View Full Version : Please help an exchange student

05-13-2013, 06:55 PM
Hi! :)

If someone would help me and could read my story I would greatly apptreciate it!

My story:

I am an exchange student in the US and came here 10 months ago. I would turn out to be a nightmare. When I first arrived I had a really good time. But really soon I had great problems with who I was living with. A depressive and violent family with three little children that nobody took care of. The house was a mess and I thought about changing.
I was a soccer player back then.

So, one time at practise I headed a soccer ball and got a headache. I am overly anxious about my health sometimes and was immediately thinking about a concussion.
Turned out it was one. But just really mild. Well, in the time when rest was required nobody took care and I basically did not rest.

I was fine beside the deralization I got. I started to worry, to google and got more and more anxious.
Before that I already suffered from social anxiety.
Everybody told me that I had post concussion syndrome. I even went to ER but nothing could be found. On top of things I decided to change host families. I found one by myself. It was the most stressful time of my life.

But instead of enjoying the time with a new awesome host family I got more and more depressed. I would’t do anything which could damage my brain.
No quick headmovements, no sport, no homework etc.
I worried and worried, went into concussion forums and what I read dragged more into that and I though my brain was damaged. I thought a lot about dying and stuff.
After 2 MRI and 1 EEG I was finally reffered to a Neuro Psychologist after 7 months of continues brain damage thinking.There wasn’t a second I did not think about the symtoms I am experiencing.

-Visual Snow
-Hot an cold flashes
-green flashes of light
-unsteadiness(can not feel my feet)
-muscle spasm
-tension headaches

All this developed slowly(beside the derealization).

The Neuropsychologist told me that she does no think that I am concussed anymore and what I was experiencing is a mixture out of anxiety and hormone issues( i have pcos). After that my Neurologist told me I wasn't having a concussion anymore. I strongly agree.

It was like someone hit me in the face. I should have been happy but now I was googling other stuff.

I am just interested what other anxiety sufferers think? Are this common anxiety symptoms? I have to stop worrying to get rid of the symptoms but I can't calm my mind because I constantely fear I have something else then anxiety.

05-13-2013, 11:04 PM
Sounds like anxiety to me hun. I have health anxiety and always think something is wrong with me too. And I google stuff and then get worked up. It's a vicious cycle. Don't Google!!!

05-14-2013, 12:28 AM
Hi! :)

If someone would help me and could read my story I would greatly apptreciate it!

My story:

I am an exchange student in the US and came here 10 months ago. I would turn out to be a nightmare. When I first arrived I had a really good time. But really soon I had great problems with who I was living with. A depressive and violent family with three little children that nobody took care of. The house was a mess and I thought about changing.
I was a soccer player back then.

So, one time at practise I headed a soccer ball and got a headache. I am overly anxious about my health sometimes and was immediately thinking about a concussion.
Turned out it was one. But just really mild. Well, in the time when rest was required nobody took care and I basically did not rest.

I was fine beside the deralization I got. I started to worry, to google and got more and more anxious.
Before that I already suffered from social anxiety.
Everybody told me that I had post concussion syndrome. I even went to ER but nothing could be found. On top of things I decided to change host families. I found one by myself. It was the most stressful time of my life.

But instead of enjoying the time with a new awesome host family I got more and more depressed. I would’t do anything which could damage my brain.
No quick headmovements, no sport, no homework etc.
I worried and worried, went into concussion forums and what I read dragged more into that and I though my brain was damaged. I thought a lot about dying and stuff.
After 2 MRI and 1 EEG I was finally reffered to a Neuro Psychologist after 7 months of continues brain damage thinking.There wasn’t a second I did not think about the symtoms I am experiencing.

-Visual Snow
-Hot an cold flashes
-green flashes of light
-unsteadiness(can not feel my feet)
-muscle spasm
-tension headaches

All this developed slowly(beside the derealization).

The Neuropsychologist told me that she does no think that I am concussed anymore and what I was experiencing is a mixture out of anxiety and hormone issues( i have pcos). After that my Neurologist told me I wasn't having a concussion anymore. I strongly agree.

It was like someone hit me in the face. I should have been happy but now I was googling other stuff.

