View Full Version : Can't stop worrying!!!

05-14-2013, 05:20 AM
Has anyone experienced anxiety with constant state of worrying? I have been diagnosed with gad/anxiety.... I take cymbalta, at a high dose. It's supposed to be the only med (along with Effexor) to help with anxiety along with the worrying, well that's what my doctor says. Because it has 2 different ingredients in it or something. But, I still have it... I worry to the point of stressing out. I worry about my grandma, about if I park my car too close to another. Just the littlest things at times.
Anyone have same disorder? And what type of meds help? Thanks!! :-)

Jen xxxooo

05-14-2013, 06:41 AM
I believe a lot of people are in the same boat. How long have you been on the medication? Perhaps ask your doctor if they can recommedn a therapist. If medication on it's own doesn't help the worrying it would be best to talk to a professional about it. Have you read much about anxiety? The more you read and udnerstand it the less it should worry and stress you out. It's difficult getting through the day to day with worrying and feleing anxious constantly but you can get better. it's not an overnight cure and it does take time but it can certianly be done.

Whlist you wait to hear about a therapist look at your diet to see if that can be improved. Perhaps try and do some exercise regime if you don't already to help relieve the pent up stress and adrnelaine caused by anxiety and the over active fight or flight response to perceived danger (your worries and fears).

Apart from that try and rationalize your fears. Instead of responding with emotions when a stressful situation occurs try and logically rationalize the situation so anxiety doesn't build up and emotional responses don't get the better of you. Do your best to reduce stress and you will find the anxiety will start to subside.


05-15-2013, 05:09 AM
Thank you for your wonderful response. It was very helpful. I have been on cymbalta fir about 4 years. Overall it helps quit a bit. But there are times it comes back. Yes i agree, exercise may help. I have started walking my dog alot lately. About 5 miles a day. And does relieve some anxiety and worrying. Also that is something i had wanted to read into id about GAD. And yes, it does all take time. And being consistent with help( exercise, therapy) therapy is something iam going to do within the week. It may help me a great deal. And even starting on here has helped me alot already :-) and i feel good helping others on here as well
And the last part is something that i definitely need to do. You hit it right on the head. I need to take a step back and try to rational things as so things dont build up. Its difficult, but i got to take it one day at a time and its not gonna be fixed over night. Thank you, you offered great advice for me!! Honestly :-) I will put that last part on a note and remind myself of it daily ;-)
Be well

05-15-2013, 10:57 PM
I believe I have GAD as well. My Dr actually diagnosed me with it. My problem is that all day everyday I'm worried about my health and in return I get physical symptoms almost everyday like headaches, lightheaded and big time indigestion. These symptoms then make me worry even more that something really IS wrong with me, physically. What's really interesting is that a couple times I've felt my heart beating faster than normal while standing(about 90bpm) when it's usually around 70 while standing. While this was happening I got so mad and threw a little tantrum. I basically yelled for a minute or so and threw a couple things across my room. Literally right after my fit my heart rate went down to 70 like normal and I felt so much better. Sometimes when I make myself cry I feel so relieved afterwards too.

05-16-2013, 03:52 AM
I believe I have GAD as well. My Dr actually diagnosed me with it. My problem is that all day everyday I'm worried about my health and in return I get physical symptoms almost everyday like headaches, lightheaded and big time indigestion. These symptoms then make me worry even more that something really IS wrong with me, physically. What's really interesting is that a couple times I've felt my heart beating faster than normal while standing(about 90bpm) when it's usually around 70 while standing. While this was happening I got so mad and threw a little tantrum. I basically yelled for a minute or so and threw a couple things across my room. Literally right after my fit my heart rate went down to 70 like normal and I felt so much better. Sometimes when I make myself cry I feel so relieved afterwards too.

Hi chad, i was so anxious at my doctors that my heart rate was at 130! And should be around 70. Nurse said she wouldve been happy with 100. But it did not go down. I eas a wreck!!!