who didn't have a single worry & got on "normal'...I want that person back!

Oh, instead of googling it also, you can download it from my blog too......that panic away program. Just letting you know :)

05-17-2013, 04:21 PM
Oh, instead of googling it also, you can download it from my blog too......that panic away program. Just letting you know :)

You have got to pay for it though :-/

05-17-2013, 08:20 PM
Yea, it's not free :/