I am just interested what other anxiety sufferers think? Are this common anxiety symptoms? I have to stop worrying to get rid of the symptoms but I can't calm my mind because I constantely fear I have something else then anxiety.

I agree DONT GOOGLE!! Take Care x

05-14-2013, 12:29 AM
Dr. Google is mean and bad!!
I used to do that.and not gonna lie I still do but we must not do it!

05-14-2013, 01:25 AM
If you are going to google put in "Anxiety" first and then the symptom. You'll soon see how common these symptoms are with anxiety. Worrying about the symptoms is what causes new ones and makes the crurent symptoms last longer.

Your body gives out these symptoms because it is stressed and full of worry and simply worn out. When a symptom comes along its a sign the body wants rest. What it doesn't want/need is more stress and worry about the symptom because it's pushing you further away from recovering.

Your body wants you to recover. Therefore you need to do your best to let it. Read about anxiety, try and understand it more. There's helpful stickies at the top of this forum. Read them, try and understadn and gain knowledge of anxiety and how it affects you. By doing this you remove the fear and stress and in time the symptoms will lessen.

There is no overnight cure, it takes time and practice to not react emotionally to symptoms but rationally.

Hope you feel better soon.


05-14-2013, 03:59 AM
If you are going to google put in "Anxiety" first and then the symptom. You'll soon see how common these symptoms are with anxiety. Worrying about the symptoms is what causes new ones and makes the crurent symptoms last longer.

Your body gives out these symptoms because it is stressed and full of worry and simply worn out. When a symptom comes along its a sign the body wants rest. What it doesn't want/need is more stress and worry about the symptom because it's pushing you further away from recovering.

Your body wants you to recover. Therefore you need to do your best to let it. Read about anxiety, try and understand it more. There's helpful stickies at the top of this forum. Read them, try and understadn and gain knowledge of anxiety and how it affects you. By doing this you remove the fear and stress and in time the symptoms will lessen.

There is no overnight cure, it takes time and practice to not react emotionally to symptoms but rationally.

Hope you feel better soon.


Your spot on Ed!! :-)

05-14-2013, 06:07 AM
Sounds like anxiety which more often than not develops in early adulthood. Alankay

05-14-2013, 06:24 AM
Thank you for answering! That calms me down a lot. :)
I have one more question. Anxiety can cause vertigo problems, right?
I had vestibular theaphie for my vertigo problems and it was fixed acoording to the therapists.
But when I turn my head really quickly I still get strong headaches. Sometimes normal ones, sometiems ead pressure ones and sometimes it's just pressure on my nose. I am mostly concerned about the normal ones.
I have to admit that I am totally anxious and avoiding about turning my head too fast. Could anxiety cause headaches? Normal ones as well?
I am scared of the clicking and cruching sound in my head too, which appeaer while moving the head from side to side. That's since the concussion. The doctors say it should not harm me, if it doesn not hurt.
I had MRIs of my brain, neck and my soil and nothing was wrong.
Having a hard time not to google.
Thanks a lot for elping.

05-14-2013, 06:36 AM
Perhaps visit a chiropractor you might find it helpful?


05-14-2013, 02:27 PM
I have seen a chiropraktiker. My vistibular system is fixed and the headaches should be gone. I am really confused. My muscles in my neck are exrtemly tense though and that most of the day due to anxiety. I can go jogging, I can jump but when I move my head vilonetly I get headaches. Like I said, all the scannings of my neck and soil showed nothing, my inner ear issues are fixed. Still wondering if anxiety might cause headaches?
I have enough of disturbed tinking. I reached a level of exhaustion but can't stop googling that headache think and what i read is scary. Google is evil.

05-14-2013, 02:35 PM
I have seen a chiropraktiker. My vistibular system is fixed and the headaches should be gone. I am really confused. My muscles in my neck are exrtemly tense though and that most of the day due to anxiety. I can go jogging, I can jump but when I move my head vilonetly I get headaches. Like I said, all the scannings of my neck and soil showed nothing, my inner ear issues are fixed. Still wondering if anxiety might cause headaches?
I have enough of disturbed tinking. I reached a level of exhaustion but can't stop googling that headache think and what i read is scary. Google is evil.