View Full Version : Please, Need Help! Give me advice

05-14-2013, 02:13 PM
Hello guys. I''m a male at my age of 19. My problems might just sound small to you guys. But i really appreciate it if you guys could help me out.
I feel very depressed and lost in my life. Could somebody please be very generous to give me some advice and help me out? I actually feels very worried and depressed in living. I don't know what to follow in my life. I wanted to be a very successful person, and i try to act as one. but yet again, i feel so weak at one time and i just feel like giving up and do nothing. In the end, i couldn't stay being strong and breaks. sometimes, I feel very lost and nobody can understand me. I sometimes get ignored easily in my society. I feel like they love to order me around I also procrastinate lots things and i don't feel like doing much of things. These procrastination things often get me and my close friends into a bad relationships whenever we are doing our project work. These things just make me feel more depressed and worse. Especially i am trying to get a good results for my project. and again, i don't have much friends and don't talk much with other people. Just to add on, i have a girlfriend and she is being so caring to me. however, whenever i get into this state,i never talk about this problem to her. I just try not to bother her with this problem of my own. It will be great if somebody could please give me advice on where i should start on relieving this depression.

05-17-2013, 01:55 PM
Have you seen a therapist? That might be a good place to start. Perhaps a low dose of something might help you get yourself out of this hole. There is a book by Dale Carnegy called How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. Might help and of course I always take my situations to the Man above. Not knowing your faith please don't think I am offending you. You might mediatate on positive statements. I hate to see a young man full of so much life but lost. How are you doing today?

05-18-2013, 09:54 PM
hei there half2teach. How are you there? and thanks for asking! it's a good thing to know somebody still care to ask. I think i am getting better after these few days. But i believe the feeling will come by again next time. I also feel sad and frustrated to be in this condition too. That's what i am trying to change. I've never seen a therapist before. will it help much? I feel it's strange to go to a therapist actually, and so i've never think of going there. I've actually read a book of dale carnegie also about how to find friends, and i think it's good. So, i think i will go and find the book u recommended for my reading.

05-18-2013, 10:42 PM
I know how you feel man, I too am 19 and get quite depressed along with anxiety. I agree with half2, see a therapist and try and work things out. Also another good book I suggest reading is Super Brain, by Deepak Chopra, it teaches a lot of stuff about your brain and how you can control your anxiety and depression simply with your own thoughts.

Do you go to school or have a job? Either of these will take your mind of anxiety and depression and give you something to do. I've been staying in my house for 7 months with nothing to really do and recently got hired for a new job, hopefully it was somewhat help, I'll let you know later!

05-18-2013, 11:27 PM
Hey Ahlstrom. Have you seen a therapist before?? Man, no hard feelings. but it's good to know that i'm not the only one facing this problem.
I am currently attending my university and going to graduate within months time. but the time i spend there is not kinda helping, since there is not much of activity happening except studies and exam coming up. I'd love to hear about your job and hope you love it!

05-19-2013, 07:02 AM
You answered a question relating to one of the problems in your life and mind, in your first post. "I don't talk much to other people, I have a girlfriend but whenever I feel like this I don't talk to her about it because I don't want to bother her"..

This problem is our own problem, however, you can not even begin to fix this problem, on your own.

That's why you're here.

Open up to those that care about, you. Those in your inner circle of life. Those nearest to you. Those you have the blessing to be able to talk too. Those who will listen, regardless if they understand, if they care too, they will try.

The depression demons feed on those who try to hide and conceal it.

Stop trying to keep it from others because in turn, you cause them to worry, fret, concern, and to spend their own mind energy to try to figure out what's wrong..with you.


05-19-2013, 08:26 PM
Hei there e-man. First of all. I wanna say THANK YOU ! I really am greateful for your advice. I don't know why I didn't realize that important point you are saying. Yea, I'm going to try and fix this up. I will try and be more open towards to them. And thanks again, for reminding on how important they are in my life. You're the (e)-Man!

05-19-2013, 10:24 PM
So pleased E-man been able to help you.

It is so easy with illness to become introverted and not ask for the help and support you need. Hope your family are able to be helpful and supportive.

But not worry if some of your family are unable to help or understand - it is very hard for people who have never had mental illness to understand it.

Hope you get on well.

05-19-2013, 10:32 PM
Hey Ahlstrom. Have you seen a therapist before?? Man, no hard feelings. but it's good to know that i'm not the only one facing this problem.
I am currently attending my university and going to graduate within months time. but the time i spend there is not kinda helping, since there is not much of activity happening except studies and exam coming up. I'd love to hear about your job and hope you love it!

Yes, I've been going to a therapist once a week for about 3 or so months. My anxiety disorder and depression came out of its shell one night when I drank too much and smoked a joint, my heart went racing and I wound up in the ER, ever since then I've had anxiety disorder, because of that the smell of burning marijuana caused me to have panic attacks, my therapist helped me make my self insensitive to the smell of weed through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. If you're going to see a therapist make sure you get a good one and also ask if they do Cognitive Therapy.

How into your university are you? Are you determined and excited for whatever major (if any) you're attempting to get? I was in college for a while and failed two semesters because I simply didn't want to be there and didn't have a goal. That in turn caused me more anxiety.

I don't know how you're depression is, but mine on recently came up within 2 weeks ago. I found that my best way to cope with depression is to face it head on; get angry at it and vow to destroy it. Depression will most likely go away eventually, and sometimes it can return for no apparent reason, if you've gotten rid of it once you can do it again.

05-20-2013, 11:05 PM
Yes, I've been going to a therapist once a week for about 3 or so months. My anxiety disorder and depression came out of its shell one night when I drank too much and smoked a joint, my heart went racing and I wound up in the ER, ever since then I've had anxiety disorder, because of that the smell of burning marijuana caused me to have panic attacks, my therapist helped me make my self insensitive to the smell of weed through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. If you're going to see a therapist make sure you get a good one and also ask if they do Cognitive Therapy.

How into your university are you? Are you determined and excited for whatever major (if any) you're attempting to get? I was in college for a while and failed two semesters because I simply didn't want to be there and didn't have a goal. That in turn caused me more anxiety.

I don't know how you're depression is, but mine on recently came up within 2 weeks ago. I found that my best way to cope with depression is to face it head on; get angry at it and vow to destroy it. Depression will most likely go away eventually, and sometimes it can return for no apparent reason, if you've gotten rid of it once you can do it again.

I hope u get over your panic attack soon. i bet it must be very irritating just to be panic because of smelling some scents like that.

I took a major that i love. however, recently i couldn't cope up with it. and ever since that, i'm feeling a little bit left behind over several subjects. though i was still in the mood for my university life. The thing i encountered actually the same with you. i hadn't figure out what my goal in life is. all i know is, i'm going to get my job and earn money after that. is that considered as a big goal? i kinda wonder sometimes.

you know Ahlstrom. I think i'm gonna think the same way like you and start to face ahead my depression. i can't and shouldn't be worrying about it while doing nothing much. Thanks for sharing your life lesson man.